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Coruscant Gets Dimmer

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Oka wasn't supposed to be on Coruscant, but he didn't care. The sith don't own it, more like the merchants do. That's not the point why hes here though. He came to try the new H'Kak Bean tea at the cantina. It wasn't the best bar in the galaxy but when you took a sip of Coruscant beverages, they'd make you think it was. As he approached the entrance of the cantina, a homeless person begged for a few credits. "Where I come from, you don't beg." Oka said to the homeless person as he tossed 100 credits. Oka wasn't rich but he could spare change for the helpless. He entered the cantina and ordered some tea t the bar.

[member="Ponyboy Reynolds"]

(OOC:Sleep time)
Seemed like someone was always looking to run stuff in or out of Coruscant these days. Whether it was a load of guns for resistance fighters or just blue milk chocolate that had been banned by the Sith occupiers, someone was desperate enough to pay a pretty credit for a freighter. And as long as you did not look at the MPs or the random Sith guy in the wrong way, they let you pass throughout the city world without much hassle. Getting through customs and registration really felt like running through the gauntlet, but once out of there, the skies were clear... artificial... polluted...

Yeah, it was Coruscant. A sad-looking Coruscant--even sadder since the Sithies had dropped their iron fist--but it was the same center to everything that was anything that was something tangible. Money!

And so, the snazziest black market pilot in the galaxy had found her way to the storied world once more. Blue milk chocolate was really scarce nowadays, apparently. She had wandered into one of those typical cantinas with a name like The Rubbish Bin. One could always trust a place like this to serve up some good fluids. Of course, Corvetta's favorite Mantellian Brandy was not in stock due to the embargo. She would have to settle for the knockoff 'Corellian' liquor.

Some guy who seemed like he could use a little ultraviolet on his skin walked into the cantina and called for a cup of tea. Corvetta nearly choked on her drink, incredulous that they even served such an impotent beverage here. This was too curious. She smirked at the man and offered her commentary. "No use trying to stay healthy, bud. Chemical warfare and stuff. I suggest a one-way ticket."

[member="Oka Osaa"], [member="Ponyboy Reynolds"]

Ponyboy Reynolds

Running...corner, corner, turn,turn, STOP. Ponyboy was out of breath. He slowed to a wal, running everyday had its ups, but it also had it's downs. He noticed a cantina called the Rubbish Bin, he decided to enter. Sweating and hot, he noticed a woman and a man, te woman was talking to the man about a tea...wait a tea? Pft. Why waste money on the tea when there is water...refreshing water...well Ponyboy was a runner, so what do you expect.

He walked to the bar.

"Hey kid, out!" The bartender said.

"Calm down, I'm only here for water."


"C'mon, you gonna turn down someone who is as beautiful as me?" Pony smiled.

The bartender shut up and brought him the water.

Ponyboy then walked to the man and woman.

" two seem to be the only respectable people in the cantina." Pony said to the two of them

[member="Corvetta Salvo"]

[member="Oka Osaa"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Turning his head to the woman, Oka said "Its not health I'm concerned about. I'm simply trying it, and it seems good. Want to try?" After his reply to the woman, Oka saw the bartender and a boy in conflict it seemed. The boy walked over to them, and talked. Oka replied with "Coruscant is always full of grouchy people, well since the sith took over. But anyways what's with the age restriction? You don't seem too young." Oka asked with a statement.

[member="Ponyboy Reynolds"]
[member="Corvetta Salvo"]
Corvetta grinned and shook her head. "Nah, that's not my kind of lubricant. Enjoy it if you can." She continued to chuckle, finding tea in a bar one of the most humorous things since...

Their little casual exchange was interrupted by some track star wannabe looking to score a conversation after scoring a pint of H2O. Seemed like everyone was hitting the hard stuff tonight. Apparently water was also a commodity around Coruscant these days. Or the bartender was just a stingy old crust. The pilot had gotten that impression when he had tried to serve her what seemed like half a glass of this 'Vintage Corellian Double-Plus Plus'. Corvetta was not exactly the smartest girl to hit the spacelanes, but she was not born yesterday. Though "respectable" might be pushing things. "Aw, and I was just about to ramp a bantha-sized bet on the big game," she joked before taking a big gulp of her strong alcoholic beverage.

[member="Oka Osaa"], [member="Ponyboy Reynolds"]

Ponyboy Reynolds

Ponyboy looked at Oka then to Corvetta.

"Coruscant is always full of grouchy people, well since the sith took over. But anyways what's with the age restriction? You don't seem too young." Oka asked.

Ponyboy smiled.

"You got that right, im seventeen...I don't think I quality for alcohol just yet, name's Ponyboy, but my friends call me Ponyboy." Pony said

[member="Oka Osaa"]
[member="Corvetta Salvo"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Oka listened and decided to say, "the names Oka, Oka Osaa." He came to the conclusion that [member="Corvetta Salvo"] didn't like the youth of the galaxy. But it was a thought, didn't mean it was true although he believed it. He didn't mind the young people because he was fairly young, but at the same time not quite. Oka replied to the woman, "haha, its a nice beverage. I usually hate new things but this is a breather for me." Then he looked back to the boy, "where you headed?" Oka asked.

