Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Coruscant Noir

Level 1294
Life in Coruscant often sucked more than not. Nej had experienced his fair share of the suck, the proverbial hardcase here and there. Subject to crime, invasion- and the fact that it never really had a chance to recover, what with it being held by someone else every ten minutes or so. This Empire, that Republic, whatever. But rarely, if ever, did it matter to the scummier people. Rarely did they give a rats ass, or even half a one, of which flag was flying over the capital that they recently bombed to hell. Only when the debris got this far down and the bodies started stinking did anyone below the 1100 block give a rats ass.

Which is why things went unnoticed, and people had to turn to people other than the law moreoften than not to get someone, something handled. It's why CorSec was constantly just pulling bodies out of gutters, alleys, out of the streets. Hard to do ballistics on a blaster, much less when they had no way of knowing anything, and more importantly- nobody talked.

Nej hadn't been doing the hired gun thing long, but even he knew a lost cause when he saw one. The other three goons and their apparent leader, stood idly in the center of the apartment, tossed and ransacked during a scuffle that they weren't privy to. They were supposed to find the occupant for another client, and bring them back safe and sound.

Nej was given a fair chance of a picture, a name, and a nickname. So, on a planet with billions of people in a literal giant city- that was extremely helpful. All they knew is that someone got taken, and they didn't take anything except the person from their apartment, as much as they could tell. Girl who asked for the local hired goons was scared. Girlfriend or something, apparently. Nothing could console her, really. She kept saying he didn't do anything.

But lonely guys with pretty girlfriends who cried a lot didn't get kidnapped for no reason. Either she was a great liar- or complete ignorant. The guy had to be up to something. He held up the picture of him again.

Darin Pol.

Human. Blonde hair. Green eyes. About six feet tall. Tattoos on his neck and face. Cybernetics on the left side of his head, and a few other parts. Was apparently in the data business, accounting for some large firm that handled off-world shipping and imports. Pretty important job. So why the dumpy apartment?

Nej sniffed, glancing around, not taking too much notice of the other three hired guns and their leader, pacing around the apartment. The apartment was ransacked like Nej was when he was looking for his favorite pants in the morning. No, someone took something that the girl didn't know, or was covering up. Nej had a pretty bad feeling about it, but couldn't place his finger on it, yet. For the moment, he was content on pacing around, trying to collect as much of a 'feel' as he could for the dumpy apartment. So far though?



This is going to be a fun little Noir story. If you want in, just jump in. I like to roll with punches.. If you wanna be the kidnapper, go ahead, if you wanna be one of the other hired guns, shoot for the moon. Just make it fun and memorable!
The apartment was a ransacked mess that had quite the story to tell, knocked over table, strewn about personal belongings and a couple signs of a fight. If someone wasn't looking downward they could easily trip over the mess, with each step carefully placed in front of the next in order not to step on shattered glass or a torn sheet. As each step would be carefully placed and with curious eyes carefully studying the remains, one could wonder many possibilities of how this scuffle went down. It was hard to decide among these possibilities, was it a deal gone wrong? Was it a hostile encounter from the start? Did the attacker come in through the door, or were they simply hiding in here before the target came home? Could there have been other witnesses who had ran off in the chaos? The girl could probably answer some of these, but given how the lower levels of Coruscant usually were...she could easily be a suspect as well.

Well, Ty thought so anyway.

He kept placing each step delicately in front of the next as his stroll about the apartment continued, old mind having the energy of his younger days. It happens when confronted with such a disturbing sight, adrenaline kicking in at the realization something had gone horribly, horribly wrong. Even his own elderly cynicism couldn't be prepared for the sight of this apartment gone awry. It wasn't just the imagination of what happened that made him disturbed- what was the client going to say to this? They wanted someone, a someone who is now missing and seemingly impossible to find as far as Ty was aware. This was Coruscant of all places, Coruscant! The possibilities were endless, this could've been politically related for all he knew. And if it was politically related? Forget about it, there was no way they could screw around with whoever owned this planet, let alone investigating local politicians. He dreaded the thought of getting involved in this any further!

