NAME: My name is Crik Tannon. That's pretty much it. No long winded titles to bore you with. Although some call me "Crik the Prick". Not to my face though. At least not before their nose is broken.
FACTION: I have a rebellious nature, so there's a very high chance that I'll be in the Rebellion.
RANK: Space Hermit, is what I refer to as my 'rank'. Although others might have other choice words in describing myself and what they think that I do for a living.
SPECIES: Miraluka , though I do hide it pretty well.
AGE: Middle age is as much as I'll give you.
SEX: Take a wild guess. Don't let the long hair fool you!
HEIGHT: Average height
WEIGHT: Isn't that a taboo question? Your guess is as good as mine though. I don't own a scale.
EYES: None, though when I mask them with illusion, they appear green.
HAIR: Orange, ginger, some even call it red. Whatever your preference. Doesn't bother me any.
SKIN: Lightly pale. It really depends on how much sun that I get. That is if I choose to venture outside on a sunny planet.
FORCE SENSITIVE: Very much so. I can sense it and see it. Can't you?
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Let's start with the positives, shall we?
#1: Highly opinionated and blunt. People don't get enough of that. But they really should.
#2: Soft voice. Some would even say that it's soothing and calming. I'm rather fond of it, myself actually. I should start some meditating holovids. They'd be all the rage!
#3: Illusionist. This is something that I've perfected over the years, more often than not in hiding the fact that I don't have eyes. Seriously, I really don't!
#4: Proficient Force User. Over the years, I've learned to hone and control my abilities, as everyone should.
#5: Excels at close quarter combat. Whether it's your brawls, duels or arm wrestles, I'm your guy to bet on. As long as I get my share.
And now the negatives. It's almost like giving away my biggest, darkest secrets. But we'll not go that far. We'll just stick with the basics.
#1: Slighty OCD. I have an item that I carry with me always to help me adjust to change. I'm not very fond of big changes. You don't want to be near me if I lose it....Trust me.....
#2: Hard-headed. Some might call it stubbornness, but really I'm just set in my ways and no one can tell me different.
#3: Bad habits. I drink and have the occasional smoke. If it bothers you, then just walk away. Shoo!
#4: Attitude. I think it's just fine, but others....not so much. But what do I care?
#5: Can't cook. Just to make this even, I decided to throw that in there. Sure I can cook, but everyone else finds my tastes to be a little bland. Not that I'm trying to be a Master Chef or anything. Geesh. Just cooking to survive. At least I can keep from poisoning myself. I do know a bit of what I'm doing.
Always sporting a trenchcoat. You have no idea how comfortable they are. And there's so many pockets. I can hide a lot of things in there. And they are baggy enough to protect from the sun, rain, snow, sand, not to mention I can hide quite a few weapons. Combat boots are my go-to foot attire. Great tread, protects the ankles and some could say that they are stylish. But I digress... Anything else, you can just scroll back up near the top and read the rest.
I was born. I grew up....
Seriously, why bore you with the details? You don't need to know. I don't want you to know. What's it going to do? Gain me some sympathy? Make anyone fear me? Or love me? Everyone has a past. Everyone has a reason for why they are who they are. I'm an outlaw to some, but a hero to others. It all depends on what side of the coin you're on. I like to think of myself as a good person, yet no Jedi Order would take me. Can you imagine me being a Master to some poor young Padawan? If they don't have a tough skin, they'd be in tears everyday or complain about me being too hard on them. But really, that's the best way to learn and to grow. That's how I was brought up in life and it's served me enough that I'm not dead yet.
I've got my own ship which I pilot by myself, thank you very much. Although sometimes I think that a droid could be useful...Hmm....Pocket that idea for later.
My patience has drawn very thin with the state of the Galaxy these days. It's a neverending cycle of good guys going bad, and vice versa. And don't think that because I pride myself on being a Space Hermit that I steer clear of the holonews or the occasional warzone. I have yet to hear of one super power these days that isn't a hypocrite. "Do as we say and not as we do." Isn't that how it goes? Show me a super power that isn't that way and maybe, just maybe, I'll be a little less cynical.
That's enough out of me though. There's a lot more interesting things out there to waste your time on than reading about little ol' me.
Belongtocrik That means it's mine! Stay out or you'll find yourself at the wrong end of a blaster.
As if I'd just let such sensitive information out there in the open??? I wasn't born yesterday, you know!
Do I look like a bounty hunter to you? No wait, don't answer that. I might be able to work that angle some day....