Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Corvetta Frigati-Salvo

Corvetta Karia Frigati-Salvo
of the spacelanes
Captain of the Lost Cause
Species: Human
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Height: 162 cm
Weight: 49 kg
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown with teal, cerulean, and violet highlights
Skin: Light tan with various copper singe marks

Parents: Vesil Salvo and Rachette Frigati
Cousin: [member="Geneviève Lasedri"]​

+ Best freighter pilot in the galaxy
+ Trim and nimble
+ Expert in hyperspace travel and astral navigation
+ Exceptional peripheral vision and reflexes

+ Lovable
= Calloused, low-sensitive hands
= Socially quirky
- Insomniac
- Alcoholic
- Bulimic
- Dyslexic
- Terrible cook

Corvetta is an ideal height for a pilot, standing at approximately 1.6 meters. She maintains a trim figure, though through unhealthy means--eating immense portions of food followed by reactive fasting.

Her skin is of a light tan complexion, featuring varying patches of copper, depending on where she has most recently burnt herself with a blowtorch or scraped against a reactor. On the rare occasion she is exposed to sunlight for prolonged periods, Corvetta develops a bronzed look that contrasts greatly with her usual tone. Her face and arms usually are smudged with engine grease or silt.

Her eyes are a thin blue--reminiscent of an atmospheric haze.

Her hair is straight, falls naturally to her shoulders, and is almost never fixed up; its coloration naturally brown and unnaturally lined with a few stripes of teal, cerulean, and violet highlighting that remind of the soft colors of a nebula.

She characteristically wears a soiled pair of cargo pants and an equally stained solid-colored t-shirt, topped off with either a lazily worn flak vest or her favorite maroon pilot’s jacket that she meticulously keeps in pristine condition. Spacer boots never leave her feet.

Her composure broadcasts a serene confidence in herself but a quirky social disposition. She has a typically wide spacer gait and an easy slouch in her shoulders. A playful grin typically adorns her face in public.

Corvetta Frigati-Salvo was born in space and will probably die in space.

The daughter of a cargo runner and his communications officer, she entered the universe at dock above Brentaal IV, arguably the most critical trade point in the galaxy. Though she calls Brentaal IV her home, she has spent almost her entire life on board starships or orbital stations. She is legally a citizen of Chandrila.

Her parents taught her almost everything she knows about trader life. Their travels based at Brentaal - a prime hyperspace hub - were ideal for such an education, and she learned all the quirks of hyperspace, the tricks of navigation, merchant and docking policies, engine work, and basic diplomacy. She has learned a minimal amount of Huttese over her lifetime to get through docking and customs procedures without unnecessary hitches.

At age thirteen, Corvetta was diagnosed with a severe sleeping disorder, likely complicated by the absence of a true solar clock. (She had never lived under a constant sun.) Her body was not able to compensate for her lack of a normal resting schedule, as cargo ship duties were unpredictable. As she grew out of her teens and became frustrated with her weary body, she experimented with hard drinks in order to 'black out' into sleep. Finding it to be an acceptable solution to her insomnia--and a convenient way to dispose of social shortcomings--she allowed her boozing to become a habit to the point of legitimate and seemingly irreparable alcoholism.

Feeling constantly judged for her drinking problems and that her independence was stifled while shipping with her parents, Corvetta dispatched for a life determined more by her own personal dreams. She hired herself out as first mate to various traders, smugglers, transients, and adventurers, saving up money to buy her own freighter one day. Along the way, she was employed by [member="Graxin Rade"], a weird but pleasant guy who seemed to involve himself in a lot of mysterious things. They became good friends along their journeys, but their relationship was strained when Corvetta learned of his true identity.

