Herr Vanderhing
The bridge cities of Cato Neimoidia, beautiful, eloquent, bright, and colorful. Home to only the finest of casinos and nightclubs, and yet the people are sick. Sick and tired. Sick and tired of the government, for years the planet has been inefficiently run by bureaucratic bookworms in the Neimoidian Inner Circle. They have not listened to their people, and still wish for the planet to be in the Republic despite the pleas of the people. They have become much more bold since the disintegration of the CIS, refusing to even allow the Viceroy of the newly reformed Trade Federation a seat on the council, despite the role the Federation's Viceroy had in the council centuries prior. Herr Vanderhing is disgusted, and has verbally voiced his disgust to the people. The Neimoidian people agree with his disgust, 'it is time for a change in leadership' they all agreed. They didn't want their current leadership...... They want Vanderhing, and Vanderhing is going to capitalize on this..................