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Approved NPC Crew of Bildog's Beard, the Oaths-Of-No-Oath (the "Oono" crew)

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  • Crew Name: The Oaths-Of-No-Oath (The "Oono")
  • Crew Type: Youth Rabble
  • Base of Operations: "Bildog's Beard"
  • Crew Size: 6
  • Loyalties: Itself
  • Description: A band of Barisoni youths who left their homeworld over their lack of faith in their religious institutions and theocratic government, feeling scorned by their inability to help their family during the Netherworld Crisis when they were younger. Their mothers, fathers, sisters, and some among them were never the same after most returned from the Netherworld. After a spacer touched down for food supplies on Barison, they managed to convince him to take the group with him. Once they were off-world, they thanked the traveler and went to find the means to travel the stars on their own. Their journey has lead them on board the Bildog's Beard, hunting for Bildog meat for a contractor, among other odd jobs as they continue to pave the way to their destiny of total freedom.
  • Name: Weeping-Gamble-Soul (Soul)
  • Age: 29
  • Species: Barisoni
  • Role: Captain/Pilot
  • Description: Soul is the oldest member on the Bildog's Beard, and one who carries the biggest scars. He was one of the trillions of other poor unfortunate "Souls" to be taken by the Netherworld, and subjected to an unknowable hellscape for weeks, months, or years until he was finally returned... shaken to the core. His faith shattered, and lacking adequate support from his family and government, he gathered a few like minded youths like himself to escape the oppressive falseness of his culture as their Captain, and do anything he can to forget what he experienced.
  • Name: Proud-Clever-Caress (Caress)
  • Age: 25
  • Species: Barisoni
  • Role: Co-Pilot
  • Description: Caress was once proud to profess her faith as a Renouncing-The-Bigger-Shell, and enjoyed the praise of maintaining her Oath of Renunciation, but that changed with the Netherworld Crisis. All around her friends and family vanished, and she was left alone, orphaned. Eventually, both of her parents returned, but they came back as different people. They no longer had the mental faculties to deal with loving their only surviving offspring. Hurt and scorned, she jumped at the chance to follow with Soul to the stars, happily breaking her Oath.
  • Name: Privileged-Divinity-Mother (Divinity)
  • Age: 18
  • Species: Barisoni
  • Role: Gunner
  • Description: The youngest of the crew, Divinity was an anxious youth who frequently challenged the faiths of his peers on general principle. Despite this though, he felt a particular affinity for the Bury-Eggs-Which-Never-Hatch and its dark god of misery, and its message of living life as a celebration. His mother disowned him however, for abandoning the family spirits for little more than a tragedy worshiping cult, preying on the grief of its patrons. It didn't take much convincing to get him to leave Barison and follow Soul. To further indicate his disassociation with his past, he has unofficially redact mother from his name, going by the center name "Divinity" instead when talking with outsiders. He takes great joy in throwing off the yolks of their pacifist culture and indulging in his favorite pastime: shooting.
  • Name: Afraid-Noise-Harmonic (Harmonic)
  • Age: 22
  • Species: Barisoni
  • Role: Deflector Shield Operator
  • Description: Harmonic has always been a curious individual, very studious, and prodigiously intelligent. Unfortunately, she has never appreciated the repression of outside knowledge and technology within her culture, and generally detesting the use of faith as a litmus test for the use of potentially life altering technology. Gaining the opportunity to work on a ship with more technology than she has seen in a life time was no opportunity she could miss, and follows Soul to the depths of the stars.
  • Name: Timid-Gladness-Blossom (Blossom)
  • Age: 22
  • Species: Barisoni
  • Role: Sensor Array Operator
  • Description: Blossom has always been a wearing individual, always hyper aware of her surroundings and her peers. In this way, she fits all to well into her new role as the Sensor Array Operator. Although the Netherworld Crisis took so many people away, Blossom lived through it relatively unscathed... as she was a true orphan far before the crisis took hold. She had been a friend of Soul's however, and his absence hurt her greatly. Upon his return however, she was so overtaken by joy she did not hesitate to follow him anywhere.
  • Name: Gateway-Clairvoyant-Prophet (Prophet)
  • Age: 19
  • Species: Barisoni
  • Role: Gunner
  • Description: Great things have been expected out of Prophet since the day he was born, the son of prominent officials within the government, and apparently selected to become a Monk of the Reincarnating-Molt, apparently possessing qualities of a great religious leader deep in their past. Prophet never wanted to leave the care of his parents, and felt loss the first day they turned him over to the temple-goers. When the Netherworld Crisis occurred, he took the opportunity to abandon the monks, staying on the run until Soul found him near starvation, taking him under his wing. Now a member of a new family, one which has professed their love to him, Prophet has filled neatly into a new role: protecting and providing for his family with stunning accuracy out the end of a laser canon barrel.

Every member of the "Oono" (Oath-Of-No-Oaths) are a member of the Barisoni species, who were deeply affected by the consequences of the Netherworld Crisis on their families, and themselves. Denouncing their former faiths, or simply clinging to a more appealing one than the ones they were raised with, this motley crew of youths managed to find each other and a way off their repressive homeworld.

With limited means of communicating, the crew usually end up with odds jobs few others care to take or lack the time to do. Given their ships construction and their own physiology, they are almost exclusively assigned to aquatic jobs on water worlds, filling a niche precious few other crews have filled.

So far, their longest assignment has been on Chad, where they have been poaching Bildog meat, which is illegal since the Bildog's most often belong to a herd-farmer. Not to mention their more aggressive, and sometimes damaging methods to the creatures involved.
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