Contract Offered By: APEX Technologies
Type Of Contract Offered: Corporate Buy Out, Purchasing the rights of a company for them to become APEX's subsidiary.
Type of Contract Desired: Corporate:Corporate
Contract Description: APEX Technologies is looking for a tier 1-2 company who specializes in mining and obtaining raw materials to use in Armor, Weapon, and Star Craft production. We are willing to pay a heavy price for the rights of your company. Should you wish to still have a roll in your company after being purchased by APEX, it can be arranged that you are still the CEO, and will keep a smaller share of the profits, but will ultimately be subservient to APEX and its CEO.
Type Of Contract Offered: Corporate Buy Out, Purchasing the rights of a company for them to become APEX's subsidiary.
Type of Contract Desired: Corporate:Corporate
Contract Description: APEX Technologies is looking for a tier 1-2 company who specializes in mining and obtaining raw materials to use in Armor, Weapon, and Star Craft production. We are willing to pay a heavy price for the rights of your company. Should you wish to still have a roll in your company after being purchased by APEX, it can be arranged that you are still the CEO, and will keep a smaller share of the profits, but will ultimately be subservient to APEX and its CEO.