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Approved NPC Corles Nalbina

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  • Age: 45
  • Force Sensitivity: Master-level Force User
  • Species: Arkanian Offshoot-Human Hybrid
  • Appearance: Corles is a thin, lanky man measuring 1.89 meters tall and 60 kilograms. Corles shares the pale skin of many of his species, with intelligent dark green eyes behind hi-tech analysis glasses he designed himself. He wears his jet black hair, a trait inherited from his father, long and is typically wearing a lab coat that appears pristine, but if one id perceptive enough, they might find evidence of his latest experiment on the sleeves or hem.
  • Name: Corles Nalbina
  • Loyalties:
    • Taeli Raaf/Darth Arcanix in her role as Lady of Secrets
    • Order of Arcane Syn
    • Freelance work
  • Wealth: Corles is relatively wealthy as he is able to draw upon the resources of Taeli Raaf and her power base, but he has also accrued some wealth from his freelance work in the underworld or for certain governments and individuals.
  • Notable Possessions:
    • IBIS Drone
    • MUUR V-25 Capsule concealed on his person
    • Various scanners and equipment for his work
    • Alchemical ingredients and equipment
  • Skills:
    • Force Abilities
      • Sith Alchemy - Master
      • Sith Magic - Master
      • Force Corrupt - Master
      • Beast Control - Master
    • Other Abilities
      • Extensive knowledge in the field of anatomy, both humanoids and creatures
      • Extensive knowledge in the fields of genetics and cloning
  • Personality: Corles is what any laybeing would think of when they consider what a Sith alchemist might be; a cruel sociopath that alters and twists anything and everything he comes in contact with. The man has absolutely no morals or ethical lines he would never consider crossing in the pursuit of knowledge and results in his experiments. Devoid of a conscience, he does not care if the subjects he is working on are sentient or not and has no qualms about torturing a subject physically, emotionally, or psychologically just to see what their reactions might be and to acquire more data. Highly intelligent and analytical, the man is able to come up with plans and scenarios in rapid succession, and prides himself on being able to outthink and outmaneuver others.
  • Weapon of Choice: The Force
  • Combat Function: Corles' combat skills have not been developed, nor does the man seek out combat. If forced into battle, he relies upon controlling his creations or other nearby beings through the Force, and tricking or maneuvering his opponent into a situation where he can capture them and take them to a laboratory.
  • Corles is a immensely skilled practitioner of Sith Alchemy and Sith Magic, able to quickly create extremely dangerous monsters and Sithspawn in the course of his research and for use by his dark mistress for her plans.
  • Besides being a master alchemist and sorcerer, Corles is equally able as a geneticist and biologist, both important fields that he has extensive knowledge in.
  • Corles is not a man that regularly engages in combat, relying purely on controlling other creatures and beings to fight for him. If faced with an opponent that can get close to him, or if he is trapped in a Force void bubble from ysalamiri or voidstone, he is next to useless in a fight.
  • His belief in his own intellectual superiority, and his own arrogance, can sometimes lead to him being surprised by an enemy he thought he had outwitted and defeated, resulting in his likely humiliation and defeat.

Born on Arkanian to a Human father and an Arkanian Offshoot mother in 822ABY, Corles from a very young age determined that his path lay in the traditional fields of his homeworld. A childhood prodigy, nurtured by his mother, he quickly established for himself a belief that no price was too small for data and science. By the age of 7, he had started to dissect and examine small animals he had captured or kidnapped in the nearby vicinity of his home. His actions were always covered up by his mother, even when he moved on from animals to a young neighbor that had crossed him one too many times by the time he was in his pret-teen years. It was during this first murder that he discovered his abilities in the Force as he was able to instinctively control the actions of the boy prior to taking him to a secret place to examine his anatomy.

Corles came to the attention of the Sith through his mother, herself a secret servant of the One Sith as they established themselves in the Core. The young hybrid, before leaving for a Sith academy to nurture his gifts and dark nature, claimed one last victim; the father that never supported him, who feared the monster his son was becoming and the evil his wife had hidden from him for years. It was during his time at the Sith academy that he became acquainted with another new student, although a few years older than himself. The young woman was a new apprentice to one of the Voices of the Dark Lord, Balaya Praelior, and also shared his interests in Sith alchemy and sorcery, even if she was not taking part in the classes and instruction of the academy. Thus began a long professional and academic relationship between Corles and Taeli Raaf, the future Darth Arcanix.

Once she had established her own power base during her time in the One Sith and after she began her mission among the Jedi, she invited Corles to join her, offering him funding and a near limitless supply of subjects for him to work upon and no structures that would hinder any experiment he wished to partake in. The man could not resist such a generous offer and quickly joined his old acquaintance, enjoying the loose setup of the Lady of Secrets' organization and their goal of pushing the boundaries of alchemy, sorcery, and science.
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Ylla Caeli'runa

Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf Good evening! I really enjoyed this read, I have a soft spot for "evil" scientists, always loved reading them. That being said, I just have a couple of minor adjustments before I approve this sub:
Links | Please add links for Valrar and Amaltanna repsectively.You've got them listed, they just need links to go with them.​
Weaknesses | Please add at least one more weakness for Corles to meet the template recommedation.​

Please give me a tag once edits are complete!
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