Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Crazy Taxi


Location: Atmosphere of Coruscant​
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Lightsaber
Jax held his hands behind his head sitting next to the window as usual, even though he was presumably born and definitely raised on the city planet every time he entered the planet's orbit he was amazed at the many lights twinkling below him. From the outside Coruscant was beautiful and marvel of technological glory and proud capital of the Galactic Alliance. It was hard to believe that millions of years of ago that this was lush planet bristling with life. It was shame that once a person steps inside Coruscant, they will be exposed to all of the smog and corruption that infests the city. Even the sprawling megatowers are full of corrupt, backstabbing businessman and politician looking to work their way up and that's not to say nothing about the lower levels in which Jax constantly entered. It was infested with the worst kind of scum imaginable. The Hutt Cartel especially has their grimy, stubby hands on them lately.​
The Jedi sighed staring at his newly minted Padawan: Aveline. It had been a few days since they were acquainted and Jax was still unable to comprehend it. The will of the force had bought them together for a test? Was it really destiny that created their force bond? Jax wasn't one who wasn't gifted with the seer's eye and Aveline was basing her conclusion on instinct just like he taught. A small bit of pride began to swell inside Jax's heart, that was one lesson that she learned and it was the step into a rather unique path that she'll undertake with Jax. "Wake up Aveline," he said nudging her. "We're about to enter Coruscant: Capital of Galactic Alliance and the Birthplace of the New Jedi Order. I take it you've never stepped foot inside the city planet?"​

With a sudden jerk Aveline pulled up in her seat, wide awake. She'd dozed off, mind slipping into all kinds of dreams, the memory of which swiftly faded. Her hand gripped at her hip, reaching for a lightsaber hilt that was not there. When she realized they were just in a transport, she relaxed and leaned back into her seat.

"Nope. This will be my first." She said, her eyes drifting off and out into windows, examining the skyline and around and below them. Buildings, buildings upon buildings as far as the eye could see. The biggest city she'd ever been to had been Commenor, but this was something else. "Is it like this everywhere?"

Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: Atmosphere of Coruscant​
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Lightsaber
Jax could sense uneasiness from Aveline, she didn't have the most fruitful sleep something that Jax could empathize with. Part of him wondered what was troubling her but he didn't want to use the force to probe her mind, it was best to have Aveline be forthcoming in order to establish trust between master and apprentice. "You're trembling," Jax smiled. "Relax try to enjoy yourself Aveline, I've lived all my life in Coruscant and let me tell you, the Jedi Temple is the safest place on the planet."​
He could feel the ship deaccelerating indicating that they are entering the atmosphere. "Yup," Jax said regarding Aveline's question. "Every day there's a reason why Coruscant is nicknamed: The planet that never sleeps. There's always an opportunity to climb up from your dreadful situation. The question is what kind of method is that person utilizing."​
The Jedi sighed. "I won't lie to you Aveline," he said. "This place is full good people, but it's full of corruption and wrongdoing. From the backstabbing politicians to the crime ridden cartels in the lower levels. The Jedi while vigilant are too few and with a planet filled trillions of inhabitants there's a lot of seedy actions that remain unpunished. There's a reason why most of my missions are in Coruscant."​

You're trembling. "I'm not" her brows furrowed in protest, and she withdrew her hands and folded her arms underneath her chest. If she was trembling, at least it wouldn't show sitting like this.

She leaned back in her seat and relaxed a bit more. "I'm not scared, you know. I'm just taking in the landscape"

"I wonder if I'd like that..."
she said, thinking out loud. "You get to know the city, good and bad. And I like cities... But I also like travelling and seeing new things. At home it feels like every other mission I'm assigned to takes me to a place I've never been before. Though it's only recently they've started giving me assignments" she couldn't really talk as if she was some world-experienced Jedi, though she was pleased they were gaining confidence in her, sufficiently so to send her out into the wider world.

