Craydan Sordac
(I don't know how to post pictures here, so if someone would tell me how, that would be great. Thanks!)
Name: Craydan Sordac
Faction: The Galactic Empire, Imperial Security Bureau to be exact
Rank: ISB Chief of Staff
Species: Human
Age: Craydan is thirty-five years old, but has little signs of ageing aside from a few rogue strips of grey hair hidden by his ISB cap
Sex: Male
Height: 5 foot 10 inches tall
Weight: 179 Pounds
Eyes: Craydan's eye color is black
Hair: Aside from the aforementioned strands of grey hair on the sides, Craydan's hair is a slick-black.
Skin: A bright white hue, though there are small hints of tan skin colour due to his time on desert planets
Force Sensitive: Craydan is not Force Sensitive in the slightest, his Midichlorian Count is lower then the Galactic Average
+ Observant Nature. Craydan is extremely observant, able to notice even the most well hidden sliver of discomfort, annoyance, excitement, and so on. This was a "gift given from the Emperor himself", as Craydan so poetically describes it. This skill, obviously, does not apply to droids.
+ Deceit/Manipulation Skills. Due to Craydan's position as a chief of the secret police for a dictatorship, he must keep tabs on every Imperial personnel 24/7, and ensure their loyalty. He does this by employing a small army of loyal Imperials within the ranks that report on the rank-and-file happenings of the Stormtroopers, Imperial Repair Crews, Bridge Staff, etcetera. He also manipulates his rivals into situations that make them look like traitors, and thus has managed to eliminate any potential threat to his position, at least currently.
+ Self-Preservation. While Craydan feigns a sense of fanatical loyalty to the Empire, he secretly would automatically abandon them if necessary. While the Empire embodies Craydan's ideals of humanocentrism and an authoritarian government, Sordace sees himself as the ends to the means. If he is not getting a good deal, he will withdraw.
- Humanocentrism. Craydan does not make it secret his distaste for aliens. Interpreting Galactic History in a pro-human lens, Sordac sees humans as the ones whom colonised the Core and Inner Rim planets first and earned their place in the Galaxy after their rebellion against the Rakatan Infinite Empire. He sees aliens as freeloaders and scum, and if given the chance, would have every last one of them killed or working in an undesirable slave labour position. This close-mindedness can lead to his downfall if properly exploited.
- Control Freak/Power Abuser. Due to the importance of Craydan's post and the amount of men and women under his command, Craydan often goes on power trips and control freak moments. He often times abuses his rank within the Imperial hierarchy to gain special privileges, or commit minor crimes and have the witnesses "satisfied" via compensation from the Imperial treasury. He is also a control freak, unable to stand disobedience against authority. This, in turn, results in his constant micromanagement of his underlings when he believes they are not conducting their posts correctly, much to their chagrin.
- Arrogance. Though this might have been implied in previous weaknesses and strengths, Craydan is extremely arrogant and self-loving. Only caring about himself in the end due to conditioning from his aristocratic family, Craydan knows no other path in life then that of selfishness and arrogant prideful demeanour.
Appearance: Craydan is covered in his ISB uniform, a blue coat-like clothing that nearly envelops his entire body. His Kommandant-like cap, signifying his rank and therefore his pride, is always nestled on top of his head, concealing the strands of grey hair produced from the stress of being an Imperial Security Bureau Chief. A growing mustache is visible below Chef Sordac's nose, but he holds a particular disliking to it and most likely will see it shaved off in the near future.
Biography: Born to a rich family on the planet Coruscant in an unknown year, unknown most likely due to ISB machinations in Imperial archives, Craydan was born to the noble Sordac family, which ran numerous mining operations across the Galaxy. One day, when he was an untold age, once again, ISB work, he went along with his family to one of their mining outposts on Mustafar. However, on that fateful day, the miners, working under cruel conditions for the Sordac Mining Corporation, decided to rebel, organising the destruction of the security drones and guardsmen protecting Craydan's parents. The miners killed Sordac's mother, his father managing to end the lives of an untold number before being ended himself.
Craydan pretended he had no knowledge of his parents's deeds, lying, as he was fully aware of the monstrous atrocities his bloodline had committed on their subordinates. Believing him, however, and feeling slight remorse for ending the boy's parents, the miners decided to take him to Kamino, the old homeworld for the Fett Cloning Facilities. Rather then trying to exact vengeance on the miners, however, Craydan congratulated them for ending his parents and therefore allowing him access to their vast fortune, as he was an only child, and thus, sole inheritor.
Later, when Craydan was about twenty-one, though he could've been older, since the minimal age to become an Imperial Security Bureau personnel was twenty-one, he enlisted in the Imperial Security Bureau when the Empire returned to Kamino. His life on Kamino till that point is a point of mystery, and while his rivals attempted to uncover it, they apparently never succeeded.
The next fourteen years or so of Craydan's life were dedicated to climbing the ISB's ranks and becoming the Chief. Due to his family fortune, Sordac was able to pay off many of his superiors into retiring or stepping down, and those he couldn't buy out, he'd merely incriminate, or deal with himself, and make the scene look like an unfortunate accident.
Currently, Craydan serves as the Chief of the Empire's secret police, and certainly acts like it, constantly brainstorming new ideas for the Imperials to implement into their policies, especially regarding their ISB branch. He has even submitted a request for formal work camps to be made for purported traitors and captured prisoners of war to slave away in to contribute to the Imperial war machine, and also break their will at the same time.
Ship: Craydan has an Imperial Lambda-Class shuttle. He admires the design of the sleek vessel and the roomy interior. It has numerous defense mechanisms, such as two forward facing laser cannons, and one retractable laser cannon from the rear.
