Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Corm Perrin

Corm Perrin
NAME: Corm Perrin
FACTION: Republic
RANK: Agent
SPECIES: Epicanthix (near-human)
AGE: 24
HEIGHT: 6'1"
WEIGHT: 175 lbs
EYES: Green
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Pale
FORCE SENSITIVE: Not directly, but through meditation he can access the force to go into the deep trance, of course at this point he has never attempted such a thing.



Has been training in the martial art Teras Kasi since childhood. Very near master status, making him extremely dangerous in hand to hand combat.
Being epicanthix, he is immune to force tricks, persuasion, and any sort of mind reading. Which in turn made him an excellent prospect to become a republic agent.
Being a rather fleshy being, and possessing no actual ability to sense danger (other than paying close attention to his surroundings), he is rather succeptible to blaster bolts and explosions. He also has a penchant for refusing to wear armor.
While being trained in basic marksmanship, he is no expert, and prefers to do all his fighting up close.


People do not forgive wrongs done to them lightly. And they certainly do not forget the destruction of their homeworld. The Followers of Palawa were no exception. In the years since 25000 BBY many of the finer details have been lost, but the fact that palawa, their homeworld, had been destroyed in a war involving the jedi council, was still clear as ever. They were relocated to the nearby temperate world of Bunduki, living for many years as hermits in the high mountains, where they continued training in Teras Kasi and studying the force. It was in their temple there that other, less well known secrets of the followers were kept.

With the invasion of Bunduki by the epicant people during the clone wars, a warrior race of near-humans, the small order of human followers of palawa and epicanthix people intermixed, the warrior epicanthix being quite natural at learning the follower's martial art.
When the gulag virus struck, the followers of palawa were at a larger advantage than most. Basically a small village of people on a planet of less than a million inhabitants, they suffered no losses to the plague. In the first years of the virus, they withdrew themselves from the world, very few travelled outside their walls during the reign of the gulag plague.
Corm was born at the end of the 400 years of darkness, and up until he was 17, never saw more than the few hundred people who made up the followers of palawa. From an early age, he and a select few other children were trained by a man named Jin. They never knew much about Jin, except that nobody could ever recall a time when he wasn't there, and he never aged. Most suspected him to be an original surviving member of the Followers, able to have lived countless years by some power he learned after intense study of the force.
The training was intensive. Not only physically exhausting, but mentally as well. They were trained in countless forms of science (including heavy study of the force and midi-chlorians), languages, cultures, and diplomacy. Twenty students. Twenty every 130 years, and then at the age of seventeen, sent out into the galaxy with their personal mission. Each mission was different, and nobody knew the others. All they knew was that the end goal, everyone together, was working towards the destruction of the jedi. And sith. Which at times had seemed complete, but the force-users were a resilient bunch.
At 17 Corm was sent out into the world. He had documents forged, officially Corm Perrin was born on Corellia, nobody of consequence. He enlisted in the Republic's military, and on discovery of his unique set of skills, was sent to the Republic academy to train as an agent, where he spent the next four years of his life in schools, increasing rank. And in his off time beginning the construction of his own network of spies and contacts.

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