Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Court Date

Darth Banshee nodded her head, and then made her way into the pool. It was actually quite warm, as she walked in . She was nervous though, she half wondered if her sister in arms had a plan for her. No the dark lord would not allow it. She dismissed it form her mind, as she waited for instruction.

[member="Darth Praelior"]
[member='Darth Praelior'] had said something about blood being the key to this particular ritual... Of course, I don't have blood. That's fine with me. The nasty-looking Unseelie turned its face towards [member="Darth Banshee"] and began a wordless screech that both horrified and fascinated me. It was disgusting, but amazing.
[member="Bond"] [member="Darth Banshee"]

Balaya continued to focus upon it all and looked at Banshee while she spoke. "Now the first step is to learn how to pool your energy into your hands, the darkside will be needed and then you use a blade to bleed." She held her hand over and let a talon slice into her palm to draw another line of blood that dripped on the creature in the water. "Your focused energies will seep into the blood and from there into the creature, as time goes on the technique will become stronger and with your blood upon the being you can use the darkside to bend its body to your will. The stronger the technique the more you will need some use words and enchantments to augment their abilities."
Darth Banshee took the knife from [member="Darth Praelior"], and then held hand round it. The blade was cold to the touch. She then folded her hand around it, and then pulled the blade out. She winced as she did, the blade had cut deep enough to draw blood. She held out her arm, so sith lord could see it had been done. She then began to chant the sith code, to her it was nature it self. The sith was highest, of it`s form that it had created.
Peace is a lie, their is only passion
Through passion, I gain strength
Through strength, I gain power
Through power, I gain victory
Through victory, my chains are broken
The force shall free me
After saying the last words she dipped her hand into the pool, and then waited to see what would happen.


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