Money Man
The plan was set, it was time to execute.
Ke'Cholo walked into one of the largest docking bays on Coruscant, docking bay 777 on ''Jetxo's Lot''. Jexto was a wealthy business man and rather trustworthy, he was not here today. The ship located in the bay for was a Veridian Class Heavy Assault Cruiser.
The ship, recently released, had been sold to a high profile Coruscantian bank to transport the only thing that wasn't digital now-a-days, servers. The servers had several million usernames and passwords to accounts that totaled several million, perhaps even a billion in credits. It was a chance Ke'Cholo and his crew couldn't pass up.
Ke'Cholo walked up to, what looked like, the man in charge. ''Turn those carts around'' he would yell to the dock hands off loading the servers. The man in charge turn to Ke'Cholo, ''Who do you think you are, exactly?'' Ke'Cholo appeared to get angry, ''Detective Sandarno'' he would tap on the badge located on his left breast pocket. He was in full police uniform. ''Well, what exactly do you think's going on here?'' the man would ask. ''Illegal drug trafficking'' he would say, walked towards the ramp into the hull. ''I want all these carts back in the ship and everyone evacuated.'' he would yell to the other 'officers' behind him, who were in fact his own crew.
[member="Nicademus Blith"]