Corvo Arnvis

NAME: Corvo Arnvis
FACTION: None.....for now.
RANK: Former Sith, currently a bounty hunter.
AGE: 28
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: Fairy average for a human
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Somewhat tan.
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
[+] Sharpshooter: Corvo is a damn good shoot if you give him a rifle, while not trained in any armed military forces. But learning how to wield a blaster by his father whom was a hunter.
[+] Tracker: Being a bounty hunter you got to learn how to track a dangerous criminal, no? Taking previous lessons from his father on tracking animals, now instead of tracking animals, he now track criminals.
[+] Duelist: Having been trained daily at a young age Corvo became an adapt duelist, due to his teacher brutal trainings.
[-] Workaholic: The best way to ignore the voices in good ol Corvo's head is spending all of his hours working. He doesn't stopped until he either pass out, or die!
[-] Stubborn: If Corvo believes in an idea deeply, he won't be easily convince that it's bad. He will most likely get into a fight over that belief any step of the way.
[-] Coffee addiction: Working 24 hours a day is really horrible, best way to deal with that is some hot coffee. It's not like he's gonna die from taking that much coffee all the time?
Corvo is fairy muscular, mainly wearing loose bounty hunter gear, with a sniper blaster rifle behind his back, and a crimson saber he kept well hidden in case he's ever force into a melee.
Corvo's facial is a bit, well really dirty, while his hair is short, preferring to wear a hat instead.
While there's no record from where he was born, at an early age he lived in Kashyyk under his adoptive father and mother both were wookiees. Somewhere around when he was 6 years old his father would bring him out to the wild to hunt, Corvo quickly learned how to shoot a rifle at an early age with the help of his father. His early childhood was fairy peaceful until a sith inquisitor came upon his home, sensing that he had a strong connection to the force the man swiftly took Corvo, leaving his father crippled, and his mother blind. When he was 8 years his 'master' quickly trained him. Every single day he would brutally torture him until he feels no pain, until he felt no compassion. Although he wasn't one of the best student, but he wasn't terrible either, being fairy decent in combat and using the force. In his early adult stage in life, even still he was able to kill his master in one of their training session, over powering the sith with rage he had kept all those years after his capture. After killing his teacher Corvo took his old master's lightsaber, and was sent to many distant planets serving the sith with upmost loyalty. But that all changed, he grew tried of being a lap dog for the Siths, he didn't want to kill for them, nor did he ever care for the affairs between them and the Jedi, so he went AWOL. Threw his black robes away, and ran away. To this day he still on the run, taking odd jobs here and there, mostly bounties.
Does your character have a personal ship? If so, describe it in moderate detail (what does it look like, what can it do, what types of weapons and engines does it have, etc.). Nope
Post the names of the PC characters (characters role-played by real people) that your character has killed. If possible, include a link to the thread in which your character killed him/her. None
Post the names of any bounties you have delivered and the amount of money you gained for it. If possible, include a link to the thread in which it happened. Not yet.
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