Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Corruption at it's finest

Upper Levels
Mid Day

I needed to find that woman. The Sith Lady who had taken the life of my friend. The woman who had a hydra snake as a companion, and the ability to take on a master of the force and survive. I was hunting her. Wanting so badly to shove a blade in her back and rip up her spine. Turn her into a living vegetable so I could get the feeling of who had once could have been a potential master, and friend Justice in the highest form.

A life for a life. But to do that, I needed to find her. All that I knew was that she was one of the higher ups within the Sith Order here on Courscant. While most of my life I had been living as a Vandal, a Thief and a scoundrel, I needed to change that. However, it would only be in the slightest. I needed to move my way up the Sith Totem pole to where I could work under the Sith Master, Learn her ways, Study her, and then maybe, if it suited me, to kill her while she least expected it.

Walking to the Old Jedi Temple, now the Sith Temple I walked towards the steps and made my way up. Dressed in my normal clothes, I had a HP-101 slugthrower under my jacket in the crook of my arm pit with the help of a holster, A simple metal dagger housed within my boot, an assortment of pocket knives, A chain wrapped around my left arm, while a lightsaber hung from my right hip, and a black sword that had been used against the Sith woman herself, Slung in a sheath over my back. I carried only what I needed at the moment. Well kind of. There were many reasons for these weapons. The sword was my main weapon now as I had no clue on how to use a lightsaber, The chain was a backup weapon or could be used as a strangling tool. The asortment of knives were for everyday use, while a dagger was used when I needed to bash in a window or slide-cut a lock. All having reasons for being here, and all could be used as weapons.

The thing about this plan that I had, was there were plenty of places where I could die myself, or something would change the course of it and make the plan go awry. Really it was not a plan at all. Just a hope that I could do something. As well that theses Sith were known as the true ones. Ones that could take just about any beating and use pain and other emotions to fuel them, much like I do for my pyrokinesis. Once I had walked up into the main lobby, well if you could call the seemingly endless hallway as a lobby, I looked around for anything to possibly get me started on what would hopefully be, a chance to restart and exact my wanting to murder this woman.

"Looks like I need to find something to do, or I will just look like a fool with all this crap on me."

[member="Darth Mierin"],


Mierin was not aware of Asher entering the great Imperial Palace, in fact she was not even aware of his presence on Coruscant. She had assumed that after her killing of his friend, Morna that the boy had left the planet. It would have been the intelligent thing to do anyway, and she mostly assumed that everyone was as intelligent as she was, after all it was far more potent to do that, then think your opponent was stupid.

Better to overestimate, then underestimate.

So when Asher stepped into the palace, it was not Mierin who met him, but instead two massively tall Yuuzhan Vong Guards, The Dark Lords chosen guardians for the Imperial Palace. They looked down upon [member="Asher Kellan"] with deathly gazes, each one holding powerful Hydra Staff's that hissed and moved around in serpentine fashions within the Vong's grips.

The Slayers stared down at Asher for only a moment then one spoke.

“What are you doing here?”

His voice was gnashing and demanding, almost painful to listen to. From the look on his face it was easy to ascertain that he was not all that inclined to be friendly.
Sometimes men were not so great. Because the immense size of the two guys who walked up to me, suspecting they were men from their ugly mugs, and demanding what I was doing here. In truth I could answer with alot of things. My wanting to kill the Sith. Or maybe I could tell them that I wanted simply to learn more of the force that I could controll. I had gotten somewhat of a hang of it. Able to take on two other people at once was the highlight of what I could do so far, but considering that some Sith lords in the past have absorbed the entire life force of a planet from a myth, I was nowhere near that.

Deciding on how to answer as I looked at the hydra snake like weapons that slithered around their bodies. It was rather large and daunting just because you had a living snake as a weapon. Not counting it's many heads and probably other stuff that I did no know about. Answering the man with a voice that sounded like hundreds of years worth of smoking, "Yes, I am looking for the resident Sith pureblood who has the same little companion that you two have."

Knowing that I did not have the womans name, they might think by not saying it I was being rude, or simply was pulling random words out of my ass. But there was one thing that I knew about. This woman would probably want to see me since last I saw her, she was flying through walls and landing off in the distance. "I was there to see her kill a Fire Shaper, and I would like to speak to her on the now dead man's behalf." stating in somewhat hat there was a story behind m reasons and also if they asked her she might say yes that I was there. But like all sith, you can never trust 'em.

