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Approved NPC Coruscanti Liberation Front

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  • Intent: Further extend the lore surrounding Coruscant First and the Coruscanti political environment.
  • ​Image Credit: N/A
  • Role: A political party/movement
  • Links: Coruscant First

  • Group Name: Coruscanti Liberation Front | C.L.F
  • Classification: Political Party
  • Headquarters: Coruscant
  • Loyalties: Themselves, Coruscant First's agenda.
  • Group Sigil: The planet of Coruscant with the phrase 'Liberty or Death' on it.
  • Description: An average sized political party gaining which has called for independent Coruscant since One Sith rule. Gained greater traction and attention after aligning itself in the political alliance of COMPCOR (Committee for the Preservation of Coruscant) which is led by Coruscant First.

  • Hierarchy: Party Leader, whose powers act similar to that of a president of parliamentary republic.
  • Central Bureau, a council of 16 men whose power are similar to that of a parliament in a parliamentary republic.
[*]Membership: Registration. Unofficially - lots of screening.
[*]Dogma/Doctrines: While not as radical as Fortress Coruscant, nor seeking an authoritarian regime to lead Coruscant, the Coruscanti Liberation Front see themselves as Freedom Fighters in the full meaning of the words. They have been one of the primary groups voicing against the One Sith and believing in the right of independence for Coruscant. After the shift of power from One Sith to the Galactic Alliance, the C.L.F initially believed that it was finally time for a free Coruscant. Unfortunately, as time passed, C.L.F began a campaign against the Alliance and for an independent Coruscant believing the GA's rule is not any different from the One Sith yoke.
[*]Curios: No
[*]Goals: Independent Coruscant.

  • Maj. Krane Barin - An old time friend of Arcann Law as they were neighbors, Maj. Barin served as a Major in the One Sith Empire and in The Sith Empire before it. He is the current Party Leader of the Coruscanti Liberation Front
  • The Council - 16 men and women of which most are founders and military veterans.


The Coruscanti Liberation Front was founded during the middle of the One Sith rule as an illegal opposition against the One Sith by veteran of the Galactic Republic - Lt. Col. Regran Tane and a few other veterans of the Republic. While they were a staunch and fierce opposition seeking the liberation of Coruscant, they mostly acted as covertly as possible. Most of their actions were intelligence related meaning finding out information and passing it on mainly to the Galactic Alliance who seemed as a legit replacement of the fallen Republic.

C.L.F gained a lot of attention and sympathizers from worlds not under OS rule and their fame grew exponentially during the One Sith and Galactic Alliance battle of Coruscant. Unfortunately, during the battle, a massive amount of casualties were registered by the C.L.F among them were the majority of the council and Lt. Col. Regrane Tane.

After the battle finished, C.L.F was very close to dissolving itself believing their purpose had been accomplished. Not much later on, the C.L.F was 'resurrected' by the small amount of remaining active members led by Maj. Krane Barin who saw the Galactic Alliance as nothing different from the One Sith. Hence, they have aligned themselves with the Coruscant First movement and joined the political alliance of COMPCOR - Committee for the Preservation of Coruscant seeking an independent Coruscant.
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