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Crimson Fury Armor


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Crimson Fury Armor
  • Intent: Personal armor for Furor
  • Image Source:
    Armor - Pinterest, Link
  • Helmet - Pinterest, Link

[*]Canon Link: N/A
[*]Restricted Missions: If needed
[*]Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: Furor & Lady Exedo
  • Model: N/A
  • Affiliation: Furor
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Unique
  • Material:
    ​​Durasteel-Duraplast Chesplate
  • ​Durasteel-Duraplast Pauldrons
  • ​Durasteel-Plastoid Gauntlets
  • ​Durasteel Waist Armor

  • ​​Plastoid Upper Arm Armor
  • ​Plastoid Leg Armor

  • ​​Armorweave Undersuit
  • ​Armorweave Cloak


  • Classification: Multi-purpose
  • Weight: 18.5 kg
  • Resistances (For each category choose from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme Ratings of High, Very High, and Extreme will need to be added as strengths with elaboration.)
    Blasters High
  • Kinetic: Average
  • Lightsabers: Average
  • Other: Average
  • ​Force Powers(Basic): Average
    Elemental(Lightning): Low
  • ​Elemental(Fire): Average
  • ​Elemental(Frost): None
  • ​EMP: Average
  • ​Sonic: Low



  • Blaster Resistance - The Fury armor has multiple layers of armor, specifically on the chest. It goes from a topmost layer of durasteel. The second layer is a 'thin' layer of duraplast, enough to take a few blaster shots worth. The third layer of the armor is just the armorweave. These three layers offer substantial protection against blaster and slugthrower weapons alike, forcing an opponent to unload multiple rounds to breach through the layers. That, or an opponent could just use an explosive of some sort or just a big gun.
  • Multiple Armor Layers
  • Kinetic Cushioning - The Fury armor, on the outside, appears to be quite vulnerable to kinetic attacks such as a force push for example. Though, it isn't. The armorweave bodysuit underneath helps to cushion the user from direct damage from such attacks due to it's mixture of armorweave, all over the body, and flex armor, around the chest and back. Though, this only reaches up to a certain extent. The user will still suffer bruising from force pushes and some kinetic attacks. If the kinetic attack overpowers the armorweave-flexsteel combination, well it won't end well. The force of the user's body hitting against the hard metal will most likely knock the air out of their lungs along with resulting in much bruising underneath.
  • Sonic - Sonic weapons are a no-go for the Fury armor. No audio receptors or protections against sonic-based weapons were considered in the creation of the suit of armor. Leaving the user vulnerable to attack from sonic-based weapons, though not fully. As with the armorweave, it can help to shield some of the kinetic trauma of a sonic attack. The helmet has some basis of audio receptors, though it's little to none, offering minimal protection.
  • ​The Cold -
  • Force Lightning - The armor, well it's not good against electrical attacks, more specifically force lighting. The two layers of metal plating do little to hamper force lighting, if not increasing the effects it could have on the user. Due to how close the layers are to one another and how conductive the metals are, the lighting can easily zap onto the user's armor and all over them due to the widespread use of metal plating. This results in the user possibly being hit all over from an attack of force lighting, shocking them into submission. While not out right killing them, they will be greatly injured.
  • Heavy
(Describe some of the histories behind the submission. Give us some idea of how it might perform its function, what it excels against and what some limitations of it are. This is where you talk about your idea, flesh it out over at least a good-sized paragraph, and address some of the ways it might be used or abused. For especially powerful or ambitious submissions, a very thorough description is recommended.)

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