@Darth Meirin,


[member="Asher Kellan"]
(Didn't see you tagged me as you spelled my name wrong, heh)

The Yuuzhan Vong guards of course knew who the boy was talking about. There was only one Pureblood within the One Sith that utilized the Hydra Staffs, and only one who had recently killed another force Master. They growled at the young boys tone, but they figured that the young man was some sort of son or child of the fireshapper, they knew that Mierin would want to speak with him, manipulate him.

The Vong knew the Dark Lords Hand well.


One of the massive Slayer guards said as he turned about and began to stomp away. He led the boy through the Imperial Palace, winding corridors and maze like hallways that seemed to stretch for an eon, until finally they arrived within the throne room.

This was not where the Dark Lord made his home. The Dark Lord had a room within the very spear tip of the Imperial Palace's massive structure. There he stayed at all times, meditating and concentrating on the living force, learning of the things around him. This throne room was instead used as an audience chamber for the Voices and the Hands, a place of meeting for those who came to speak with Mierin and her fellows.

There, lounging upon the throne was Mierin, her legs tossed over one armrest of the throne and her head resting on the other.

Why the Sith Pureblood was so relaxed, was impossible to tell.
[member="Darth Mierin"],

(Whoops. Sorry I was on my phone when I posted that.)

The two almost seemed to look down at me as I gave them the description of the Sith. They almost growled at me when one of them spoke for me to follow him. I didn't do anything to mention that I heard him or even acted as though he was there. Simply put, I followed him down the various halls to where the woman would be. It was along the way that I saw many types of people. Humans, cyborgs, even a few species I had not seen before. All wearing a variation of training robes, formal robes or even just a pair of pants as they were battling others to be the top of their class or whatever they wanted to call it. When it was then I was led to a room. A throne room to be exact. One that was filled with lavish possessions of the man in charge, and behold, the woman sat sideways on the throne almost as though she was waiting for me to come to her.

As I walked into the center of the room, I could feel my heart rate speed up already wanting me to draw my sword and slide it into her gullet. But I withheld myself for the safety of my life as well as a friend of mine. A living friend. I could hear foot steps of the vong leaving as this was between her and I. And probably because he wanted nothing to do with me.

I was silent as I stood there Defiant of her and her existence. I held my chin up high as I spoke. "Never thought a killer would act so benevolent when a witness to a man's murder is standing in front of her." The woman seemed very relaxed. Enough so that if I were in the same spot, I might have fallen asleep if the throne was not so uncomfortable. Even as I spoke, I knew that from now on, I was in a game that I could not escape. One that where you either win, or you die. The game of Thrones, Politics, and War.


[member="Asher Kellan"]
Mierins head turned slightly, observing the young man that had come to the ancient throne room. Bright glowing yellow eyes stared at him for a moment, observing him with a nonchalant gaze that spoke volumes of her apathy in this matter.

She did not mind being called a murderer, after all she was one. The Sith Pureblood had killed hundreds, if not thousands of people. Jedi, Sith, Heretics, even bystanders. Mierin had murdered countless individuals in order to further her own goals and had ordered the executions of dozens of times that number. She was a killer through and through, she didn't mind being labeled as such by anyone.

“Murder?” Mierin mused as she looked down at the young man. “Was it a murder? No. He set himself upon a path. A path that opposed me and mine. His death was an inevitability, a result of a decision that he made.”

There was a truth to her words. After all Mierin would not have killed the man had he simply followed the One Sith. His killing had been the result of simple choice.
I shook my head. This woman did not seem to care, and yet I could not blame her. I was a small time criminal, and a Bartender. Barely knew anything about the powers that I could control, or even how to use a blade to the fullest of it's extent. Hell, I even had a lightsaber, but couldn't use it because of my ignorance. There was one thing that I knew. If this choice that Morna took was death over joining, I would not blame him. Killing people over the simple fact for simply not following their proposed leader, was not a way that someone who I had heard stories of giving credits out like candy would not join in on.

"Correct, all of us will die. Even your Dark lord will eventually be it in his sleep or on the battle field. Killing a man simply because he was not on or even on the right path, is not a good way to do it. You will kill half as many as you get to join you."

Walking towards the throne as it was on top of a circular set of steps, I took the first one and planted my foot firmly, "I made a choice to come here, I made the choice to take another step towards you. But would it mean death to me if I were to simply walk away from here? Because damn are you guys needing to have a cleanup on the social department."

[member="Darth Mierin"],


Mierin finally allowed herself to sit up straight.