[member="Ponyboy Reynolds"]



As Inquistor Acolyte of the One Sith, it was her duty to root out all Republic scum, supporters or personnel. The rule of the One Sith on Coruscant was that of fear, the people feared prosecution and death for speaking out against their new rulers. The Sith had an iron grip around the throat of Coruscant. Sidi had received information by the operatives of the One Sith Intelligence agency that there was a possible Jedi. Possible, the person couldn't identify. You see, when the people are ruled by fear, the citizens will go out of their way to throw another under the bus to get in on the good books, to avoid any chance of prosecution. It wasn't the first time in history it had occurred, and wouldn't be the last. A daily occurrence.

Sidi held the homeless Bothan by the hairs of his chin, yanking taut. He had made the call to the agency, reporting the sighting. "I-i don't know!" the Bothan stuttered in terror. The piercing yellow eyes of Sidi watched him, knowing this was truth he spoke, "If you can't tell me who he is, then tell me where he is." The Bothan glanced down the street, pointing a finger, "I saw him down there, walk into a cantina. H-he gave me some credits. Said s-something about n-not begging." Sidi found this to be truth, prodding his mind, "Good. He's right, you won't need to beg. The One Sith appreciate their supporters." She said in a hiss, withdrawing five credits from her pocket, varying in worth from 50 to 500. She knew it wouldn't last long. Homeless weren't homeless because they couldn't find a job, more often than not it was because they were addicted to narcotics.

The Devaronian let the Bothan slither back into the alleys that he called home, nodding his head with fervour in gratitude. His entire body trembled from the experience, and Sidi began moving further down the lane. Dictatorship and subjugation of the people had been the greatest thing to happen to Coruscant, or so she thought. The weak cowered and the strong ruled, that is how it was mean't to be. How the galaxy should be. Personal opinions of a Sith, nonetheless. She approached a line of cantinas, patrons walked in sober and walked out drunk, or a belly full of food, and sometimes a black eye. Sidi stood there for a moment, assessing the crowd.

[member="Oka Osaa"]
"That's not what I heard..." Corvetta teased when the teenager told about the collective mood of the One Sith's Coruscanti subjects. "But I also heard they had good drinks here..." The smuggler lifted her glass and closed one of her eyes, as if to microscopically inspect it for quality. "Which, they do not," she followed up with a smirk, then an apologetic--though not quite sincere--simper at the barkeeper.

'Ponyboy' was a new one--really weird, in her opinion. But parents these days were odd. Fortunately, the spacer had been provided with a less... pony-ish name. "I'm Corvetta," she offered, nodding at the tea drinker. "And I'd say Ponytail here is crankin' for a Galactic Games record. Steam all this way for a cup of water?"

[member="Sidi"], [member="Oka Osaa"], [member="Ponyboy Reynolds"]

Ponyboy Reynolds

"Oh me...nowhere in particular I guess, I normally stay on Corellia and run." Ponyboy said before taking another sip of his water.

"And I'd say Ponytail here is crankin' for a Galactic Games record. Steam all this way for a cup of water?" Corvetta said.

When she said this Ponyboy had mixed feelings. But still he smiled anyway.

"Ponytail...thats a new for the Galactic Games record...maybe I am" he said smiling.

Then her last remark made him chuckle.

"SStem all the way here for a cup of water?" Corvetta asked.

"Maybe I did, I heard the water here I wanted t see if it was true." Ponyboy clearly lied. The real reason he was ther was to run...he ran at different planets for fun.

[member="Corvetta Salvo"]
[member="Oka Osaa"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
You could sense the One Sith when they're at your area. And they can sense you. Oka had absolutely no problem with the sith since he's a rogue but they're hostile with republic visitors. He wondered if he could hide his sabers, and his republic cloak. Oka went into a booth, layed his cloak there. But he had to give his sabers to someone he could trust. He spoke on a comlink, well a custom comlink where no one could jam, listen, or find it. It was completely direct. "B7, I need your help. Come into the cantina. Also try and warn me if any sith come in, I sense them even though its their planet now."

[member="Ponyboy Reynolds"]
[member="Corvetta Salvo"]
Well. Corvetta had never before tasted any 'good' water on Coruscant, but maybe that was just her spacer self. Distilled tanked water is just plain water, and that was what she had drunk nearly all her life until she took her first sip of alcohol. Now she rarely touched water. She would not bother denying it--she was an alcoholic.

She was also really fun and spunky. And possibly a bad influence. She winked at the teenager and turned to call for a shot of whiskey. "Wanna give it a crank?" she asked, a devious smile crossing her face.

This was a horrible idea.

[member="Sidi"], [member="Ponyboy Reynolds"], [member="Oka Osaa"]

Ponyboy Reynolds

Pony smiled.

"Sorry I don't drink sweat cheeks, if I want to keep this body as fine as it is I have to stay sober." He said with a smile. Well if she was talking to him.

Pony noticed the man speak into his comm.

"Hey dawg, what are ya doing" he said to oka.

[member="Corvetta Salvo"]
[member="Oka Osaa"]

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