But, money was money, and he had a couple others with him to help share the blame, hopefully, maybe, it wouldn't be hard to imagine this day could get worse from here and with it, his fate of coming up empty handed. At best, he'll just have to deal with not getting the credits he needs, at worst...Well, his mind was already racing with the possibilities of what happened to the person who lived here, he didn't want to think up any more nightmares tonight.

"This...Isn't how I imagined today would go." He sighed, eventually stopping as he got to the center of the room, seeming defeated and placing his hands on his hips while scanning the apartment. With his large fur-lined jacket, rugged trousers and holstered DL-44, he seemed to match up a look of any other cheaply hired goon "We'll need a miracle to figure this out. What sort of person would kidnap a man who works for shipping and imports?" he added, placing a hand at his chin and stroking his long grey beard while continuing to think.
Insilico stood in the doorway of the apartment, rifle in hand, as it started to rain outside. It was past twilight, the sky barely illuminated, and Insilico's photoreceptors were always extra foggy in the rain. The chest of the old, beat up 3PX split open, and the little droid flew out into the walkway.

He began recording. As people rushed by to get out of the light rain spattering down from above, he recorded them. Each face captured, assigned numbers, and filed away neatly in his "Possible suspects, but not likely"
folder. Not useful information, but something to do for the moment while he waited for [member="Nej Tane"] and [member="Ty Zashal"] to finish their search.

As he hovered, spinning round and round, Insilico was suddenly knocked to the ground.

"Oof!! I say, you better wa-" As he rolled around he gazed upon the grimy Rodian who had bumped into him, jabbering away, rather angrily about how HE should be watching where he was going.

Insilico slowly floated back up, his soft blue light slowly turning red as he chuckled then said "Don't you know who I am?! I.. Am Insilico!" His flesh peelers popped up, still crusted in dry blood from the previous night's fun. "Skiptracer extraordinaire!! And you sir, are about to be in extraordinary paaaaaaaaaainnn!" Just then, a man rushed by, clipping the side of Insilico and sending him, cursing and screaming, into the gutter next to the apartment door, as both "assailants" rushed away. Oh well.. It was all recorded. He'd find them eventually... He made sure to file them under "scoundrels who shall not escape (again)!"

Insilico shook off the rain water like a... Well, like a metal ball shaking off water, and waited, the way only a metal ball could wait, for his companions.

It was around 18:00 the supposed target was said to be heading out with his friends tonight for a night out on the town with his friends to a bar south of his workplace...The perfect setting for an abduction. The subjects name was Darin Pol, Class A humanoid, Steady Income aberrant for these parts. Ava made her way inside the bar and closely examined everyone careful not to misinterpret anything. Ava took note of the numerous scumbags and wanted men present inside the bar. That could useful in future.

She walked over towards the bartender distancing herself as she sat down on a red worn out barstool. The bartender turned to her and spoke.

"What will it be Miss?"

"Chandrillian brandy no ice."

The bartender served her the drink to which she had no intention on drinking, She needed to be sober for this encounter whenever it came. All Ava had to do for the moment was fit in which was hard when she starkly contrasted against the rough trashy exterior of those around her. It was then Mr Pol walked in with his companions. They were frivolous and rowdy...Just how she wanted them. While his friends walked off to party Darin himself sat down by himself and ordered a drink seemingly in desperate need of one as he chugged it down.

Ava tipped the Bartender and got up avoiding the requests of others for her to sit by them. She sat next to the distressed Pol who gave a smile and put down his drink to acknowledge the woman.

"Why hello there! What's a pretty lady such as yourself doing here on such a fine evening?"

It was people like Darin that made her job easy. Not only was he arrogant and eager to have someone such as her for company but it was those express traits that let Ava complete her mission with no poodoos given. She began to tenderly rub his arm and give the whole doll routine, She has done it about 1 million times so she pretty much had it down but with that in mind she can't say she's ever done it as a means to kidnap someone.

