Lucien Atika
Beast Hunter's Guild
Lucien retraced the steps of the last few days as he floated through space on course to Korriban. After accepting the Tuk'ata pup job he had been approached by Bobawwa. The wookie's request, though inconvenient, was a sensible one. He asked that Lucien not kill any Tuk'ata if it could be avoided. Lucien, still eagerly seeking the approval of all of the guild quickly obliged. Plus, if it meant that much to Bob than how could he say no?
Before leaving out, Lucien acquired nearly a hundred pounds of Bantha meat. He stowed the meat away in a large refrigerated crate in the cargo hold of the freighter he again leased. He hoped to acquire his own ship soon, and if he stayed as busy as he had been that could be soon.
Before leaving out, Lucien acquired nearly a hundred pounds of Bantha meat. He stowed the meat away in a large refrigerated crate in the cargo hold of the freighter he again leased. He hoped to acquire his own ship soon, and if he stayed as busy as he had been that could be soon.