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Approved NPC Crew of Candor

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Mago Voss


  • Intent: To flesh out the crew of the Heart of Candor and give Mago a small but loyal fighting force
  • Image Credit: Theo Stylianides
  • Role: Crew of the Heart of Candor and the personal force of Mago Voss
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Unit Name: The Void Raiders
  • Affiliation: Mago Voss
  • Classification: Infantry
  • Description: The Void Raiders are a small pirate organization localized to the Heart of Candor and lead by Mago Voss. Unlike many other pirate groups across the galaxy, the Void Raiders are organized and are put through a strict military regimen to turn them into somewhat professional soldiers. This training is loosely based off of the training for the Umbaran Militia and Imperial Stormtrooper Corps with various tweeks by Mago Voss to shape them to his own personal combat doctrine.
  • Unit Size: Medium
  • Unit Availability: Rare
  • Unit Experience: Trained
  • Equipment: Equipped with stylized but basic medium armor capable of withstanding the void of space and a variety of blaster rifles.

  • Combat Function: Act mostly as a boarding party and a force to repel other boarding parties.

Space Experts: Mago Voss is careful to train his soldiers in the void of space, they are used to 0 gravity and the different rules of combat one can expect in space often thinking three dimensionally about the field of battle. This gives them an edge over many who have grown used to the artificial gravity their ships supply.

Months of training are put into these soldiers, pushing them be dedicated to Mago Voss as much as they are to their own greed. His orders are law, but his reputation of keeping his soldiers safe and even putting himself in danger to save them has encouraged a sense of comradery and loyalty to one another and to their captain not often seen in pirates.


Pirates still a Pirate: No matter how disciplined, these men and women entered the business for money and are willing to turn away if a high enough sum is offered to them.

Not the best Equipped: Simple armor and weaponry are all they have, lacking explosives or heavy ordinance of any kind giving them a distinct disadvantage against many modern militaries.


The crew of the Heart of Candor, now calling themselves the Void Raiders, have been built up over a decade from choice recruits over dozens of worlds and systems. Some are veterans, with decades under their belt while others have only just finished the strenuous training and hazing associated with becoming a new member of the raiders. A very few are old comrades of Mago, having left the Umbaran Militia with him all those years ago hoping to strike it rich and carve out a place in history for themselves on the galactic stage.
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