"Well I was looking for something to do tonight when I noticed this bar. I was about to leave when I saw you walk in looking quite energetic. Needless to say I was intrigued."

Ava's accent was somewhat an outlier compared to others on level 1294 and it seemed to work to her advantage it made her appear as though she was from the upper levels of coruscant...Or perhaps better off world. She began to lean closer towards the man and make suggestions with her eyes, For this mission to proceed as planned she needed him to break...And he did. He back up while shutting her down with hand gestures.

"I-I um can't. Uh sorry I didn't bring any money with me."

Ava gave a fake chuckle and placed her hand on his shoulder.

"You don't need money. I came here to have a good time and that's what I intend to do, Won't you help me out...To be perfectly honest I've never done this before myself."

Darin got up and almost dragged up Ava by her hand with him. He reeled her in closer her head only reaching up to his chest.

"Well now I can't turn you down can I?"

"No you cannot."

It was time to seal the deal the man's mind was was unshielded the natural barrier the underworld induced had fallen. With the infused force power within her she warped his mind and bring him into a vulnerable state.

"I have a place not far from here let's go there."

"I would love nothing more."


[member="Ty Zashal"]

[member="Nej Tane"]
Such was the way of the outlaw, the meander, the has-been that you end up with some characters. As far as compatriots could go, though- an interrogation droid an old guy wasn't the worst companions. Nej was experienced in his own right, and the two at his side, could probably solve this mystery.

Nej paced around, hand on the disruptor pistol on his hip. In the back of his pants, on his waistline, he always carried a blaster. Double trouble. Not much a blaster and a disruptor couldn't take care of, much less any of them having to do with a missing accountant.

He ran his fingers over the light stubble on his face, before speaking to the older man he was with.

"Best bet is this guy wasn't all about running things on and off the planet- probably either ran things off that shouldn't been off, or the other way around."

Nej stopped, and tapped his foot.

"Droid- buddy. Can you run to see if the guy was spotted at any of the places around here? I imagine you'll be able to get into the security networks around here. Maybe he wasn't taken here, they were just looking for something here."

[member="Ava Reizbar"] l [member="Insilico"] l [member="Ty Zashal"]
Insilico perked up at what [member="Nej Tane"] said. "Oh! It would be my utmost pleasure!" He sped up into the air suddenly and scanned the surrounding area for any cameras, and finally spotted one.

He sauntered over to it, chuckling "Heh.. Now I believe I just need to.." A small hatch opened in Insilico's side, and a small connector popped out as he gently grew closer to the camera. Insilico, somehow, made a quick, miscalculation. He rammed into the camera, and sent it hurtling to the ground. He hovered there for a second, rethinking his life, before floating over to another across the street. This time... Successfully making the connection and slicing into the security network.

Insilico replayed the last 24 hours, finally reaching last night and witnessed our victim and [member="Ava Reizbar"] entering the apartment. The camera was in a little alcove, meant to protect its aging technology from the horrific weather in this part of town. This made it a prime spot for birds to land and rest. Insilico fastforwarded through the footage of a bird's ass infront of the camera, until he got to to [member="Nej Tane"], [member="Ty Zashal"] and himself entering.

He disconnected, saving the footage, and bounced up in down in the air with a shrill laugh. He had the face of their kidnapper. He sped down, back to the apartment shouting "Oh sir!!" His blue eye suddenly turned red and his voice became hoarse "I FOUND OUR TARGET."
The possibility that someone else had searched the apartment hadn't entered Ty's mind. "So they could've been searching for something to figure out where Darin is?" he asked, continuing to stroke his beard. "Or find something he had..."

