Judas Zambrano
The Prodigal Son
[SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Image Source: http://www.redicecreations.com/article.php?id=31933[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Intent:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] To create a Mainstream Droid for The Shadow Dynasty to use as it’s military, as well for a personal force for Judas Zambrano
Development Thread: If needed
Manufacturer: Iscariot Industries
Model: Crimson walkers
Affiliation: Iscariot Industries, Shadow Dynasty
Modularity: No
Production: Mass Produced
Material: Hadrium, Duranium[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Classification:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Fourth Degree
Weight: 150kg
Height: 2 meters
Movement: Bipedal
Armaments: [/SIZE]
All weapons created by Iscariot Industries
[SIZE=9pt]Misc. Equipment: [/SIZE]
Night Vision
[SIZE=9pt]Advanced scanners[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]360 and thermal vision[/SIZE]
Magnetic Grips
[SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Description: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]The Crimson walkers are what Iscariot Industries calls their expendables. They were created while they thought up the Crimson Avengers line. Of course these were cheaper to create then the Crimson Avengers as well so they are more numerous. Their AI is similar to the Crimson Avengers, but is focused on protocals and actions similar to assassin droids and special forces soldiers. The Crimson walkers are trained to use all weapons created by Iscariot Industries so they can be effectively be equipped with any of their weapons. Their bodies are made of Duranium with a Hadrium coating to allow it better heat resistance. Due to the high melting point and the resistance to heat that these metals have the droids have a bit of a resistance to blasters. These droids can take glancing blows from a lightsaber, but a dedicated strike will cut them down like any other droid. The Crimson Walkers were also programmed to keep fighting till the point of complete destruction. So if they retain a large enough portion of their body they will keep fighting. The downsides to this droid are their lack of individuality and creativity so they are useless on their own without a leader constantly giving them orders. On top of this they do not have thick armor like the Crimson Avengers allowing slugthrowers to pierce them and cause damage to them[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Image Source: http://www.redicecreations.com/article.php?id=31933[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Intent:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] To create a Mainstream Droid for The Shadow Dynasty to use as it’s military, as well for a personal force for Judas Zambrano
Development Thread: If needed
Manufacturer: Iscariot Industries
Model: Crimson walkers
Affiliation: Iscariot Industries, Shadow Dynasty
Modularity: No
Production: Mass Produced
Material: Hadrium, Duranium[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Classification:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Fourth Degree
Weight: 150kg
Height: 2 meters
Movement: Bipedal
Armaments: [/SIZE]
All weapons created by Iscariot Industries
[SIZE=9pt]Misc. Equipment: [/SIZE]
Night Vision
[SIZE=9pt]Advanced scanners[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]360 and thermal vision[/SIZE]
Magnetic Grips
[SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Description: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]The Crimson walkers are what Iscariot Industries calls their expendables. They were created while they thought up the Crimson Avengers line. Of course these were cheaper to create then the Crimson Avengers as well so they are more numerous. Their AI is similar to the Crimson Avengers, but is focused on protocals and actions similar to assassin droids and special forces soldiers. The Crimson walkers are trained to use all weapons created by Iscariot Industries so they can be effectively be equipped with any of their weapons. Their bodies are made of Duranium with a Hadrium coating to allow it better heat resistance. Due to the high melting point and the resistance to heat that these metals have the droids have a bit of a resistance to blasters. These droids can take glancing blows from a lightsaber, but a dedicated strike will cut them down like any other droid. The Crimson Walkers were also programmed to keep fighting till the point of complete destruction. So if they retain a large enough portion of their body they will keep fighting. The downsides to this droid are their lack of individuality and creativity so they are useless on their own without a leader constantly giving them orders. On top of this they do not have thick armor like the Crimson Avengers allowing slugthrowers to pierce them and cause damage to them[/SIZE]