Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Cost of Redemption

Location: Susefvi
Valery: Appearance
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani
A Jedi Knight dead, two villages burnt to the ground, and countless civilians unaccounted for. All because of a single mistake, a moment of hesitation, and because of misplaced trust in the heart of a young Force user who had lost their way. To any Knight or Master, the mere idea of watching your own Padawan's descent into darkness was heart-wrenching. To see the bright light they once projected outwards shift into shadows looking to corrupt, consume, and destroy was almost impossible to rise above.
And those who were unfortunate enough to experience it and fail in their attempts to help their fallen student were doomed to be destroyed.
Such was the story of Knight Sul'car, who was slain by his own Padawan who he firmly believed could still be redeemed. But now former Padawan Aikal Tremar could not be redeemed by his Master. In his path filled with deep hatred and a will to destroy, he had targeted his hometown and killed all those responsible for his past trauma, and many more. It was a sad reality, now tainted by blood. And because of the inaction of his former Master, only more suffering would find its way to the people of Susesfvi.
"This is going to be a tough mission, Iris," Valery said as she stepped out of the shuttle, and looked around the still burning village. The bodies of people were scattered across the town in positions that made it clear they were trying to run. But none were fast enough.
"It's not often that Jedi fall so far that even those closest to them can no longer speak to them in any meaningful way. But sadly, there are times that people are completely consumed by their hatred of something."
Valery began to move up towards the village and looked down at Iris. She had brought her Padawan along with the hopes that she could learn more about the nature of the Dark Side, and what it can cause. It was always a difficult lesson, but one she found to be extremely valuable.
"I'm going to look for the body of the Jedi Knight. Let's also see if we can track the fallen Padawan somehow. And if we find him, we have to do whatever is necessary to stop him."


It was familiar. Probably more than Valery Noble Valery Noble might realize. More than Iris realized. The one who stole Domxite, gave her these new scars, a fallen Padawan. Did that mean they couldn't be saved? Did that mean they shouldn't try? Already questions were burdening Iris's mind, but she kept quiet. For now, she wanted to follow her Master's lead. Where the body was. Where the Padawan ran to. Once they figured that out, the other questions would be answered.


".. The colors are dark here." The taint of the dark side was something Iris was already familiar with. How it tinged the colors that were otherwise bright. Dimming, usually, sometimes outright blackening them, as she saw often with Sith Lords. Her gaze drifted, not bothering to look at the bodies or try to find the knight. She was focused elsewhere. For all the dimness, she could see a path darker than the rest.

Where the Padawan had gone.

"I think I can track him."

Location: Susefvi
Valery: Appearance
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani
Stepping into the village, Valery crouched down beside a body and gently reached down to close the man's eyes. Because of the traditional Jedi clothing he was wearing, it had been easy to identify him as the fallen Jedi Knight, so she was going to retrieve the body for a proper burial and return his lightsaber to the Temple.
But something else quickly drew her attention as well — great despair echoed through the Force from the distance.
"I believe you are ready for more responsibility, Iris. So I'd like you to track him." She said as she got back up to her feet, "Whether he is truly beyond redemption or not, I do not know. This is up to you to find out. One way or another, the fallen Padawan must be stopped." Valery then glanced off in a different direction and let out a soft sigh.
"I believe one of the villages he hit needs help as well, so I'm going to make my way there. If you need me, I'll be on comms. But I trust that you can handle this task."


Right. Iris could handl- Wait she was going alone? The Padawan froze, turning her gaze back towards Valery Noble Valery Noble . Actually looking at her master. She said nothing for a couple moments, trying to figure out why her master would let her go off alone so soon after everything that happened. Was she ready? .. Maybe. Valery seemed to think so. Say so, even. Iris trusted her master.

Valery wouldn't lead her wrong.

"I'll do what I can."

Location: Susefvi
Valery: Appearance
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani
It was never easy to send your Padawans after a dangerous task alone, knowing it could be their end if they were to make a mistake. Valery especially was rather protective and ever since she lost a Padawan out in the field, she has struggled to let them go entirely. But from the moment she had felt this fallen Padawan's darkness, something had told her that this was all part of Iris' journey.
The young girl had struggled so much recently and had likely reached her breaking point or even surpassed it. But that was exactly why it was important for her to regain confidence in herself and in her path.
"I know you will," Valery said with a soft smile as she watched her Padawan follow the dark trail.
To track the path the fallen Padawan had taken wasn't difficult — it was littered with bodies of those he killed along the way. Young couples who were on a walk through the forest, people who were working their day jobs; none were spared. Eventually, the path led up to a small village at the edge of the forest she was forced to pass through.
A few buildings were on fire but the heat was so intense that Iris could feel it from afar. People were screaming, running, dying but none could escape. With a blue blade drawn, the human boy walked through the town and continued to strike down those who stepped in his way with a yellow tint to his eyes.
"You will all pay...."


