Switch looked down at the crumpled man before her. He really looked like he'd had a rough time of it lately. He made an attempt to rise, only to fall back down with a resounding thud. With a sigh, she turned on her heel, presenting her back to the man.
Her first instinct was to just leave him. She hadn't been having so cheery a day herself, and somebody else was likely to come wandering by at some point or another. Be that as it may, the former pirate was having the strangest difficulty taking that first step.
A groan escaping her lips, Switch brought her hand up to her face, pinching the bridge of her nose tightly.
Karking headache's getting worse too... Come on! Get going! idiot! Her feet weren't moving.
Call it morality. Call it empathy. Hell, call it temporary insanity. She had to help him. She knew what it was like to be left broken in the dirt.
A frustrated, almost childish cry forced its way through tightly clenched teeth. The slicer turned around, dropping lightly to a knee beside the man.
He just looks so... pathetic... right now, anyway...
She lightly flicked the man's cheek to get his attention, taking hold of his wrist with her other hand. "I'm sure as hell not carrying you." She heaved his arm over her shoulder, getting the taller man's feet back under him. "You don't just get to dangle, get moving!"
While she was willing to help him stand, she had absolutely no idea how to get... anywhere from this particular spot.
The sooner this lump wakes up, the sooner we can get somewhere... On that note, she shook him lightly.
She needed directions.
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