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Count Vitus Ludovisi

Ludo Dorian

Name: Ludovico Dorian
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Classification: Human
Affiliation: Black Sun
Position: Enforcer, Baron of House Melantha
Homeworld: Lupani

Ludovico Dorian is an Enforcer in Black Sun, and a Baron of House Melantha of the Tapani Sector. The Dorians are a family of considerable privilege within House Melantha, though outright leadership of the House has always eluded them. The eldest of three children, Ludo grew up with the weight of his noble family on his shoulders, being primed to take the reins. At the age of five, Ludo's father died unexpectedly from heart complications. Ludovico's mother Gria, something of a social-climbing debutante, wasted no time in finding another suitor by marrying Sicero, a Black Sun Vigo.

Seemingly overnight, Ludo's silver spoon was upgraded to one of pure diamond-encrusted platinum. With his family's wealth at his disposal, combined with the means available to one of the most powerful crime lords in the galaxy, no privilege was too great for Ludo. He learned about politics and speechcraft from private tutors on the family estate on Lupani, and was cultured in the ancient practice of lightfoil dueling by the House Swordmaster, Octavian. Most of Ludo's teenage years were spent not interested in learning the day-to-day operations of leading an estate, but rather training in the art of the saber rake, with which he became quite proficient and infamous. The practice, still very much alive within Tapani culture, affected him firsthand at the age of eighteen when an argument with another youth escalated to a duel. The contest cost Ludo his left hand, which had to be replaced with a cybernetic implant.

The Dorian family continued to gain notoriety within House Melantha, especially due to Ludo's family connections with the Black Sun, and it seemed only a matter of time before they attained Lordship status and would sit on the Privy Council. Gria, seeing an opportunity to increase her family's position in both House Melantha as well as within the Tapani Sector, suggested that Ludo enter into Sicero's business and join Black Sun. Sicero agreed, and at nineteen, Ludo was given rudimentary duties within Black Sun.

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