Iris gave Valery Noble Valery Noble one last nod, and the pair separated. The Padawan followed the path in the colors, and soon enough she'd find the bodies of those killed. Most, killed. She was quick to act, trying to stabilize those she could. Until the screams filled her ears. Lips in a thin line she turned her eyes, staring at the blue glow amidst the chaos. The fallen Padawan, killing in rage and hate.

She got up from one of the bodies, unclipping her saber as she rushed forward. Just in time to intercept another strike with her own blue blade. Calm radiated from her, trying to reach through the black haze in the colors. To try and calm him down. She said nothing, both hands griping her blade as she fought back against the pressure of his strike. If she had to, she would cut him down.

But first she'd do everything else she could.

Location: Susefvi
Valery: Appearance
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani
"Die! All of you!"

The boy exclaimed at the top of his lungs, his words filled with powerful emotions. He had spotted a man running for his life but with the Force at his command, he was much faster. His blue blade swung in for the kill but to his surprise, another beam of blue plasma intercepted him.
He felt the pressure, the desire to stop him, and the calming aura of the woman who wielded the lightsaber.
She was a Jedi.
"Get. Out. Of. My. Way." He said with gritted teeth but even through all his hatred, Iris could see confusion and pain within his colors. Most would be blinded by the intense hatred and anger, but his colors were far richer in nature.
The boy then pulled back his lightsaber and aimed a powerful but fairly telegraphed swing towards the Jedi. He wasn't that well-trained with the blade, but more than capable enough to kill those unable to defend themselves.



It was a simple answer, for a simple reason. He was hurting people. Iris wasn't going to let him hurt anyone else. He pulled back, going to strike again, and her blade met it. Deflecting it aside, down. Locking his blade away for a moment as she watched him. Saw his colors. The colors that still existed within him. So she reached for those. Tugging on them, trying to force them to break free of the anger and hate that kept them suppressed. Trying to bring him back to the light.

Location: Susefvi
Valery: Appearance
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani
"You won't stop me!"
Through his pain-filled expression and hatred, Iris was tugging on what he had tried to bury away. The side of him he wanted to forget and allow to rot away in his misery and the pain he caused others. Tears came through in his eyes, as memories were pulled along with his emotions.
He had killed his Master.
No, he deserved it.
The boy was conflicted but still controlled by his rage, and lashed out again with another powerful blow towards her defenses. But with the battle continuing between them, Iris would also notice that people were able to escape. Aikal realized this too, and it seemed to fuel his anger.


The colors showed what she was doing was working, in it's own way. Bringing back the Padawan lost to the dark. Her blade spun around, catching his strike, throwing it aside to keep him off balanced as she tugged at the colors. Reaching into his mind, pulling at the light non stop. Pulling his mind to hers. <You're not alone.> She spoke in his mind, through the connection she was making. The Meld. Taking his darkness as her own, fighting against it.

<It's not too late to stop.>

Location: Susefvi
Valery: Appearance
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani
"You don't know what they did to me."
His voice was a combination of intense hatred and a deep sadness rooted in his past. The boy felt the girl within his mind, tugging at what was layered beneath his anger and he hated it. Iris could feel it too — even though she could feel good within him, his hatred was still intense and tried to beat against the barriers of her mind.
It stabbed away at her heart the more she let it in.
"I will kill them all. I can't stop now!" He screamed and as he did, lightning crackled away from his fingertips, surging towards the Padawan. But it was uncontrolled, and his sadness was rising swiftly through the cracks while his own attack burned away at the skin of his fingertips.
He was in pain.


Rather than try to block him from her mind, she brought him in. His pain, his sadness. It became their pain. Sadness. Iris refused no part of his turmoil, accepting all of it. Her hand raised as his did, catching the lightning against a barrier of the Force between them. Like Domxite had done for her so often, she pulled on the boys mind, pulled on his pain. Tried to help numb him from the hurt, the anguish. All of it to help.

<You can stop now. It's okay.>

Location: Susefvi
Valery: Appearance
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani
"Why are you... helping me?"
The boy's tone had shifted noticeably, with sadness being the dominating emotion within his voice. His darkness was being pulled out, and his true heart was left exposed for Iris to see. He was confused, enraged by something of his past that had boiled up. But his Master had not handled it well.
He didn't understand the way Iris could.
"Why... they hurt me. They... deserve this."