She stretched herself up, gathering her robes and looking down at Asher. Smiling she sat up within the throne, and then quickly stood straight up. Her unsettling yellow eyes fell down at him, and an impassive smile drew across her lips.

“You? No. We will not kill.” She said the words as calmly as a rock, looking down at him as her face slowly grew more and more impassive. “Your friend posed a problem. He had strength. He had power enough to wound me.”

Mierin pointed to a small scar that was still healing on her abdomen. “His choices were more limited than yours. The eventuality was that he would either join us, or come against us. I simply eliminated the threat he posed at an opportunity that suited me. His death was necessary, as yours would eventually be, though not yet.”

She of course could have killed the boy, but then again that would rob her of an opportunity.
[member="Asher Kellan"]
Not kill me. Kill a Master of the force simply for living, or let him live his life with his wife and family. Sure if you attacked his family and friends, he would come after you. No man would not do that for his legacy. However, if she had left him alone, there would be no reason for him to go after her. Simple as that. I knew that she would not change her mind, nor would I. That would not change, but her wording of not being killed yet made me question her.

"And why would you not kill me? You have a plan, that is evident, but I wish to know what you are doing since it will most likely pertain to myself."

Her stance and now standing made me feel like she was going to try and press her ideals onto me. That I did not want. I wanted a normal life as a damned bartender, but after that fight, and coming here, there was no going back. I had to move forward or be lost in the dust.

[member="Darth Mierin"],


“You have potential.” Mierin said quietly.

“The other one was set in his way. There was no convincing him. No changing his mind.” The Sith Pureblood stretched slightly, the Hydra Staff attached to her back hissing slightly as it moved about her shoulders. “You are young, you can still see the truth.”

Of course she didn't expect him to turn around and immediately join them, that would take time. Yet he could be convinced, she knew that. She could sense his hatred of her, sense the anger, the need to kill.

“We are not here to destroy. We are not here to kill and maim. We have a purpose. The One Sith do not seek chaos and destruction. We seek Order in this galaxy. We seek to restore a semblance of peace and harmony.” She spoke calmly, no passion within her voice. Though she spoke the truth. The One Sith sought to unite the galaxy, they sought to bring peace, an end to war.
Potential? Yes I could admit that everybody had areas to excel at. From what I knew of myself, it was Pyrokinesis and Telekinesis. However, I felt as though that was not the fullest extent of my powers. If I was going to learn something, I may as well learn it from my foe to understand them. Looking to my hands as she spoke, still thinking about what I had done with Morna's death. Would I really avenge him if I joined the people that sought to kill him and end his life simply because he did not want to join?

I, now, questioned my motives for this idea of coming here, however, I could almost hear a thought in my head that was repeating itself over and over. "Living legacy" and these words made me look up to her.

"If I have potential as you say, and if I can be taught the 'truth' then show me of what is possible. If this is what you say, then prove your worth to me as a person, and not a lower or scum. I have lived almost my entire life as an outcast, and now I want a chance to be considered more than that."

I took a second step forward to stand completely on the first stair up to the throne, "Whatever comes, I want to be ready."

[member="Darth Mierin"], [member="Darth Mierin"]


“Prove myself?” Mierin sounded amused.

She had not needed to prove herself to anyone since the days of the Ancient Empire. The last time someone had asked her to prove herself was when she had taken the Throne of Athiss. That little demonstration had ended with her fathers head on a pike adorning the very top of her citadel. Mierin was not a woman to be tested or questioned.

Yet she was still amused.

“Do you know what I have done in my lifetime?” She mused. “I have torn down fortresses, built cities, razed entire planets, and trained the weakest of apprentices to be masters of the force.”

All true, and she had not yet even hit her prime.

“I have little need prove myself to anyone, least of all you.” She paused for a moment, her glowing yellow eyes staring at him with a stark calm until she finally allowed herself to sit back down into her throne. She sat herself down, placing her arms on their respective rests and looking down at the young boy.

She beamed with authority. “You do not wish to be an outcast? Then join us. We are a brothers and sisters all, equals to the last.”
[member="Darth Mierin"], Didn't see this.

I stood there. Clearly she had an Ego. One that was fairly large. And one that she liked very well. I stood there. Wanting so much just to run up there and use my knives to cut her face into pieces. To cause more pain to her than she did to my friend. Instead, I stood there. Not bowing. No hint of respect towards the woman and her charade of telling me she could end my life if she wanted.

"If every one is equal, then I accept."

Every step of the way, I would challenge her. Battle her. I would not allow her to get away. and most of all, I will surpass her.

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