The Cronau Identifier Radiation Amplifier is heavily reliant on sensor operators, while the device can identify and amplify cronau radiation. It must first be turned on and second used when a jump has been suspected, it is highly recommended to turn the device on once the TGE sends out alerts for trace particles. This will then enable sensor operators to better prepare for jumps from stealth vessels.
Sensor operators must also be aware that the device has trouble distinguishing friend from foe. Therefore the sensor operators must always have the knowledge or be able to quickly access their databanks to ensure accuracy, of whether or not the cronau radiation is from friend or foe. In most cases, this is easily discernable from a visual standpoint.
In an ideal situation, CIRA identifies a foe’s cronau radiation, records it to the databanks and then amplifies it on visual for sensor operators. A sensor operator then coordinates with their team to one, ensure this is a foe and two - find where the ship has jumped to by following the trail. Radiation trails do decay and therefore the amplifier works in a limited timeframe, five to seven seconds - after this, the trail is gone and CIRA can no longer identify or amplify the radiation.
Intent: To create a device for the First Order that would detect when ships jumped into hyperspace whether they were stealthed or not using cronau radiation trails.
Image Source: N/A
Canon Link: Cronau Radiation (x)
Restricted Missions: N/A
Primary Source: Primo Victorian Shipwright (x) | Tachyon Grid Emitter (x)
Manufacturer: Primo Victorian Shipwright (x), First Order Division of Science and First Order Corps of Imperial Engineers
Affiliation: First Order, Primo Victorian Shipwright (x
Modularity: No
Production: Semi-Unique
Material: Radiation Detection Equipment, Cronau Radiation Identifiers, Radiation Amplifers and Standard Sensor Equipment
Identifies Cronau Radiation and Cronau Radiation Wash.
Amplifies the Radiation to create an identifiable signature
CIRA identifies cronau radiatoin and then records this data into sensor logs. This enables the operator to pull the logs, with this information the operator then has a better idea of where an enemy vessel may go.
CIRA does not and cannot predict where an enemy may, it can only provide the sensor data. It is up to the operator take the information presented and make those comparisons.
Cronau radiation is a type of radiation most find when ships jump into hyperspace. Working with equipment like the Tachyon Grid Emitter. Or the TGE, the Cronau Identifier Radiation Amplifier (CIRA) looks for cronau radiation specifically. If it finds the cronau radiation it will then record the signature to databanks and enable operators to better locate jump points of enemy ships.
Must be activated manually by a sensor operator.
Works to identify cronau radiation only.
Amplifies this radiation to create a visual aid for sensor operators.
Records radiation signatures to sensor databanks.
Sensor operators using the visual aid can then better locate jump points and trials of enemy ships.
Ident2Go: Identifies cronau radiation and stores these identities in sensor databanks.
Visual: Amplifies radiation on sensor operator screens with visuals making it easier to trace.
Manual: Has to be activated manually, and is not an automatic device. All sensor operators must ensure that the device is on and working properly.
Limited Time: Works with a limited time frame to identify the cronau radiation most specifically within five to seven seconds of when a jump is suspected.
Range: Standard sensor range to short range only does not work for long range.
False Readings: Can give off false readings as it has a hard time deciphering friend/foe signatures, therefore sensor operators must always refer back to their databanks to ensure accuracy.
The Cronau Identifier Radiation Amplifier is heavily reliant on sensor operators, while the device can identify and amplify cronau radiation. It must first be turned on and second used when a jump has been suspected, it is highly recommended to turn the device on once the TGE sends out alerts for trace particles. This will then enable sensor operators to better prepare for jumps from stealth vessels.
Sensor operators must also be aware that the device has trouble distinguishing friend from foe. Therefore the sensor operators must always have the knowledge or be able to quickly access their databanks to ensure accuracy, of whether or not the cronau radiation is from friend or foe. In most cases, this is easily discernable from a visual standpoint.
In an ideal situation, CIRA identifies a foe’s cronau radiation, records it to the databanks and then amplifies it on visual for sensor operators. A sensor operator then coordinates with their team to one, ensure this is a foe and two - find where the ship has jumped to by following the trail. Radiation trails do decay and therefore the amplifier works in a limited timeframe, five to seven seconds - after this, the trail is gone and CIRA can no longer identify or amplify the radiation.
New Section(s):
- Adding Affiliations
Affiliation: First Order
New Section(s):
Affiliation: First Order, Primo Victorian Shipwright (x