Coratanni Cartel
Please use the following template to detail your criminal gang, organization, syndicate or partner group in the Underworld. Criminal Organization Name: [ Name of the Criminal Organization ]
Type: [ Swoop Gang, Terrorist & Anarchist group, Criminal Syndicate & Cartel, Kajidics, Smuggling organization, Slaver Organization, Slicer group, Pirate Organization.]
Affiliation: [ Are they affiliated with any major factions? Minor factions? Link RP reference.]
Alignment: [ True Neutral, Chaotic Good, Chaotic Evil, Neutral Good, Neutral Evil, etc. Mainly what side of the coin does this criminal organization go for? ]
Operations: [ What are the operations of your criminal organziation? Smuggling? Extortion, Fencing, Drug Trafficking? Etc]
Structure: [ Detail the structure of the criminal organization. Who are the IC leadership of this criminal organization? ]
Description: [ A description of the criminal organization. ]
History: [ The history of the organization. How it began, it's development, etc. ]
Territory: [ Depending on organization size, please detail planets under influence. Link RP reference. ]
Planet Name:
Key locations:
Other: [ Any other information. Technology list, Naval list, rank bars, or whatever bit of information you would like to add here. ]
Members: List all current members.