There it was, his heart. Why he was so angry. She lowered her hand. Smiled. She could understand. Not just because of herself, but because of him. Their bond. The Meld she had brought him into by pulling on the colors. Her blade lowered, still active but no longer held in defense. <They hurt you, but it's not too late to forgive. Don't let yourself fall to hate. It's not to late.> Her hand raised as she stepped over, closer to him.

<You can rest now.>

Location: Susefvi
Valery: Appearance
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani
Aikal was breathing heavily as Iris spoke to him through the Meld, tired from his own anger and how he had used all that energy to lash out at what he hated. But through this wave of exhaustion, her words brought comfort. He could feel that the Padawan understood what it meant to have someone hurt you.
Not just physically either — something or someone had taken something important from her. Yet, she was standing there, calm. No intense hatred, no lashing out. Could he do the same?
"I..." his voice was weak, but it lacked the darker tones it had before. Aikal then sunk down to his knees and tears began to flow down his cheeks.
"What have I done. My Master..."


She let out a sigh as he finally lowered his weapon. Stepping over, she'd set a hand on his shoulder and reach down to take away his lightsaber. She didn't have an answer for him, not now. Not after everything he'd done. But she didn't let the comfort of her mind leave him. He wasn't alone. "You can't stay here. Come." It wasn't an order, but among the people he killed, and the people he didn't, they couldn't linger.

Iris would help him to his feet, pulling him along if she had to. They needed to get back to Valery Noble Valery Noble .

:: Master, I'm on my way back. ::

Location: Susefvi
Valery: Appearance
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani
Even with the comforting presence of Iris, he was conflicted and in pain because of what he had done. He had killed his own Master and so many families were broken because of his fall. If it wasn't for Iris helping, he likely would have gone insane from the deep pain and regret he felt.
Then without saying a word, he got up to his feet with some help from Iris and nodded. Slowly, he was beginning to calm down but when Iris sent out a message to her Master, his eyes widened. Aikal was very clearly scared.
:: Understood, Iris. I am wrapping up here at the village ::
At this point, Valery wasn't quite sure what happened yet, but she no longer felt death the way she did before. One way or another, Iris had stopped the fallen Padawan from killing more people. A little while later, Valery watched as Iris approached but she wasn't alone — the Padawan was with her.
Valery looked at the two with surprise in her eyes, but caution as well. Not enough for her to reach for her weapon, but she kept her eyes on Aikal.
"What happened, Iris?"


<It'll be okay.>

Through the meld she could feel Aikal's panic. It wasn't surprising, all things considered, but he needed to stay calm. Now more than ever. Iris bowed her head to Valery Noble Valery Noble as she arrived. What happened though? Iris turned her gaze to the fallen Padawan, nodding to him. Reassuring him.

"I gave him some of the help he needs. .. Can you help him?"

Location: Susefvi
Valery: Appearance
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani
Something within Valery was creating conflict — a clash between deeply rooted lessons and something she had seen with her own eyes. Because of the bond she shared with her Padawans, Iris would be able to feel it within her Master, who seemed to be tenser now that her eyes had fallen on Aikal.
She was still holding the hilt of a lightsaber in her hand, and the grip tightened when Iris asked if Valery could help him. A long time ago, the idea of striking him down wouldn't have seemed strange at all. But ever since she met Kahlil and other Jedi who had shown able to help them, a seed of doubt about her old lessons had been planted. Now her Padawan had helped a fallen Jedi as well?
"No," she said as she looked at Iris.
"You've already given him the push he needs. His redemption is in his own hands now, but it's going to be a long path." she looked at Aikal and narrowed her eyes, "Regardless of why all this happened, you're still responsible for many torn apart families here. There will be consequences for that and in order to truly redeem yourself, you must accept them."
The boy looked at Valery for a moment but finally glanced at Iris, the Jedi who had helped him. A soft smile tugged at his lips and after a moment, he nodded.
"I understand."
"Good, we'll bring you back to the ship in a moment. Iris, can I talk to you in private for a moment?" Valery then asked.



Iris immediately went to protest, but Valery Noble Valery Noble was swift to continue. Giving the Padawan no reason to protest. Her master was right, what happened next was in Aikal's hands. She nodded, letting that spark of defiance burn out before following after her master. Well, not too far. As much as she'd like to think Aikal was fine now, she knew that wasn't the case. Leaving the boy alone could push him to darkness all over again.

Thinking about that, she paused, glancing to him again.

".. We should get him on the ship first. Away from here."

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