Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Creating Power [Tryus]

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden

The night is dark and full of terrors, but none more terrifying than the creeping death that was The Nightsisters. Iviss had completed but one step on the road to victory, now it was time to begin yet another. A young male had approached her, gave his life to the covens and asked to explore the magicks alongside her. She humored the male, for now, if only out of sheer curiosity. She had instructed the young blood to traverse the singing mountains and meet her in outside the caverns where dozens of the Singing Mountain clan had been buried alive by the Black Sabath ritual. It was here that the male would prove if he was worthy of serving the covens.

Standing, eyes gazing at the shrieking rocks behind which dozens of doomed witches lay in an early grave, Iviss waited for the young blood to come to her and the trial to commence.
Weaving through the singing mountains, along the twisting and ever so dangerous path. He would near his destination, his foot slipping off the mountainside, making him pause and watch the various stones tumble down the side of the path. A soft exhale of relief leaving his mouth, before continuing onwards. He found himself between two naturally formed monoliths of rocksides, and in between he found who he was looking for. He had come here, knowing she would attempt to test him in some manner. Though, he had only heard whispers of how.
His clothing, was dark. A black robe, surrounding a black tunic. Though, the cloth was ruined and ripped towards the ends, specifically the bottom where he had been treading on, along the path. His hood drawn, you could barely make out his face.
He approached the woman, firstly dipping his head out of pure respect. "Mother Iviss, I have come." He called, placing his arms behind his back, watching her with his pale white skin and almost obisidian eyes. He wanted to prove himself, prove his worth. This was his one and only oppurtunity.
[member="Mother Iviss"]

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