Console Cowgirl
- Intent: To outline the Corporate Authorities of Denon who govern the influence cloud of Darkwire.
- Image Credit: Paradox Interactive, Stellaris
- Canon: N/A
- Permissions: N/A
- Links: N/A
- Organization Name: Corporate Authorities of Denon
- Classification: Corporatocracy
- Affiliation: Darkwire [Not Public Knowledge]
- Organization Symbol: [ If your organization has a sigil or logo, provide a picture or briefly describe what it looks like. ]
- Description: The Corporate Authorities of Denon are the governing body of Denon and notable surrounding planets. They dictate the laws and lives of those living within their influence and manage political ties, trade deals and negotiations with far away galactic powers.
- Headquarters: Denon
- Domain: The Corpos' as they are known by their citizens hold domain over the same planets that host Darkwire influence. It is not public knowledge but the rise to power of the Corpos has been largely attributed to the hiring of Darkwire shadowrunners who have enabled them to quickly hoard vast swathes of territories in their sector. While upper class civilians see them as a beacon of hope for the economy, the lower classes are beaten down by CorpSec, Corporate Security, and kept in check. They have managed to maintain good relations with their galactic neighbors and brokered political and trade deals with several planet-states and nations. The Corporate Authorities do their best to project happiness into their populace, to the point of shoving it down their throats with a barrage of holo-ads flooding every city they govern, offering the latest in hallucinogenic spice and mind-dampening pills to keep their populations sedated.
- Notable Assets: N/A
- Hierarchy: The Corporate Authorities are administered by the Direx Board, near-equivalent to a senate where-in the senators are instead the most wealthy and influential businessmen and women in the sector. They work together to govern their world but often results in bitter infighting as corporate parties vie for power, sometime utilizing underground networks such as Darkwire for corporate espionage. The Direx Board will appoint by majority vote an ExO to rule over the Direx Board with emergency powers and greater power on key decisions. Below the Direx Board are the Vice Prex who more directly govern lower admin systems on each planet, often taking smaller appointments as advisers, financiers, research or legal positions. They make up the vast majority of the Corporate Authorities body but the smallest in influential power in government.
- Membership: Thousands of Vice Prex govern towns, cities and planets within the Corporate Authorities, while only a handful of Direx members reign over them. Membership is often appointed by reputation, skill and most importantly corporate backgrounds. Those who run their own companies are most likely to climb up the ladder, while those whose companies are well known will find it even easier to achieve political success.
- Climate: The Corporate Authorities are a ruthless government as the Direx Board members wage silent wars against their opponents, often to the suffering of lower Vice Prex members and civilians. Although they put forward a clean and welcoming appearance they quietly do shady deals with illegal organizations behind closed doors. Only the most ruthless and cunning could possibly survive long enough to become ExO.
- Reputation: The galaxy at large seem open but wary of the Corporate Authorities, although they maintain impeccable standards in diplomacy and appearances, hearsay from the grapevine suggests they are not as squeaky clean as they like to say they are.
- Curios: N/A
- Rules: N/A
- Goals: Endless economic growth, the Corporate Authorities are fueled entirely by personal greed. They will do anything in their power to maintain their authority and wealth, and to continue to accumulate both.
ExO - The leading figure of the Corporate Authorities of Denon.
Ewan Mansvolk - A political figure in the CAD.
Emraj Hosdole - A CorpSec detective.
Years ago when Etti IV was subjugated by the Sith Empire migrating figures from the former Corporate Sector Authority sought out worlds more profitable than what they would endure under Sith rule. Denon was such a world, nestled between the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Silver Jedi Order. Corporate heads bribed their way into governance. By the year 858ABY the Corporate Authorities of Denon had been established. They dominated the planet with an iron fist, fueling their greed through nearby industrial and tourist worlds. Plying trade from Coruscant and Nar Shaddaa in the neutral corridor that snakes between the two major factions. Although the Corporate Authorities have viciously cracked down on the underworld through their security force, CorpSec, they ironically rely on this same underworld to maintain and further their own power and agenda. So the suits of the world use Darkwire to fight their proxy wars, hiring Shadowrunners to control and take out competition. Through their utilization of Darkwire Shadowrunners the Corporate Authorities have stretched out their territories and have begun in earnest their conquest for insurmountable wealth.