Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Full NameCortana Hope Jade Inkari Djo
BirthplaceDar'Benn, Lemmi VI
AgeYoung Adult
Title(s)Chume'da of the Hapes Consortium
Grand Ducha of Lemmi Vi
Rank(s)Jedi Padawan
Affiliation(s)House of Jade/Clan Askani
Jakku Jedi Enclave
Jedi Order
Force SensitiveYes
Skin ColorFair
Height1.76 m
Weight145 Ibs
ThemeWhen I RIP


  • A rainbow baby, she was undoubtedly born into a universe brimming with dualities -- the regal lineage of Hapes and the mysticism of the Jedi Order. The stars aligned in a unique symphony on the rainforest planet Lemmi VI when she entered the galaxy. Born into the royal family of Hapes, a child of Royal Dukat Johannes Inkari and Jedi Master Romi Jade, her future seemed predetermined from the outset by her lineage. Cortana was stamped at birth by the Patriarch of their family as the successor to the Duchy of Lemmi VI and all of the prestige and accouterments that came with it -- some even saw her birth as a symbol that the Inkari line could soon be back on the Consortium throne.

    Raised as a future lady of the Hapan court, Cortana spent her earliest years on her family's ancestral grounds in Serenity Vale, Dar'Benn. Growing up under the vigilant eyes of numerous bodyguards and caretakers, she lived a life defined by clear boundaries. Her days were packed with lessons in diplomacy, history, and etiquette—skills that were highly valued and fostered by her mentors and peers at the prestigious schools she attended. It had been embedded in her that she had to understand the intricate web of interstellar politics that awaited her.

    But beneath the surface, a different passion stirred within her. Cortana found herself captivated by her mother's legacy as a Jedi Master. The Jedi way beckoned to her like a distant star.

    And her innate affinity for the Force truly marked her as exceptional. This connection manifested itself early on, initially through the constant and painful barrage of other people's thoughts she couldn't shut out, causing a great deal of concern for Romi, who would initially deny her this path, placing psychic inhibitors on her mind; she wanted a full and prosperous life for her daughter, that was away from the harsh and lonely realities of Jedi-hood. She steered Cortana towards the other half of her heritage in hopes she would maybe one day act on her claim and ascend the throne of the Consortium.

    When Romi reactivated her status with the Jedi Order, Cortana's entire world underwent a seismic shift. Their family relocated to Coruscant, the heart of the galaxy, and despite being groomed for the royal path, Cortana found herself drawn even more to the Jedi way. Under her mother's carefully crafted tutelage, she began partial foundational training in secret, balancing the expectations of her heritage with her burgeoning skills as a Force-sensitive. Days were spent learning about interstellar politics, nights were dedicated to mastering control, and her heart yearned for the balance she sought.

    However, despite her father's numerous attempts to run interference against choosing the path of the Jedi, she petitioned her parents to begin formal Jedi training when she was thirteen years old. Jade began to hone her talents further in the Force as a member of the Jakku Jedi Enclave's first cohort in years, helping rebuild the academy all the while training.

    However, her training was cut short when her mother was charged with war crimes and subsequently pulled into a high profile trial. Cortana was forced to forgo her Jedi training and relocate back to Dar'Benn, for her protection and to prepare for the possible ascension to Ducha of Lemmi VI. The issues only got worse when her mother went missing during her supposed extradition to Pantora for the continuation of the trial.

    In the chaos to follow such events, she lost both of her parents one after the other - her father killed while helping rescue her mother from the Dark Empire, and her mother killed in action at the Battle of Coruscant that followed.

    Cortana, without time to mourn, had become quickly Ducha of Lemmi VI overnight. Now she embarks on a perilous journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening, one that would ultimately lead her through the penumbra of balancing her dream to become a Jedi Knight while navigating the treacherous waters of a galaxy in turmoil, and her birthright.

  • + Intelligent & Strategic Thinker:
    • Exceptionally intelligent, quick witted, and has the ability to analyze situations quickly and accurately. Her uncanny ability to remember things she's seen or heard in near perfect detail, and strategic acumen makes her a formidable opponent and a valued ally. Her wit is both a weapon and a shield, allowing her to navigate difficult social interactions and deflect attention from her more vulnerable sides. Her excellent memory retention ensures she never forgets crucial details, allowing her to recall and apply knowledge effectively in diverse scenarios.
    + Superb Nervous System:
    • She holds the record in the Stun Test, the longest time before being knocked out. The test involves enduring stun blasts from multiple directions, building endurance, and the nervous system. Her superior nervous system and exceptional endurance make her particularly tough in combat situations, allowing her to withstand more punishment than most, and has increased her perception: Interpreting sensory information.
    - Emotional Depth and Vulnerability:
    • Beneath her composed and confident exterior lies a well of emotional complexity. Cortana has faced significant trauma, particularly the loss of her family, which has left her with deep-seated fears of loss and abandonment. She often masks her true feelings with a veneer of control and strength.
    - Astigmatism & Night Blindness:
    • Her astigmatism since birth has always caused an assortment of symptoms (i.e blurred or distorted vision, eyestrain or discomfort, headaches, squinting). Also, Hapans naturally struggled with night blindness. Because of the perpetual daylight of Hapes and other planets in the Cluster due to the density of stars in the region, they had lost all ability to see in the dark as a race, and were nearly blind even in dim lighting.
    - Anesthetic Allergy:
    • While allergic reactions to anesthetics are rare, some medications and substances in anesthetics and used during anesthesia and surgery have a higher risk of allergic reaction than others. She has a familial history of dealing with this allergy.
    - Limited Telekinetic Abilities:
    • She struggles with telekinesis. It takes significant strain for her to make even a small stone wobble.

