Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

RANK: n/a
AGE: 25
HEIGHT: 6'3"
EYES: Silver
HAIR: White
SKIN: Pale white
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Weaknesses: Clever and well educated, Corvo believes that he is superior to other people and often acts like it; which often makes it hard for him to have any real friends that he sees as equals.
After fighting solely for money for so long, human suffering has less of an impact on Corvo than most other people. He won’t care unless he’s paid to or if he sees an advantage in helping.
Strengths: Like all Echani Corvo is extremely good at reading people and he’s able to use that to his advantage in social situations and fights. Even during fighter combat to some extent.
Speaking of fighting, he’s really good at hand-to-hand and melee weapons like most Echani are though he sees fighting non-Echani in such a way as slightly vulgar and too easy.
Amarrnth: A StarViper class fighter that he intends to upgrade over time from its stock configuration to something like the origional ship.
Even after the Council desegragated the division between male and female, however how slight, remained on Eshan. This was apparent to Corvo even in the private school his parents sent him too. Perhaps even amplified slightly as instructors showed the occasional favoritism towards the finer gender. Looking out at the stars through his dormitory window, he saw the freedom they offered, and in the fighters racing overhead, the nimbleness to enjoy it. His parents had sent him to the best schools they could so he could follow in his family's steps and continue to grow the wealth that had been cultivated over generations. To them Corvo was acting out, rebelling, threatening their standing amongst their social circle. Attemptinng to reign him in, his mother gave him an ultimatum, either shape up and be respectable among the nouveau rich like them, or be cut off from the family funds and disowned. He chose a third option. Sequestering his accounts, Corvo enrolled in military flight school and joined a ship of mercinaries.
Chasing rebels through a planatary asteroid field awoke him to the realities of space. It offered boundless freedom and oprotunity, but you had to fight for it and hold on to it with all your strength. Or someone else would be free to take what you had. Three years later and now a wing commander, Corvo felt it was time for a change of pace and signed on as a protective escort for an oddly mercurial merchant. The pervalence of guns lining the hull and armory were enough to make him suspicious, but he played along with the ruse with a nudge and a wink as if it were all a big joke. Being a pirate however, was not something a person of his standing could condone.
Secreatly he alligned himself with the new Executive Officer, a woman out for her own gain, to enact a change in command, and hopefully the legality of their mission. Suave privateer comander, all the charm and rougish air of a pirate, none of the legal hassels.
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