Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Corruck Kazen

Corruck Kazen


(Younger days)

NAME: Corruck Kazen (Originally Corruck Zann)
Alias (multiple): Carl Senwood, Kabel Kaltron, Core, Caiaphas Kantrat, Mish Catzin, Coruce Klandeit, etc.
RANK: Business man/Criminal
AGE: 26

SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5'8"
WEIGHT: 160 lbs.
EYES: Green
HAIR: White
SKIN: Light brown


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Brilliant- Corruck is a business man who has spent years studying trends of fashion, societies, and business; as such he is pretty decent at predicting the future, compared to most people.
+ Decent shot- Corruck is a pretty good shot with his personal blasters, though he is in no means excellent.

-- Arrogant Swine- Being of a Heritage that he is proud of has made him very arrogant and less likely to make deals with those who insult him o r his legacy.
-- On the Run- Corruck has been on the run from various authorities for various crimes (Hence the name changes)
-- Loyalty issues- Corruck is less than stellar at being loyal. He often changes sides to fit his goals.

Corruck has inherited the same looks as his ancestor Tyber Zann (Except the scars and whatnot). He is proud of this and has made sure that these features are prominent in his appearance. He looks almost the same as Tyber, but no scars and his hair is kept shorter, he intends on growing it out at some point.

Corruck is a seventh generation Zann, from the infamous Tyber Zann that is. At some point early in life his parents left him with a family friend to continue his strudies, while the rest of his family, his mother, father, and little sister. They never returned and the friend kept Corruck as his own son. He was born on Corellia and at the age of 18 worked for awhile as a cantina bar tender. However as his ancient relative did, he fell into bad crowd and ended up in the crime business for awhile. Though he spent the majority of his time in the cantina, brokering deals for a nearby swoop gang, he found time to study what he deemed necessary. He studied trends in fashion for sale purposes, business trends, and society's trends. He learned that in many ways things would loop around, a color would go out of fashion for a time and then return awhile later. He put this knowledge to use spending much of the money he had gained, through the underworld, in investments in the area. His guesses were shown to be right, as he soon had gained a small wealth by the age of 20.

Corruck was turned in, by some of his rule-following friends, for time in a penitentiary, however he broke free with the help of gang members who still trusted him. He collected all his wealth and ran from Corellia, taking a freighter out of the system to Mon Calamari, where he spent the next two years. He was able to use his amazing mind to build an even larger wealth. By the time the years had passed he had bought and refitted an old CR90 Corvette. He had it fitted with more cargo space and less weaponry. He had enough weaponry on board to defend the ship from pirates and borders but little else. He then collected a small crew to run the ship, who he made sure would be loyal. He spent a little more money setting up a small gang on Mon Calamari in case he ever came back. From there he left to take on the galaxy.

Corruck at first continued leading the small consortium, but soon found that his heart drew him elsewhere. He found his way into the Rebel Alliance where he became leader of Intelligence. He also began his own company, ReCal Manufacturing Inc. That small company would soon become one of his priorities in furthering his goals.


Destiny (Secret)

Quadtech V.1
Only wears when working with the Consortium

"Core's Death"




Once RPs are complete they will be added:

It's Just, Good Business
(Created homing system for Antimatter torpedoes)

Nixara Zann

Love the backstory! I'll change mine a bit when I get around to it. :)

[member="Corruck Kazen"]

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