An atmosphere of dread loomed even heavier while waiting in the ruined apartment, questions of why this was done and by who still unanswered like a student who didn't study before a test. There was just no way of knowing- not without the droid. Admittedly, Ty found the droid a bit worrying, it was old, dirty, rusting a bit and he couldn't shake the feeling it's personality wasn't intended by the makers when the droid's lights and voice changed. But the value of having something able to get access to records, cameras, computer files and other digital files in an instant was irreplaceable. So there was a charm when Insilico had gone off in search of a one of the cameras surrounding them, and kept the dreadful atmosphere from becoming downright oppressive as there was still a slim chance they could figure out how this mess went down. Having a armed droid as well as tiny torture droid also kept any of the more off-putting locals who hanged around the streets away from the door, who Ty normally just stared back at from under his hood before they entered the apartment.

And Nej, well... "I'm pretty sure I've seen his face on a wanted poster a long time ago." Ty thought to himself, staring at Nej with a raised brow. If he was or wasn't a criminal wasn't didn't worry the old man, down here it wasn't unlikely to working alongside unscrupulous individuals, but he was curious...though any attempt at remembering was ruined once the droid came back through the door.

The change of light and voice from the droid caused Ty to pause, eyes darting to look at Nej, then back at Insilico. "Well..." he placed his hands at his sides, shrugging "...That was faster then expected."

[member="Nej Tane"]
[member="Ava Reizbar"]
Ava speed down the street in her orange speeder a drunk, weary Darin seated in the passenger seat. The moment Darin whipped out the drinks Ava made her move poisoning the man's drink just enough so he could follow commands but not press against her. Ava was equivalent in skill to spec ops...But her spirit was that of a warrior. Though she may report to the veil she is free without bondage and in control. She turned to the disoriented man who gave a semi-furious look in return. Ava leaned in closer to the man kissed him on the cheek.

"It's the least I could do after denying you what you wanted tonight. Besides I can assure you it wouldn't have been enough to satiate my needs."

She picked up speed eventually stopping inside an old alleyway. She was smart and picked up her speeder at the bar as to not be seen exiting with Darin. She cleared the room of any clues she could find as well though hastily. She was supposed to drop him off on one of coruscant's highest levels but she saw through it. If Ava took Darin through the gate they would be spotted and thus pursed. No, She needed to take him straight to his final destination...While at the same time being as far away from his captors as possible. Simple. Ava guided a still woozy Darin towards a dark alleyway filled to the brim with thugs and brigands.

Steady but surely she stepped through the alleyway until a group of gangsters stopped them sneering and acting rather smug.

“You two really shouldn't be out here this time of night"

Senators were crooked scoundrels themselves, Finding a thug on their payroll should be easy enough. It was then one of the criminals approached her and put a blade to her throat while digging inside of her pockets. Four other thugs surrounded Ava and Darin to back their friend up. The man pulled out a wad of cash and was immediately awe struck by how much their was. He turned back towards Ava and began to gesture her to follow him.

"Come on little missy I have use of you...Heh."

As if this ignited a flame inside Ava she quickly smacked the knife out of the man's hand and grabbed his still outstretched hand. She pulled on his hand to outstretch his arm and then proceeded to elbow his shoulder thus putting his arm out of place. He fell to the ground with his arm sticking out against his will as he writhed in agony.

"One of you are familiar with Baron Yurmont of the Coruscant trade center yes? If so take me to his usual place of business transaction. If you do so you will be rewarded. In more ways than one."

[member="Nej Tane"]

[member="Ty Zashal"]

Faster, sure. Expected? Not at all. Nej had expected to get a meager payout. But now there lay the possibility of actually having to find this guy- for some reason, that bothered Nej. Probably because, at the heart of it all, Nej was...

Nej was lazy.

Nej tapped his foot, crossing his arms.

"Well. Let's go to the street. See what we can get from the other cameras- got be enough footage to find out where they came from, right? Maybe someone who saw them."

Exposition Worthy Moving Later

"Well, here we are, at the street...we gotta find a Chiss girl. Someone's gotta have noticed her." He said it with a low growl, the kind cats made when they were near Catnip. He looked around the street, suddenly realizing that he had no idea where to start. So he started walking in the direction that the pair came from. She was the last person to see him alive and well- surely she'd know where he was.

