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Coruscant First - Rough Timeline and Ideas

Zeradias Mant

Democracy Dies in Darkness
While factions continued to rise and fall, one planet in particular retained its relevance regardless of who may have held it: his homeworld, Coruscant. Using his own capital, he launched a bid to reinsert himself into Coruscanti politics. He founded a new political party, Coruscant First, with the primary goal of reasserting Coruscant's importance to the galaxy, and to distance itself from states occupying it from abroad. His campaign war chest was well-funded from private donors, with Zeradias making sizable contributions himself. Between his Coruscanti origin, military experience, and background with the Coruscant Guard, he was an instant hit with the working class. Despite smear attempts by his rivals, citing the Iron Empire's collapse and his family's wealth, he was seen as a nose-to-the-grindstone person, a Coruscanti success story. He won the election with over a 2/3 majority and was sworn in as the Executive of the Central District the following day. His message resonated with not just the working class, be all the way from the poor of the Old District to the upper middle class of the Jrade District. Despite the growing calls for Coruscanti independence, the Galactic Alliance maintained its stranglehold on the ecumenopolis world. Assembling some of his most trusted advisors, he launched a campaign to distance Coruscant First from the central government under the Galactic Alliance, headquartered in his representative district. He would maintain a position of prominence in the Galactic City Authority, to hold sway where and as needed, all the while building and militarizing his support base.

(1) Coruscant First!
After a successful election campaign, Zeradias is sworn in as the Executive of the Central District. Following a political rally in support of his new political party, Coruscant First, he gathers his closest advisors and allies to craft a plan to grow the party and its strengthen its position in Coruscanti politics.

(2) En Marche!
The groundwork is laid out and the plan is in motion. Coruscant First continues to grow in numbers and in strength, and party leadership's goals become more ambitious. Using Zeradias' connections with the Coruscant Guard, the party ensures the unquestioned loyalty of the planet's only law enforcement agency. This only serves as a starting point, with paramilitary vessels becoming more commonplace in the district spaceports. Though not uncommon, it becomes concerning to the Galactic City Common Council (GCCC).

(3) Council Purge
At the next assembly of the GCCC, other District Executives and the Mayor of Galactic City inquire about the alarming number of paramilitary vessels arriving in the Central District and the lack of those vessels departing. Zeradias reassures the rest of the council that the vessels are either arriving for extended leave, or are a part of Vesuvian's fleet at large returning to port. Though this seems to put much of the council at ease, the Mayor presses for an official investigation. Using his hold on the Coruscant Guard, he has the Mayor arrested, presenting falsified information incriminating him in organized crime in the underworld. The council is largely surprised, and with Coruscant First's rapid increase in political prominence, Zeradias is appointed Mayor of Galactic City in a council emergency vote.

(4) United Coruscant
Zeradias once more addresses the people of Coruscant, citing that the one thing consistent through Coruscanti government success is a strong military. The Old Republic, the First Galactic Empire, and One Sith all had powerful militaries, and they all held Coruscant in high enough regard to make Coruscant their capital world. Meanwhile, the Galactic Alliance rules from afar, with a nigh visible preference, battered from constant incursions by imperial powers. Echoing the sentiments of then-Chancellor Palpatine's speech to the Galactic Senate, Zeradias abolished the mayor-council government of the Galactic City Authority (GCA) and instituted a military junta. District Executives loyal to Coruscant First would receive commissions commensurate with their experience and loyalty. Zeradias openly mobilizes the paramilitary forces amassed in the Central District, disbursing them all throughout the ecumenopolis. Millions of party loyalist enlist into the GCA military, solidifying party control over the planet.