"What's your favourite planet?"
Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: Atmosphere of Coruscant​
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Lightsaber
Jax rolled his eyes when Aveline denied that she wasn't trembling and wasn't afraid. "The force doesn't lie my very stubborn apprentice," he grinned as leaned back on his seat a little. Probably not the best thing to say to a volatile person but Jax likes to tease people especially if he received a reaction like Aveline was right now. Jax couldn't help it he found rather entertaining to tease people for his amusement.​
The Jedi thoughts dwelled on the many planets he's been on, it was full of ups and downs but it was wonderful to travel along the galaxy seeing new things. "The thing about the Galaxy," he said. "Is everyone and everything you meet is unique and interesting, from the flora that grows from the planet to the lives that the force breathes in. It's like the rays of light that's shining on you now Aveline, you may think it's just a bright white light but when you closer you find out that there are multiple colors traveling that same path. Even though the planets and people are different if there's one that they all have in common is that they are bounded by the living force. If you quiet your mind and listen to the midichlorians, the forces will speaks to you, explaining it's nature. One force, one destiny."​
The ship began descend as the pilot mentioned that they are about to land. "Well Aveline," Jax smiled ruffling her hair. "My favorite well, I'll have to tell you later perhaps once you show me what kind of skills you got other than pouting."​
Jax fastened his seat belt. "But let's my favorite planet," he said airily. " Is the one that saved my life, the planet where I learned about the Living Force and all of the abilities it unlocked."​

She sat up in her seat and gave Jax Thio Jax Thio a hard fething stare. Is this guy serious? He was really pushing her buttons. They weren't many minutes away from a fight breaking out in the transport, that was for sure. She hadn't been scared, but she certainly was getting angry.

The Force doesn't lie... "Just you then" she shot back and spitefully avoided meeting his gaze. Instead she went back to admiring the cityscape, hoping successfully ignoring Jax would help her calm down. If this bloke wasn't going to make her fall to the Dark Side, nothing would...

Although all she gave him was the back of her head, the young Padawan listened to him, although she offered no indication of the fact. He hadn't really gotten her in the mood to play along with any Living Force exercises. She maintained the silence until he decided she wasn't annoyed enough, and ruffled her air. Aveline slapped his hand away and leaned her head away from his reach as best as she could.

"Honestly" she said, as she made an attempt to straighten her hair again. "You're my fething test in life, that's for sure" She needed to get out of this ship, she could feel its oppressing walls close in on her. She needed fresh air. As soon as possible she would stomp down the landing ramp and out onto whatever landing pad they had set down onto. Aveline calmed herself with the image of kicking his butt in sparring. Force give me strength to endure this Knight


Location: Coruscant Landing Pad​
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Lightsaber
"Good," Jax chuckled rubbing his hand a bit when Aveline slapped him. "I'm your master now Aveline and it's job to test you my belligerent apprentice. So far your grade is an F for giving into your anger and frustration." Jax's grin grew wider. "This is a good thing," he said shrugging. "Think of it this way, there's a lot of room for improvement,"​
In a way, Jax was pretty giddy at the prospect of being blessed to train a padawan as strong in the force as Aveline. It's a shame that she was with the Silvers, the NJO would definitely need a Jedi of her potential. He can already hear the masters saying that Aveline has the power of a Jedi Grandmaster and Jax is training her. Right now the young woman is like un sculpted clay only alive and bratty. "I never said that I didn't lie Aveline," Jax said. "The force is perfection yet we are not. We must accept that we have flaws so that we may work on them."​
As the people began to disperse from the freighter, Jax approached the pad and entered some numbers. "So Aveline," Jax asked. "Do you know the process of how a Padawan becomes a Jedi Knight?"​

She could feel him trying to ride her anger, and frustrate her even further. She wouldn't give him the satisfaction, and instead bit down on her lower lip as he went over for the zillionth time how she was a failure and inadequate in one way or another. I'll show you, she thought to herself. Just you wait and see

She almost made a snippy comment about how they both had their work cut out for them, but she somehow managed to hold her tongue. She was too angry to really be able to get her thoughts out into words in any meaningful way. It was better to be silent and allow calm to resume.

Jax Thio Jax Thio then gave her something substantial to chew on. How does a Padawan become a Knight? Her face grew thoughtful for a moment. "Lots of training? Becoming more complete, and show you're worthy of the title somehow." She wasn't entirely sure if she was hitting the mark or not, as they continued walking. "I know there are trials, though I don't exactly know what they entail" though she suspected that was kind of the point.