  • As the daughter of a powerful and famous Force-user, and a descendant of Avar Kriss, Jade inherited a formidable legacy, and was immensely strong in the Force from the moment of her birth. She was particularly gifted with vast psionic powers, her telepathy manifesting prematurely, and causing her to emotionally and socially withdraw to cope with the constant barrage of other people's thoughts she couldn't shut out. Her mother placed mental blocks on her mind to allow her time to develop her telepathic powers naturally; those when she gets anxious or topics are emotionally heavy for her, she's barraged by surface thoughts and it causes her migraines.

    As a teenager, Cortana received intense training at Romi Jade's Jedi Enclave on Jakku. It's stated that training on Jakku defies conventional temporal constraints. Due to the time-compressed nature of Jakku, weeks of training on the planet equates to some several mere days elsewhere. At the Jedi Enclave she was trained in the 25 Chamber's Philosophy, including basic force abilities, Jakku specific exercises and techniques, and how to construct and use a lightsaber -- however she lacked significant telekinetic abilities, and it took great strain to make a stone so much as wobble. She made up for that with a powerful affinity for telepathy, psionically reading and implanting thoughts, sensations, and images in others minds. Even as a teenager, Jade hit a record time in the Stun Test, becoming quite skilled with a lightsaber, and still holding the record for the longest time.

    Working with Jorus Q. Merrill Jorus Q. Merrill during a Sith raid, she realized she can "phase" through solid matter by using the Force to shift her atoms between those of the object she phases through. Still learning this power, Cortana is continuously growing aware of its intricacies and limitations. Notably, when she is in a phased state, she cannot breath and she can only continuously phase through solid objects as long as she can hold her breath. Also, her thoughts become erratic, creating a shield of unpredictability that renders her immune to telepathic influences and even prevents her from using her own telepathic powers. She's also found that electricity can bridge the molecules in phasing, harming her even in an intangible state.

    On Jakku, she trained with Melbu Swordmaster Maj Jaan. While dueling, Jann described her fighting style as conservative, brutal, ruthless, designed to deal damage without suffering much of any in return. Her personal fighting form became a cunning amalgam of different forms and styles.


    "For a quarter of a standard century, the Jade family has
    had a role in galactic affairs of all kinds.
    ― Unknown

    Born around 262 BBY, during the time of the High Republic, Avar Kriss was taken into the Jedi Order as a child, brought to the Jedi Temple on the Republic capital world of
    Her parents, Johannes Inkari & Romi Jade
    Coruscant. As a Padawan she developed a strong connection with fellow trainees Stellan Gios and Elzar Mann. During her time as a Jedi, Kriss worked within the frontier of the galaxy; she accomplished many great deeds in her career. During their time as Padawans, Kriss and Mann had an intimate relationship that Kriss later grew out of; Gios was also said to be involved in the intimate side of the friendship as well. It was speculated that Kriss may have returned to one of these previous relationships, conceiving a child with either Mann or Gios, birthing what would become the House of Jade.

    Several thousand years later, Loudomi "Lou" Jade, a Hapan Force-sensitive descendant of Kriss was born. She had a challenging upbringing that shaped her into jaded and cynical person later in life, but her intelligence and resourcefulness caught the attention of Republic and Galactic Alliance intelligence agencies, leading to her recruitment as an undercover operative. During a covert mission on Corellia, she crossed paths with a shipyards worker. Their intense but volatile relationship provided temporary solace from the harsh realities of her life as an intelligence agent. However, out of spite, she refused to give their child her husbands last name. This child would come to be known as Romi Jade. Though, despite the rough start to her life, Romi went on to become a legendary Jedi Master and celebrated hero in her own right.

    Romi married Johannes Inkari, Dukat to House Inkari, and the former Chume'da to the Hapes Consortium. Their daughter, Cortana, was born soon thereafter.

    Romi JadeMother
    Johannes InkariFather
    Loudomi "Lou" Jade Grandmother
    Joza Perl Joza Perl Grandmother (adoptive)
    Kaleleon Kaleleon Big Brother
    Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Big Sister (cousin)
    Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Big Sister (cousin)
    Liorra Liorra Cousin
    Auteme Auteme Godmother
    Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill Godfather
    Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Uncle
    Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor Uncle
    Valery Noble Valery Noble Aunt
    Sinestra Sinestra We got beef

    *I'll add more to this later....too many names

  • Cortana's dark brown, and sometimes yellow-black combat attire is a practical. Her looks typically involved namely leather
    pants and jackets and tight tops. Crafted from a resilient and flexible fabric or sometimes leather or denym, her attire hugs her form, allowing unrestricted movement while providing ample protection. The dark-brown hues blend seamlessly with various terrains, enabling her to traverse environments with ease.

    Cortana's attire sometimes consists of tight and flexible full-body suits; the silhouette optimizes mobility. The color scheme, reminiscent of earthy tones, maintains a sense of connection to the natural world around her. And, when she's not in a body suit, Jade wears a variety of bandeau tops and sleeveless tanks of varying lengths over fitted and sleek combat pants.

    All of her attire selections are a careful balance between practicality and aesthetics. A utility belt holds her lightsaber hilt, tools, and small essentials while maintaining a sleek profile.

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