"Be careful when fighting the monsters, lest you become one."
RANK: Dark Jedi Master
SPECIES: Human (assumed, was at one point at least)
AGE: 44 or 48, depending on just who is beneath the hood and mask
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'4, though awkwardly hunched leaves him at about 6'2 and 1/2
EYES: unknown, though underneath both are a brilliant green
HAIR: none
SKIN: Pale Caucasian, not that it would ever be seen
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Deadly swordsman
+ Strong in the force
+ Both quite fast and powerful
- Beyond recklessly aggressive
- Borderline completely insane and nearly incapable of true tactical thought
- Left arm badly broken and likely beyond healing, rendering the appendage useless which rules out jar'kai, which would make multiple opponents more difficult than usual for either of the men possibly inhabiting the body
- Despite moving quite quickly, his movements are jerky and awkward, and makes some of his attacks somewhat easier to defend and even counter against
- Despite both of the potential identities of Craxus being remarkably intelligent, the corruption and trauma of whatever transpired to birth Craxus quite stupid outside of combat
Once, a Sith Lord by the name of Darth Vindica grew sick of the actions of the One Sith. Perhaps the Jedi Traycn Ordo whom he dueled on numerous occasions showed him the light, perhaps he just saw the order as holding him back, the details are irrelevant in this tale, all that matters is that Vindica defected and ventured to the world Altir and contacted a member of the Silver Jedi, Marek S'hadar, with a supposed plan to defeat the Sith once and for all. On Altir, Vindica communed with the Dark Side through an ancient artifact with unknown motivations. Was he going to share the power from this darkness to subvert S'hadar, a redeemed Sith, to help him sow the seeds of chaos through the galaxy and destroy all forms of order including the One Sith? Did he wish to control the dark and use it against his former comrades? Did he plan to overcome it with the help of the Jedi and harness it's knowledge? Once again there are no clear answers, all that is known is that weeks after his departure a rescue party sent for S'hadar found his starfighter derelict and abandoned with a body nearly burned to ash nearby completely unidentifiable even with the help of the force. However, soon after, a madman in dark armor soon appeared across known space, madly attacking and slaughtering One Sith members, loyalists, citizens, and anyone else that got in its way. This being, known as Craxus, while being of the dark, attacked dark siders with untold rage and ferocity, howling madly as it assaulted them relentlessly with fighting styles reminiscent of both S'hadar and Vindica. The beast now roams alone across space, darkness practically seeping from it as it searches for something it does not even know what is, and exacting its revenge. What happens to the warrior next, is unknown and completely reliant on who and what he encounters/witnesses next.
Does your character have a personal ship? If so, describe it in moderate detail (what does it look like, what can it do, what types of weapons and engines does it have, etc.).
Either [member="Marek S'hadar"] or [member="Darth Vindica"]
(OOC: If you're interested in writing with this fella, just lemme know)