"My guess is they came from a bar..." Nej turned a corner, logically, being that it was a one-way street. And saw no less than forty bars, places to eat, and diners. He huffed.

"And my guess isn't that great."

[member="Ava Reizbar"] l [member="Ty Zashal"] l [member="Insilico"]
Insilico chuckled. It was his time to shine.

He rose up above the sea of people rushing by them, and scanned the surrounding area, spotting an old homeless man asleep with burnt out death sticks and bottles littered around him. With all he had smoked, surely he up last night.

"Follow me..." Insilico said in a low voice, sauntering over to the man and bumping into his face over and over to awaken him. "Wake up, you putrid waste of air! Wake up! [member="Nej Tane"], find me an alley or room, this is gonna take some time!"

The man slowly awakened and let out a shrill shriek at the sight of the torture droid, before being silenced by Insilico's needle, sedating him


An all around bad guy.
Blade stood outside the grimy exterior of a trashy bar on the lower levels of Coruscant, looking up trying to figure out how in the world the light rain could possibly get here. Strange, anyways, he wouldn't let this meteorological anomaly stop him. The truth was, Blade was getting paid a large sum of money to find a man by the name of Derin Pol. This guy was a real class act, stable job, beautiful girlfriend, and most importantly, he pissed off the wrong people by involving himself in business with a crime syndicate.

In order to try to make extra money, Derin was allowing packages in from suspicious dealers without asking questions. The problem was after a while his conscience got to him and he alerted the authorities, blowing his funds on a high priced attorney to avoid corruption charges, he collaborated with the authorities and was able to retreat to an isolated cheap apartment on in the lower levels. The people he pissed off wanted him alive, and what were they to do with him once he was brought to them? Well... Blade wasn't one for asking questions, but he had quite the imagination. His job wasn't to worry anyway, simply collect this guy and bring him to the syndicate. Once he was brought, Blade would be able to happily walk away with a pocket full of money.

As the rain pelted his steel helmet, Blade pulled up his cloak to prevent the water soaking into his armor-weave. He tipped his finned helmet downwards as he lifted his wrist revealing a small datapad which projected the image to a scummy looking drunk exiting the building. The image slowly spun, illuminating the immediate area with a blue fluorescent light in the shape of Darin's face.

The drunk just shrugged and wiped his stubble with a dirty shirt, "I have't saw nuttin'"

Blade nodded before disengaging the holoprojection. He looked up and spotted a small droid heading into an ally with a man carrying someone behind him. He cautiously trailed the group into a dimly lit alley. The alley was dark, save for a flickering light. There was the roar of what sounded as though it could be thunder, though it was likely just a passing vehicle, as Blade's silhouette appeared in the Entrance to the ally, his shadow sparking the attention of [member="Insilico"] and [member="Nej Tane"] . Blade simply held his carbine at his chest and didn't speak at first, just signaling over the droid with his hand.
The silhouette caused Nej to spin around, legs spread apart, hands at hip level, ready to draw his disruptor pistol. He scanned the man, unable to make much of an impression at the distance, and the lighting didn't do him any favors either. Nej spoke first, before anyone else in the group.

"You got some sort of business here, friend?"

He was confident he could make the first shot, but he wasn't sure about the armor. Normally, he would've blasted the person to sneak up on them like that. But this guy? This guy was bad news, he could tell.

He had a feeling that this cat though- they were after the same guy.

But with that getup? That meant bad news for their mark.

[member="Blade"] l [member="Insilico"] l [member="Ava Reizbar"] l [member="Ty Zashal"]
The water dripping from the pipes high above kept Ty's jacket drenched, hood up to protect his head from the constant rain.

