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Approved Vehicle CorpSec Aerial Patrol Vehicle AT-CS0125

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  • Manufacturer: Starlight Industries
  • Affiliation: Corporate Authorities of Denon; CorpSec
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: AT-CS0125 Aerial Assault Vehicle
  • Modularity: Colors & Decals may be changed. Interior Compartments may be re-arranged or renovated for convenience/aesthetic improvements. Weapons & Equipment may be replaced/retrofitted.
  • Production: Limited
  • Material: Common Electronic Components; Durasteel; Plasteel; Glass; Common Starship/Speeder Components; Rubber
  • Classification: Armored AV
  • Role: Armored Personnel Carrier/Gunship
  • Length: 9 Meters
  • Width: 5 Meters
  • Height: 4 Meters
  • Size: Large
  • Weight: Very Heavy
  • Armaments: High
    2x “Prophet” Sonic Pacifier Cannons (Directional-type, mounted)
    2x Dymek DW-3 Grenade Launchers (w/ Smoke & Concussion loadouts)
    1x Foamcast Cannon (Directional-type, Mounted; Limited Uses)
  • Squadron Count: None - 1
  • Defenses: Very High
  • Maneuverability Rating: Average
  • Speed Rating: Average
  • Propulsion: Repulsorlift
  • Hyperdrive: None
  • Minimum Crew: 3; Pilot, Co-Pilot/Comms/Navigator, Weapons Operator
  • Optimal Crew: 9
  • Passenger Capacity: One Squad (not including detainees/prisoners)
  • Cargo Capacity: Small
  • Fire Suppression Systems
  • Electronic Intrusion Countermeasures suite
  • Full-spectrum Sensor Suite
  • Proprietary Tactical Ordinance Jammer
  • Internal weapons & equipment storage
  • Heads-up Display
  • Communications Array w/ proprietary Encryption
  • On-board Boarding Spike launcher & Cable Spool (40-meter length)
  • Air Superiority: CorpSec utilizes these flying tanks to shock & intimidate the population of Denon. They are fast, reasonably agile, capable of high-orbit flight, and well-armored against most common threats.
  • Mobile Command: Under most circumstances, a single AV can provide support for multiple squads. They are also used by higher-ranking authorities within CorpSec as a standard mode of transportation.
  • Interceptor: Capable of tethering directly to fleeing vehicles under high-speed pursuit
  • Less-Lethal Armaments
  • Confined Spaces
  • Repulsorlift Shielding is notoriously weak to direct, targeted attack
  • Deployment of the Foamcast Cannon requires close proximity to one’s target. CorpSec often utilizes this unusual armament to create barriers & barricades - blocking off exit-routes or providing a form of deployable cover in the event of large-scale engagements. Deploying this weapon directly against a hostile force is highly discouraged due to a high chance of lethality.

Designed, manufactured, and produced by Starlight Industries, these agile gunships patrol the Denon skies in-support of CorpSec Operations. A single unit can support ground troops in a number of ways: providing close-fire support with its array of less-lethal weapon-systems, as a quick-response force to deliver heavily armed officers into hard-to-reach areas, or in a reconnaissance-role. Called "Egg Baskets" by much of the discreet population, the arrival of an AV almost always signifies an imminent raid; as-such, the tell-tale sound of their repulsorlifts can strike terror into all but the most hardened criminal or Darkwire-affiliated Shadowrunner.

They possess very few weaknesses, and pilots are well-trained; they will almost never enter confined spaces, relying on their speed & agility in open air to avoid most attacks from the ground. They can be engaged directly from the air, but all possess the finest electronic countermeasures - allowing them to defeat most common forms of heavy armament (such as missiles or grenades). Even when they are not transporting troops or detainees, the operators within are well-armed but lightly-armored.

Starlight Industries proudly supports the efforts of CorpSec in maintaining a strong & independent Denon!

Valor, Heart, Strength, Judgement!

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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Darkwire Matron Darkwire Matron

Nice sub! First, I moved it to the Vehicles, it isn't a starship, at least as I saw it is used for atmospheric battles and actions, not for space.
  • You cannot use the Starlight Industries as Manufacturer without Daiya's permission, so please modify this or ask a permission.
  • You cannot use Kiff's subs in this subs. The permission is for the Family, not for the Darkwire. So please ask a new permission or replace these.
Darkwire Matron Darkwire Matron

Nice sub! First, I moved it to the Vehicles, it isn't a starship, at least as I saw it is used for atmospheric battles and actions, not for space.
  • You cannot use the Starlight Industries as Manufacturer without Daiya's permission, so please modify this or ask a permission.
  • You cannot use Kiff's subs in this subs. The permission is for the Family, not for the Darkwire. So please ask a new permission or replace these.

Daiya has added in a blanket permission for all Darkwire Staff to utilize Starlight Industries for any Darkwire Subs under both their character & Admin accounts. That may now be found within the Starlight Industries company sub.

Roble Manufacturing perms & products have been removed, and replaced with generic versions!

Thank you for moving the sub to Vehicles!
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Darkwire Matron Darkwire Matron

Thank you! Pease, make a printscreen of it, and link it to the permission, because I suppose the judges never read the companies descriptions and it may cause problem in the future too. I would never thought to check it there. And it is still a permission, therefore its place is in the permission field. Thank you for your understanding!
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