Some things just happen, seemingly by magic. At a time when she was struggling just to make a cred, the pilot girl ran into [member="Kohai Drenn"], an amazing mechanic. Corvetta and Kohai buddied up and worked an odd job or two together. They kept in touch and were the foundation of a project that would eventually be made possible with the help of one [member="Davik Tren"] and one [member="Robb Killian"]. Together, the four collaborators pooled their resources and purchased a snazzy YT-2400, which they christened the Lost Cause. Corvetta is the main pilot of their smuggling vessel.

Usual tools:
Goggles, spanners, gauges, bubblegum, and a flask

An unfired KYD-21 pistol

Lost Cause, a Corellian YT-2400

From Kushibah to Coruscant {5} - Corvetta visits Kushibah and meets [member=Tekkio] before returning to the Core Worlds. They have strange adventures on the way back to the Republic's capital.
The Terminal {7} - Crazy people come and go on Corvetta's birthplace above Brentaal IV.
Abandoned: Anyone Got a Map? {6} - Corvetta helps [member="Judah Dashiell"] transport a reconstructed space station alongside mechanic friend [member="Kohai Drenn"].
Hoppin' through Space! {8} - Corvetta aids [member=Tri'sta] in running a load of spice.
Snazzyyyk Kashyyyk {1} - Corvetta meets [member="Graxin Rade"], her latest employing captain. (leads into Try and Stop Me)
Try and Stop Me {2} - Corvetta makes a brief appearance to assist Graxin Rade and meets [member="Verrin Ris'to"].
Asset Recovery {3} - Corvetta heads to Coruscant with Graxin Rade, who intends to free a Republic prisoner who will help him find a friend. In the meantime, she visits the Soggy Gungan bar (Five O'Clock Somewhere {4}) where she finds Verrin Ris'To and his mysterious friend, [member="Christian Slade"].
Marking Time {11} - Corvetta stays sober at a bar. Very sober.
Eight-Six-Seven Five-Three-Oh-Nine {12} - Up-and-coming Sith Lord Graxin Rade stumbles upon a down-and-out Corvetta.
So, it's about time the team actually met, aye? {13} - Corvetta meets Graxin's ragtag band of warriors.
On the Run {9} - The Lost Cause crew smuggles a shipment of Rhydonium and a mysterious passenger, [member="Hasjo Hallu"], into Sith-controlled Coruscant on their maiden voyage.
Living with a Lost Cause {16} - The Lost Cause crew have an everyday adventure on Tatooine. The pantry was empty.
A Meeting of Captains {10} - Corvetta meets up with Captain [member="Jace Trent"] to hear his proposal of a Smugglers' Alliance.
Glitter, It Gets Everywhere {14} - Corvetta lends her services aboard the Defiant, teaming up with Captain Jace Trent, [member="Eliza Steele"], [member="Aden Dawson"], and [member="Damon Riggs"]. They have been hired to run a mission to Ryloth in order to procure the crystals fundamental to glitterstim formulation.
Jail Break {17} - The Smugglers' Alliance runs into trouble with CorSec after a rumble in the bar.
Oh Look, Fate Again {18} - Corvetta can't seem to avoid Graxin. They run into each other once again, this time on Naboo. What's a girl to do?
Thrilla in Chandrila {19} - Corvetta takes a vacation on Chandrila--where she claims citizenship--with her blond buddy. Little does Kohai know that Corvetta has actually never even been to Chandrila before...
Coruscant Gets Dimmer {20} - In a Coruscant bar... with the Sithies about.
Credit Score {21} - The Smugglers' Alliance transports some phrik ore for a customer
Shippin' My Pants {22} - Corvetta provides a favor for cousin Gen and brings her Lost Cause comrades along to smuggle Rebels onto Imperial-controlled Rodica.
One Last Adventure {23} - Reunion with ol' Graxin Rade. Again.
A Different Kind of Silence {24} -
Bring Me the Hydrospanner! {25} -
Nothing Like a Bad Idea Gone Worse {26} - Corvy runs into trouble while moving a corpse onto the Lost Cause.
Smuggle Buddy {27} -

Playby: Tamara Feldman​

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