Location: Landing pad of Coruscant​
Equipment: Jax's Lightsaber
Jax nodded waiting for the Taxi to arrive. "A generalized answer one that sounds like you read that from a book," he replied. "But otherwise acceptable indeed as a Padawan, you are to accompany me around the galaxy taking on new challenges, meeting new people all that cool shit. But each mission is a constant test of your abilities. To see if you do have what it takes to be a Jedi Knight."​
Already Jax can sense frustration from Aveline, not even a day and she's throwing a fit. But It's okay, many padawans are usually stubborn and reckless on their first days. Jax was no different when he was an padawan he drove Master Oda crazy with his antics such as flirting with girls and pulling pranks on his fellow padawans. His situation pretty much mirrored Aveline's it's funny how the force bought them together. "There are five Jedi Trials: The trial of skill, the trial of courage, the trial of the flesh, the trial of spirit and the trial of insight," Jax said placing hands behind his back. "Back in the day when a master feels that the Padawan is ready for the trials, the Padawan enters the Jedi Trials Chamber and undertake them. Now and days it depends on the master's observations on how a Padawan performs during missions."​
He stared into Aveline's eyes. "If you do exceptionally well in your missions doing tasks that fit the criteria established in the trials. Then I'll give you a pass, I advise not to worry too much about your trials though and focus on gaining the experience necessary to become a Jedi Knight. Let me worry about whether you achieve enough to pass."​
Jax knew that Aveline wouldn't like the fact that he was going to be the judge and to be honest he wasn't sure as well. "The Living Force," he thought. "Don't fully trust in the future, focus on the here and now and what's happening now is that I got a stubborn apprentice who is determined to be a Jedi Knight. No pressure right?"
The Taxi approached the landing pad slowly descending near the duo. "We're heading to the Jedi Temple," Jax said. "Gonna have people do your Padawan braid and we're gonna our first mission." A smile formed on his face, perhaps Jax can do some testing right now? See how Aveline will respond to pressure. She was a talented pilot, but being a Jedi is far different. "You wanna be a Jedi?" he thought. "It's time to put you through the ringer."

She resisted the urge to roll her eyes as he chided her again. Actually, no she didn't. Aveline almost blurted out of course it's a generalized answer, or isn't it your job to give me a better definition if I just sound like a book, but she kept it all in her thoughts, seething. He got too much enjoyment out of riling her up and making her angry, and it wasn't a headspace she enjoyed being forced to live in.

Aveline listened and paid attention as he explained the five different trials. Based on the names she could get some kind of guess or assumption about what they might entail, but she didn't know. She nodded, as he explained. Skill and courage sounds easy, she thought to herself. Spirit and insight... Now there's the kicker. What they even meant, she did not know. Suppose in time, one day, she would be ready.

"I understand, Jax" she said, sounding calmer now. It was useful knowledge to have, but it wasn't as if she was itching to get promoted to Knight this week, so it could all wait. The fact that it was all up to Jax troubled her. He seemed to have a talent for pointing out her flaws and weaknesses, however big they were. But worst case scenario, if she was truly ready and he was deliberately holding her back, she could always seek out the Silver Assembly and ask them to assess her themselves.

"What do you mean braid?" she said, looking at him with mild shock. "Who's gonna touch my hair?" she wasn't sure if she liked the sound of that. "I can braid it myself if you want" she shrugged. Save them some time too. Though the second part of what he said caught her interest, and her eyes lit up. "Mission? What kind of mission? What are we doing?"

Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: Coruscant​
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Lightsaber
Aveline once again became even more agitated she really did not handle being teased well. Jax resisted the urge to smile, he definitely wasn't going to make it easy for her especially when it came to the trials. "None of the trials are easy Aveline," Jax said. "This ain't the Silvers were they hand out Knighthood willy nilly. Here at the NJO, we put you through thick of things, a Jedi will be faced with temptation: To kill, to act rashly, to choose the quick and easy path."​
Jax got in the Taxi and leaned against the leather chair. If there was one thing he appreciated about Coruscant was that at least they kept their Taxis clean. Jax rather liked the new speeder smell that the Taxis maintained. "By the way Aveline," Jax said crossing his arms. "You'll refer to me as Master Jax from now on. A Jedi must always respect their elders."​
He definitely expected Aveline to be compliant with calling him master.​
"Droids will be working on your hair," he replied. "It's just a simple long, tight braid indicates your status as a Padawan according to NJO traditions." Jax began to input the location onto the taxi's computer while secretly inserting a small virus chip that BB-12 made to mess with the AI. "I don't know what mission we're going on." Jax said. "But a Jedi needs to be prepared for anything and I go on a lot of missions so you'll get plenty of experience."​
Aveline will also get a lot of tests like the one he is doing right now.​

She was about to agree with him, but then her face grew stone cold. Had he just said that? The nerve! Clearly the Padawan was shocked at what she was hearing, her expression told as much. He knew he was being offensive, but he wanted to hurt her. She wasn't sure what pleasure he got out of it, but he was succeeding. "Are you serious? Learn some fething manners." He was quite opinionated, and clearly she wasn't taking too well to it.