It also kept his face in eternal shadow, the lights that flickered and shined bright in this shady section of Coruscant were well powered, bringing in all sorts of interesting people that come from various places. Each bar, diner and store seeming crowded with active chatter, if not for the mission at hand Ty would have easily gone into any one of these places to relax, to mingle with the foreign guests and hard working citizens while avoiding the local hooligans and gangsters...But today wasn't a day of relaxation, not with his paycheck on the line, not with Darin Pol still missing.

The old man had gone on ahead further down the street then his two associates, while they were preoccupied with a local drunkard and perhaps someone else, Ty decided that the best way for himself to investigate the area was by passing by each bar, looking through the windows with a raised brow, scanning the crowds, the tables, the rooms and any human male that resembled Darin. He saw lots of clothes and faces that he'd never remember, some looked like cyborgs, some seemed like experienced veterans, others seemed like criminals, but none looked like the target. As each crowded building was passed, irritation and fear gradually began to take over his thoughts. What if he was here, but was hidden by the crowds? Perhaps the alleyways were a better place to search?

Ty stopped in front of a window, looking into it with the light from within shining up the lower half of his face. He squinted, staring deep within. "Today isn't gonna be easy." he thought to himself, moving once again and stopping in front of the door, he didn't have a good feeling about the place, but... "Screw it, ain't gonna get any easier, better start asking questions somewhere."

The bar doors opened, Ty stepped out of the rain and into the warm interior of the bar, avoiding the usual scumbags who visited this establishment and quietly passing the more quieter folk without attempting to come off as rude. Taking his hood off, Ty walked up to the bar counter, took a seat on a red worn out barstool and looked at the bartender with a cold, expressionless face once he walked over, bluntly asking the question "Any Chiss buy drinks as of late, specifically with a human named Darin Pol?"

[member="Nej Tane"] | [member="Blade"] | [member="Insilico"] | [member="Ava Reizbar"]
Coruscant - Level 1294

It had been too long since Voska had let himself hunt. he had spent most of his time chasing leads on old deathstick dealers, the scum that had ruined his life with those vials of foul liquid that he used to smoke. If they hadn't gotten him on to those things, He could have made a name for himself by now, he could be sitting in canto bight with a togruta girl or something. but instead, he was here on coruscant, he had been down on this level once before, he knew what a foul little hole he'd be stuck in for the next few days, chasing a man that seemingly didn't exist anymore, all for a handful of credits, just enough to get his hyperdrive fixed and get him to the next planet. Despite his hostile view of level 1294, He was enjoying himself at the moment, sitting back in a booth not far from the counter at a local bar, listening to the music while he smoked on a shento cigarra. he exhaled the smoke and brought his arm up to the table, projecting a small image from his data pad. "hmmm.. Darin pol.. oh where, oh where have you gone?" he mused quietly. then something caught his attention

"Any Chiss buy drinks as of late, specifically with a human named Darin Pol?"
He barely caught the tale end of a man's sentence a few seats away at the counter. He glances at the image on his datapad and then at the man who had spoken. he smiles softly and deactivates the datapad, putting on his old helmet. He figured that this fellow knew more about the target than he did, And if he'd be willing to share information, all the better. Hell, even if he had to share the bounty with another hunter or two, it'd still be enough to get by. He brings his hands up to his helmet and straightens the fit before getting up. He makes his way towards [member="Ty Zashal"] and the bartender "Bartender, Mind if we change the holoplayer up a bit? I'm in a good mood today" He chuckles, passing a few credits over the table and a small chip. The bartender shakes his head and takes the credits before turning to Ty for a moment. "I Might 'ave. But I tend to keep my customer's privacy" He says. Voska leans in for a moment as the bartender plugs the small chip into a holoplayer on the shelf, and small blue projection of various aliens playing instruments appears, along with a familiar tune.
Voska nods, smiling under his helmet before he turns to ty. "Darin Pol.. We all know his face, his name, his house even, But nobody knows the man, nor the location. What a pitty.. You're after the bounty I'd imagine, Though the chiss is a new one, what's a chiss got to do with our dear friend I wonder?" He says, his voice had an electronic undertone to it, like most mandalorian's voices when they wore helmets. it was hard to gather any information on the man by voice alone, But he was obviously a male, probably human, and probably a good bit younger than ty. His voice didn't carry the usual gloomy, hard, and aggressive sound of the ussual bounty hunter though, instead he sounded curious, and relaxed even.