Kills: None
Bounties Collected: NA
RPs: None as of yet
Name: Craydan Sordac
Faction: The Galactic Empire, Imperial Security Bureau to be exact
Rank: ISB Chief of Staff
Species: Human
Age: Craydan is thirty-five years old, but has little signs of ageing aside from a few rogue strips of grey hair hidden by his ISB cap
Sex: Male
Height: 5 foot 10 inches tall
Weight: 179 Pounds
Eyes: Craydan's eye color is black
Hair: Aside from the aforementioned strands of grey hair on the sides, Craydan's hair is a slick-black.
Skin: A bright white hue, though there are small hints of tan skin colour due to his time on desert planets
Force Sensitive: Craydan is not Force Sensitive in the slightest, his Midichlorian Count is lower then the Galactic Average
+ Observant Nature. Craydan is extremely observant, able to notice even the most well hidden sliver of discomfort, annoyance, excitement, and so on. This was a "gift given from the Emperor himself", as Craydan so poetically describes it. This skill, obviously, does not apply to droids.
+ Deceit/Manipulation Skills. Due to Craydan's position as a chief of the secret police for a dictatorship, he must keep tabs on every Imperial personnel 24/7, and ensure their loyalty. He does this by employing a small army of loyal Imperials within the ranks that report on the rank-and-file happenings of the Stormtroopers, Imperial Repair Crews, Bridge Staff, etcetera. He also manipulates his rivals into situations that make them look like traitors, and thus has managed to eliminate any potential threat to his position, at least currently.
+ Self-Preservation. While Craydan feigns a sense of fanatical loyalty to the Empire, he secretly would automatically abandon them if necessary. While the Empire embodies Craydan's ideals of humanocentrism and an authoritarian government, Sordace sees himself as the ends to the means. If he is not getting a good deal, he will withdraw.
- Humanocentrism. Craydan does not make it secret his distaste for aliens. Interpreting Galactic History in a pro-human lens, Sordac sees humans as the ones whom colonised the Core and Inner Rim planets first and earned their place in the Galaxy after their rebellion against the Rakatan Infinite Empire. He sees aliens as freeloaders and scum, and if given the chance, would have every last one of them killed or working in an undesirable slave labour position. This close-mindedness can lead to his downfall if properly exploited.
- Control Freak/Power Abuser. Due to the importance of Craydan's post and the amount of men and women under his command, Craydan often goes on power trips and control freak moments. He often times abuses his rank within the Imperial hierarchy to gain special privileges, or commit minor crimes and have the witnesses "satisfied" via compensation from the Imperial treasury. He is also a control freak, unable to stand disobedience against authority. This, in turn, results in his constant micromanagement of his underlings when he believes they are not conducting their posts correctly, much to their chagrin.
- Arrogance. Though this might have been implied in previous weaknesses and strengths, Craydan is extremely arrogant and self-loving. Only caring about himself in the end due to conditioning from his aristocratic family, Craydan knows no other path in life then that of selfishness and arrogant prideful demeanour.
Appearance: Craydan is covered in his ISB uniform, a blue coat-like clothing that nearly envelops his entire body. His Kommandant-like cap, signifying his rank and therefore his pride, is always nestled on top of his head, concealing the strands of grey hair produced from the stress of being an Imperial Security Bureau Chief. A growing mustache is visible below Chef Sordac's nose, but he holds a particular disliking to it and most likely will see it shaved off in the near future.
Biography: Born to a rich family on the planet Coruscant in an unknown year, unknown most likely due to ISB machinations in Imperial archives, Craydan was born to the noble Sordac family, which ran numerous mining operations across the Galaxy. One day, when he was an untold age, once again, ISB work, he went along with his family to one of their mining outposts on Mustafar. However, on that fateful day, the miners, working under cruel conditions for the Sordac Mining Corporation, decided to rebel, organising the destruction of the security drones and guardsmen protecting Craydan's parents. The miners killed Sordac's mother, his father managing to end the lives of an untold number before being ended himself.
Craydan pretended he had no knowledge of his parents's deeds, lying, as he was fully aware of the monstrous atrocities his bloodline had committed on their subordinates. Believing him, however, and feeling slight remorse for ending the boy's parents, the miners decided to take him to Kamino, the old homeworld for the Fett Cloning Facilities. Rather then trying to exact vengeance on the miners, however, Craydan congratulated them for ending his parents and therefore allowing him access to their vast fortune, as he was an only child, and thus, sole inheritor.
Later, when Craydan was about twenty-one, though he could've been older, since the minimal age to become an Imperial Security Bureau personnel was twenty-one, he enlisted in the Imperial Security Bureau when the Empire returned to Kamino. His life on Kamino till that point is a point of mystery, and while his rivals attempted to uncover it, they apparently never succeeded.
The next fourteen years or so of Craydan's life were dedicated to climbing the ISB's ranks and becoming the Chief. Due to his family fortune, Sordac was able to pay off many of his superiors into retiring or stepping down, and those he couldn't buy out, he'd merely incriminate, or deal with himself, and make the scene look like an unfortunate accident.
Currently, Craydan serves as the Chief of the Empire's secret police, and certainly acts like it, constantly brainstorming new ideas for the Imperials to implement into their policies, especially regarding their ISB branch. He has even submitted a request for formal work camps to be made for purported traitors and captured prisoners of war to slave away in to contribute to the Imperial war machine, and also break their will at the same time.
Ship: Craydan has an Imperial Lambda-Class shuttle. He admires the design of the sleek vessel and the roomy interior. It has numerous defense mechanisms, such as two forward facing laser cannons, and one retractable laser cannon from the rear.
Kills: None
Bounties Collected: NA
RPs: None as of yet