Location: Halowan, Industrial Sector
Though much of the planet was barren, Halowan had served Ballen-Ist well with what it had to offer. In guise as to avoid revealing his identity, the Pureblood had attained the rights to a company considered ancient, now born anew with the same old motive. Holowan Laboratories had already managed to make some small time deals with on-planet corporations and minor businesses, providing security and assassin droids fresh off the assembly line. Sitting behind the metallic desk within his office, the man could not help think back to what he had learned thanks to the trans-system data storage library.The Holowan Massacre, one of the reasons why Ballen-Ist had decided to keep his droid facility and laboratories separated from the corporate headquarters of his company on Halowan. The Sith was determined not to let such an incident tarnish the reputation of his company, and so he was eager to get started on new experimental products. Knowing he would have to reach out to others, the Sith donned his environmental suit guise as he bathed in the blue light of the holo-recording device. The transmission was sent to [member="Galven Hansol"], a man the Sith had interacted with briefly on Skakoa.
"Greetings, Mr. Hansol, it is great to speak with you again. I am Doazi Wohmotai, CEO of Holowan Laboratories. We expressed similar interests during a Corporate Sector Alliance meeting, and so I thought it appropriate that I contact you to establish further connections. I could use the services of your mining company, so feel free to contact me when you are ready to talk business."///