(Alt 3) Military Rising
Zeradias convinces the Mayor of Galactic City to contract Vesuvian as a naval force to protect Coruscant from external threats, particularly in neighboring Core worlds. Zeradias uses these new authorizations to create an armed wing of Coruscant First, a paramilitary organization called ________. Adorning himself it's commanding officer, Executive General Mant immediately begins patrol routes to secure Coruscant, closely monitoring incoming and outgoing traffic. Enlistment in the ________ surges as party popularity rises. Even the Mayor begins to adopt a vision similar to Coruscant First's, albeit more radical. Convinced Alsakan is once more attempting to revive an ancient war to become the unofficial center of the galaxy, the Mayor orders the ________ to orbitally bombard Alsakan. Even though the Mayor had the power to order it, protocol dictated his order to to Mant, who in turn would give the direct order. Rather than pass on the needless and destructive order, he called for an emergency meeting of the GCCC. He denounced the Mayor, and after evidence was provided, the council voted to impeach. Zeradias was named the interim Mayor of Galactic City in an special vote held in the council.

Zeradias Mant

Democracy Dies in Darkness
I'm Fleet Admiral Zeradias Mant of the Galactic City Authority. A short while ago, the Mayor of Galactic City ordered a Vesuvian cruiser to orbitally bombard the planet of Alsakan. These orders came through a secondary, less secure network. With billions of lives at stake, I requested confirmation of the order be sent through the normal, proper channels. In response, an unknown military vessel fired upon that ship stationed nearest to Alsakan, all but destroying it.

From Coruscant, we have watched as the fabric of trust between the government and its people has been torn. And when this ship dared to question why a planet that has posed no threat to Coruscant in millennia was to be destroyed, elements from that government tried to kill the 1,853 volunteer troopers on my ship. And then these same elements continued on their course, complicit in submission to external influence. We have all born witness.


I am Zeradias Mant of the Galactic City Authority, Mayor of Galactic City. A short while ago, my predecessor called for an emergency session of the Galactic City Common Council, accusing those not of his party of treason. These baseless allegations were largely dismissed by the majority of the Common Council, yet when I stood to denounce him, he paused as other District Executives rose to speak out against him. Immediately, he ordered the Coruscant Guard to kill us. They did not obey his command.

I then motioned for an immediate removal of the Mayor from his office, which passed with little opposition. I was soon after appointed his successor in an emergency vote. I ordered the former mayor arrested for the very crime he had accused the Council of moments ago. District Executives aiding him in his paranoid ventures were expelled from the Common Council. Mayor ________ was appointed by the Galactic Alliance after assuming control of the planet, and a staunch supporter of their rule. The people of Coruscant, however, are no longer.

From Coruscant, we have watched as the fabric of trust between the government and its people has been torn. And when this party dared to question why a government lightyears away have the right to control the capital of the galaxy, elements from that government tried to silence the very voices which would speak out against it. And then these same elements continued on their course, offering negligible if not nonexistent support, instead funneling trillions of credits into their war machine. We have all born witness.

In an emergency session of the Galactic City Common Council, I was lawfully appointed Mayor of Galactic City and granted plenary powers to reassert Coruscanti independence. A democracy once ruled here, but in the end, it failed. An empire once ruled here, but in the end, it failed. Consistent through all forms of government, Coruscant has had a strong military, assisting its respective government in clinching power through both domestic protection and foreign incursions. Now it has none, barring the Coruscant Guard, having surrendered military control entirely to the Galactic Alliance, who's proven unable to manage this great planet.

With the consent of the Common Council, I am declaring a state of martial law on Coruscant. District Representatives will be granted ranks commensurate with their seniority and continue to represent their respective districts. We have expelled Galactic Alliance forces and launched an Early Warning Station in orbit of the planet. From this facility, we can see the movements of all the galaxy's militaries. We are in control.

I am declaring a no man's land in the Deep Core, effective immediately. Planets will have control over security in their respective regions. As for myself and the men and women of Coruscant, we love our planet. We would gladly die for what it represents. But we do not recognize or obey a government that tries to murder its own. If the current Galactic Alliance executive or any other faction violates this perimeter, we have ____ and will not hesitate to unleash fiery hell down upon you, I give you my word.

Test us, and we will all burn together.

You have been warned.

Zeradias Mant
Mayor of Galactic City
Fleet Admiral, UCN

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