She stood by the side of the taxi, watching as Jax Thio Jax Thio got in. At that point he had the audacity to demand she refer to him as Master Jax. "When you start acting like a Master, which you're nowhere near. Fething Sithspawn" the small brunette slammed the doors of the vehicle shut, and stomped off in the opposite direction. Nope. Nu uh. Not doing it. It had been a long day, and ever since he'd picked her up he'd been pushing her buttons. Now it seemed she'd finally drawn the line, and had enough.

"Sithspit" she cursed, as she continued walking away. There was a crowd coming, but she blended in well. She held up a hand and whistled, trying to get the attention of a different taxi. She needed to get out of here.


Location: Coruscant​
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Lightsaber
"Sorry Aveline," Jax said placing his hands over his head smiling. "A Jedi must show respect no matter what the circumstances are. You'll learn once you go on missions that many people around the Galaxy will try to taunt you and size you up. Aveline if you can't handle my simple teasing what makes you think that you'll be better for negotiations or settling a conflict? First time someone calls you a queen you'll igniting your lightsaber and threatening to decapitate them."​
As Aveline began to move towards the opposite direction, Jax motioned her to get in the Taxi. "It's dangerous to explore Coruscant alone Padawan," Jax chuckled. "You done with the name calling we gotta go to the Temple. Can't keep the masters waiting."​

Aveline heard the words A Jedi must show respect no matter what the circumstances are, but couldn't help but wonder when she'd experience as much from Jax Thio Jax Thio himself. Certainly not as he indirectly called her a queen to her back. Yet still it was her in the wrong, her accused of the name-calling. As far as apologizes and excuses went, it did little to dampen the rage he had her in.

The young Jedi finally got back in the seat of a taxi, but it was not the same as the one she had been in before. She had half a mind to ask him to take her to the nearest spaceport so she could get on a shuttle back to Kashyyyk. That was a touch too reckless though, even for her. "Jedi Temple, please." she said, sinking back into her seat and once more looking out the window. This time in silence, this time without anyone negging her.

They might have been intending to go to the temple, but it appeared they would arrive in separate transports. Aveline needed the space to clear her mind, calm herself.


Location: Coruscant​
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Lightsaber
It turned out Aveline's remained boiling inside of her. If the smallest of insults are getting to her then Jax wouldn't be surprised if she turned to the dark side and started killing younglings because somebody called her a queen "I can still feel your anger my very grumpy apprentice," Jax chuckled while Aveline was conversing with the AI. "Are you sure it's your destiny to become a Jedi? You're too busy dwelling on my words rather than letting them pass through you and looking at the bigger picture."​
Taking a brief glance at the display, the monitor was not filled with flying pigs and all of the doors began to lock "Now to truly test her." He thought. "Maybe she can turn it around maybe not. But It'll give me more of an indication of where she needs training." Putting on a concerned face Jax stared at the monitor "What the frack?" Jax said attempting to open the door. "We're locked out! Computer unlock these doors this instant."​
The Taxi did nothing at first then all of a sudden it accelerated violently forcing Jax back. "Oh shit!" he yelled doing his best to look as fearful as possible. "What the frack is going on?!"​
So how would Aveline react? How would she solve this? But more importantly, will she keep a calm mind? All signs pointed to no but Jax wanted to make sure.​

“I will become a Jedi” she stated through gritted teeth. “I won’t let you stop me” although Jax was placing himself in the role of being obstacle or standing in opposition to herself, she was determined to not let him overcome her. She wouldn’t be pushed down or held back. Aveline decided against arguing against his words. They did not mean much to him, and only created openings for more abuse. Perhaps if she held her tongue he’d leave her be.

At the sound of the doors locking, Aveline looked up. That was odd. When the speeder started racing ahead without any prompting, things turned from odd to alarming. “What did you do?” she clung onto her seat, her eyes examening Jax. No, he’d just gotten here. She didn’t think he’d have time to mess up the vehicle…

“Move over!” Jax didn’t seem to know what to do. If anyone were to get them out of this then, it looked like the task fell on her! Aveline yanked herself forward and over into the driving seat, fighting against the force created by their rapid forward momentum.

Various scenarios raced through her mind. An attack? No, the taxi had been selected at random… Unless it wasn’t a targeted attack on the Jedi, but just whoever was unfortunate enough to step into this taxi. It could also be a malfunction. She could only hope whatever it was, it wouldn’t prove fatal…

“Switching to manual.” She tried to pull on the controls to take control of the thing herself, but it was resisting her. “There gotta be some way to manually override this thing” she punched in some codes on the display before her, trying to do exactly that, and regain control of this thing.

Jax Thio Jax Thio

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