An all around bad guy.
"You got some sort of business here, friend?"

Blade simply pushed his cloak off his arm, pushing in his datapad and projecting the image of the man he was looking for. He looked at him for a moment, then lowered his head a bit till his visor was pointing downwards in the general direction of the man's head. He stalked this man like a wolf to prey, watching his every breath, finger resting just above the trigger guard, but the man wouldn't know that. As the gleaming blue image faded and then powered down he looked, waiting for a response.

He made sure to mumble a command under his breath which activated his breath as to power up the night vision in his integrated VISOR system.

His voicebox grumbled as though he prepared to say something, but it was faint over the noise of the rain pelting the metal rooftops. He wouldn't say a word.

[member="Nej Tane"] [member="Insilico"]
Insilico looked up, the front of him spattered with blood. He had hit a vein on accident while using the flesh peeler on the paralyzed man. Unfortunate, but he was able to quickly cauterize it closed. He might lose the arm but oh well, not Insilico's problem. What was his problem was this new man, [member="Blade"] interrupting his joyus work. He quickly flew up from the body and almost right into his face as to block his view of the blood stained homeless man. He tilted down to look at the hologram. He thought quickly. This man was after HIS job!!

"Him?! Why that's..! Absolutely, most definitely someone I have never witnessed until this very moment, good sir! Now if you could kindly be on your way, I must uh... uuuhhh..." He paused. No excuse came to mind as he waited on [member="Nej Tane"] to say SOMETHING!


An all around bad guy.
Blade simply rose his head slightly, turning away from the droid and looking to the man for a response. He knew this droid was lying by the over-inflation of what he said. He just stared at the man, ignoring the pile of flesh which was once a homeless man, now burnt and bleeding besides him.

[member="Insilico"] [member="Nej Tane"]
"Right, the whole- stoic, silent type. You wanna fight, or what? I don't like creeps, and I ain't looking to give you any-"

He stopped talking when his brain pieced it together. The man wasn't here to go after Darin like they were. The girlfriend hired them to find her boyfriend, to make sure he was safe.

This guy was hired to make him dead.

Nej gulped and nudged the droid with his elbow.

"This guy ain't our team."

Nej lowered his hand to his thigh, hovering over the disruptor pistol at his side. At this distance, and in the darkness- he could probably draw on the guy just as fast as he could raise the carbine. Nej was a crackshot, and a fast draw. He had that going for him. But this guy had the rifle primed. But the disruptor pistol on his thigh even the odds, at least, somewhat. Nej was pretty sure that the fancy helmet wasn't just for protection. Probably let him see him better than he could see Nej.

So, Nej didn't draw on him- yet.

"That guy is scared and looking to run from some bad people. We're just trying to find him for his ladyfriend. Don't do nothin' stupid now."

Nej wondered where the old guy went. He could've used the extra gun.

[member="Blade"] l [member="Insilico"] l [member="Voska Naudir"] l [member="Ty Zashal"]
Ava stood awkwardly inside the glass windowed elevator, The nameless criminal she aquired before nervously digging through his pockets.

"Your acting suspicious...Stop, You'll give us away."

The man stood upright and began to whistle cheerfully but stopped the moment Ava glared at him. The two arrived at the 45th floor of the Coruscant trade center where some of the galaxies most important buissness transactions took place. The 45th floor of the 50 story estate was where the shipments and goods department was housed. She turned to her pawn and whispered him instructions. He nodded and took himself and Darin towards the 50th floor...The senators estate.

Ava casually walked inside the office and towards the desk of the main data archiver.

"Um excuse me but im with the Level 1294 shipping CO. And we believe something may have gone awry while entering the details of our cargo intake."

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