Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Corrupting a soul

This was a very interesting day for Nyx, it wasn't everyday that she got the chance to turn a force user. Nyx had been contacted by The leader of the Dark Eagle Squadron [member="Nicole Callix"]. Telling her she had captured a force user and was going to bring them in to be turned. This excited Nyx, she rose and dressed in a black cloak and a form fitting corset, her tight fitting leather leggings and her combat boots. She stepped forward into the cell as it was opened, she stepped forward into the light smiling at the soon to be Sith, "Do you know why you are here?" She asked the light glinting off of her fangs

[member="Karren Trask"]
[member="Nyx Tempest"]

Some Dungeon
Trying to Resist

Karren looked up.

She had been chained here for days, in Ysalimir cuffs. The enchanted lizard skin had prevented her from making her escape.

But on the other hand, she knew deep down, she was not here to escape. One did not simply capture the leader of the Dark Templar, and haul them to a cell. As much as she believed she didn't want what was coming, deep down she knew she craved it.

Something dark within her stirred. Something she'd initially felt when fighting for the Alliance.

She'd quelled that feeling then, barely scratching the surface of the dark undercurrent in combat. Now she had a feeling she was about to dive deep into it. She would drink from the well.

With a weak voice, and bruised face she smiled, arms up high against the walls.

Every muscle ached from atrophy, the result of not an inch of movement in days.

"I can only Imagine Sith."

Somewhere else the Light stirred. Her conscious trying to resist. That last shred of hope that there was a path fro her within the confines of the Light.

Would she drink?

She did not know....
Nyx grinned saying "You have no idea" She said releasing an extremely strong bolt of lightning from her fingers, as she did this she stepped forward saying "Not so strong now are we?" She asked stopping the lightning, she took her nails and digging them deep into the womans face drawing blood and dragging them down, tearing her shirt she would smile before biting her draining a small amount of her blood before stopping "Give in to the dark"

[member="Karren Trask"]
[member="Nyx Tempest"]

The pain was excruciating.

Karren screamed louder than she had ever before in her life....

Still that mote of light held on. She wanted to break free, and pummel the woman with everything she had. To beat her face into a bloody pulp.

She tried to breathe through it. She tried to sink into that familiar Jedi meditation. The force was cloudy, murky and blocked her attempts to reach that pivotal crux of light. She hadn't a peaceful joyous memory in the last three years. Three years of blood, suffering, pain and anguish. Three years of crusade to snuff the darkness, and bring back the light.

It was all for nothing.

She finally realized she'd spent the last three years crusading, slaying, bringing nothing but death and destruction.

She had become akin to what she fought against.

"Why should I join you?" She spat, blood dripping in crimson flecks on the floor.

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