Imperial Secretariat
Gat Tambor
| Darth Luminoth |
Aerarii Tithe
The skies over Muunilinst were clear that day as the yacht, impressive in sizes for it's class, slowly took an ascending flight path, soon exiting the planet's atmosphere, before placing itself in an orbiting path, intent on simply slowly cruising the empty, starlit void that surrounded the Imperial galactic Market's titular headquarters. A few well-trained Chiss staff members had welcomed the handful of guests aboard, sparing no expenses when it came to comfort and looks, particularly for such guests of wealth and renown. Extensive research had been made into each invitee's background and culture in order to provide a little bit of what they might appreciate, thought with special care not to overdo anything. The Imperial Secretary was a man of equal parts practicality and appreciation of the finer details.IMPERIAL SPACE

As arrivals were made and individuals were welcomed individually, the ship's staff would move to preparations for departure, as the luxury craft's dedicated pilot and custodial personnel prepared everything and cleared last details via comlink with the private landing pad's authorities. When the invited guests would find themselves turning the first corner into the vessel, they would find themselves faced with their host, Rodam'ithra'dovor himself. The Chiss had maintained the same level of apparel standards as he had in previous high-end political meetings, with a black overcoat, trimmed at the shoulders by slim golden pauldrons and a white velvet waistcoat, although such was complemented by black, slick military jackboots. Upon a csillan-blue tie was hung a small, metallic pin of the New Imperial Order's well-known crest.
Ember-red eyes fell towards them then, followed by a throat being cleared. "Greetings. My identity may still be unknown to you all, but you've certainly been made aware of my recent appointment at the Imperial Secretariat. Thus, allow me the initiative."
The formal and angular figure of the bureaucrat bent forwards in a polite, well-oiled and cultural greeting bow, keeping a faint, rigid smile on his lips.
"-I am Rodam'ithra'dovor, or Mithrad. Not so long ago, I was one of many mid-level administrators on the Chiss Ascendancy's capital world, Csilla. following the traumatic events of which I am sure you are all aware of, there were very few of our once-proud people who were able to escape the cataclysm which befell us in time, compared to the size of it's once-thriving population."
At first glance for his guests, the chiss administrator appeared quite experienced at such dealings and events of a diplomatic nature. In this case, Mithrad himself knew, and had his convictions relatively cemented, by the fact that they stood to gain considerably from the project he was about to propose- both in the short term and in the much longer term, as was the nature inherent to galactic colonization.
Mithrad paused, the Secretary reaching for a glass of the offered refreshment brought by one of the luxury ship's staff. He would beckon towards a wide, window-clad lounge for his guests to follow, it's aesthetic both exotic and inviting. From this room, the lights and planetary features of Muunilinst were laid bare as eye candy.
"Nonetheless, the flame of survival resting in all of our people's hearts was not extinguished. It burns strong, and is now devoted to rebuilding our ways and assuring the survival of our people. It was that same desire which brought me to a previous meeting with the Imperator. His highness agreed on an ambitious plan I had submitted, in which all of the Chiss Remnants under our protection would devote themselves to. That is what leads me to the reason of my invitations to this meeting, in order to petiton the Trade Federation for it's industrial support."
Reaching forwards, the chiss pressed a button on the lounge's central table, upon which a central pane would slide open, revealing an holo-projector. Soon, a vision of a quadrant of space would be displayed, one which projected the regions once controlled by the Sith Empire and now thrown into lawlessness in the Raioballo, Atrivis and Lahara Sectors. Reaching forwards he pointed a specific area, near the Artorias and Shusugaunt worlds.
"There, we intend to launch the Neo-Csilla Initiative." He began.

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