Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Corvus Romanov

NAME: Corvus Romanov

RANK: Apprentice
SPECIES: Human Cyborg
AGE: 32
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 170 lbs
EYES: Icy Blue
HAIR: Black
SKIN: tanned from long days in the sun on Guermessa.

{So after some thought about this character i am changing him in how he came about. This reflects me actually learning more about the site and actually wanting to broaden this character.}[/size]

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Weaknesses are easy. His right arm is robotic and given he tends to not sleeve it with cyber skin it is prone to elemental damage. It is also more likely to damage if struck by electricity abilities like force lightning. Prone to speaking his mind causing him to be disliked by superiors, though liked at the same time by others. Corvus is not afraid to do the right thing. When entering a conflict to help a town or even just a family to get back what they lost he will put anyone including the most hardened politician in their place. Strengths are he is a master with fixing cybernetics and upgrades his from time to time. This comes from a natural ability to repair things in general and build things. Given the down time on his home world Corvus picked up a love of knowledge. He read anything he could get his hands on especially fond of the clone wars. Also he can be good at diplomacy if given the proper motivation. The other major weakness is he can loose his temper and falter in where his loyalties lie.

Standing Tall and proud of his humble roots. Corvus is one that can walk into a room commanding respect. His right arm from his shoulder down is cybernetic that is usually covered though hardly ever does he use a synthetic skin. If he can get away with it he will grow his hair out to his shoulders but the second he steps onto a warm planet he cuts it short to stay cool.

Corvus grew up on Guermessa one of the moons of Tatooine. Like most he was a hydration farmer's son. It was when Corvus was seven he had took up a new hobby. Reading. He learned everything about the old conflicts of the Galactic Republic. He had a hero or two but one stood out though he died before the start of the war. Qui gon Jinn.
It was one day while fixing an engine of a speeder when he was nine he received his most notable appearance trait. The engine had become unstable and being the reckless individual he was Corvus ignored the warnings the engine gave off. Luckily he was turned when the thing exploded. He was in and out of consciousness though he heard the doctors say, “He will lose the arm its too far damaged.” When awoke his father was with him and he was now 4kg lighter. Once free from medical droids and Doctors Corvus went to his second favorite place the junkyard. Over the next few weeks he secured the parts from dead droids and older cybernetic limbs to create a basic substitute.
The new arm was not perfect. When it put against heat and other extreme sources of temperature it caused the connecting point where flesh meat steel to hurt and even burn. It worked for what he needed though. Now though he was bored and it was a fateful encounter to lead him to his next journey in life. After nine years living as a cyborg that a passing force sensitive stopped by. He felt that Corvus could be a jedi or a sith. It was really all about choice.
With a goodbye to his father he took what he needed and went with the man. It was explained his ability to work with machines made him really. For one so young to build a working cyborg arm from scrap was an amazing feat. Corvus didn’t think so the few upgrades offered him no better yield of results. Having stopped on Llum the man put him through an interesting test. Using only the force build a lightsaber. He had a weak connection not fully able to understand anything. Over several days he strengthened it though and began to meditate. The crystal a blue color combined with the other parts he had assembled or machined himself. It was a basic weapon and he swore he would return to here or another planet and make a better one.
His first order of business though was to get a better arm. This was helped by a vahla named Romeo Sin who helped him steal a case of Phrik. Or as he remembers it an entire cart of ore. Using the forges on Romeos planet he was able to make a new arm blaster and saber proof though prone to the elements and electricity spikes. He liked the new arm better and made sure to keep it covered in the open. Now he travels to the Galactic Republic to find a master and train in the ways of the Jedi.

Not possessing a ship he has a few bags he carries with him from place to place. One a simple pack with his robes and a few supply packs along with a tool kit for his arm if the need arises. His primary weapon is his Saber which he is able to wield one handed or with both. Currently his saber is very basic but given he can construct anything given the materials. When be becomes a full Jedi knight he will construct a new saber.
this is his arm.
none yet. Diplomacy is so much more civilized.


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Force abilities Padawan level {Note if there is not a link i have not learned it.}
Breath control
centre of being
detoxify poison
force healing
force speed
Hibernation trance
Force Sense
Precognition/ Battle precognition
Force Empathy
Force sight
Force jump/leap
Mind trick

Force abilities Knight Level
Flash burn
Force body
Force stealth/ Force concealment
Force Listening
Comprehend speech
Alter environment
alter image
animal friendship
droid disable
Electric judgement/ emerald lightning {not going to lie this is prone to backfire and i probably won't learn it}
Force bellow
Force binding
Force deflection
Force flash
Force light
force stasis
force subjugate
force suppression
Plant surge
Protection bubble

Force abilities Master level
Force cloak/ Shadow
Shadow vision
Force meld
Alter damage
Battle meditation
Dark transfer
Stasis field
force weapon
sever force
Wall of light

Evasion Studios
It's been a LONG time since I've seen someone grab screenshots from Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy for pictures. Well done! I still avidly play that game.

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