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Approved Starship CR-120 Charger Class Correlian Frigate

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Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Limited
Length: Average
Width: Average
Height: Average
Size: Average

Veylin Torque

Wayward Children Privateering Company

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  • All Standard starship Features and communications suite
  • Vehicle Garage with accommodation for 4 Heavy Vehicles, and 12 Average or Lighter Vehicles
  • Repulsorlift systems allow hovering over planetary surfaces.
  • Bridge
  • Containment Shields
  • Accommodation for 200 Officers and crew as well as 48 pilots and 300 troops
  • Mess Hall
    • One year of consumables in pantry
  • Rec Room with accommodation for 20 persons
  • 5 Refresher rooms with 10 waste stalls and 10 shower stalls each
  • Cargo Bay capable of holding 2,000 metric tons of cargo
  • Laundry Room
  • Fast frigate with good defenses.
  • Low maneuverability,
Designed by the Correlian Engineering Corporation to follow their CR-90 corvette, the CR-120 'Charger' was meant to be their blockade runner of the frigate class. With its five-unit Ion engine cluster, it managed to be as fast as they wanted. A combination of shields and armor left it well protected. But its armament proved to be mediocre. Most buyers interested in a frigate wanted one with better offensive capability. The Correllian Engineering Corporation added an Automated Defense System to entice buyers, but it had little effect. In addition, while the ship was fast, it lacked maneuverability.

The CR-120 proved far less popular than competition such as the Nebulon B from Kuat which were somewhat larger but also much better armed. The Charger was only manufactured in limited numbers and proved to be one of their less profitable projects.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To represent the new ship employed by the Wayward Children Privateering Company
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Sold by the Correllian Engineering Corporation
Starship Class: Frigate (200-500m)
Starship Role: Other
Modular: Yes
Material: Quadranium armor plate, Durasteel, Transparisteel, and Titanium (Standard Starship Components)
Armaments: 4 Dual Heavy Turbolaser Turrets
6 Dual Laser Cannons
2 VL-4 Warhead Launchers
20 proton torpedoes
60 concussion missiles
Defense Rating: Very High
Speed Rating: High
Maneuverability Rating:: Low
Energy Resist: High
Kinetic Resist: High
Radiation Resist: High
Minimum Crew: 20
Optimal Crew: 200
Cargo Capacity: Average
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