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Cronos Aegir

Qhorin Solas

Cronos Aegir - Clone #042289


NAME: Cronos Aegir
FACTION: Atrisian Empire
RANK: Knight Inquisitor
SPECIES: Human Clone
AGE: 24 Biological Years - 3 Chronological Years
HEIGHT: 6'2 (188 cm)
WEIGHT: 176 (79.8 kg)
EYES: Dark Blue
HAIR: Blonde
SKIN: Pale/Light Tan



Level I - Novice || Level II - Competent || Level III - Proficient || Level IV - Expert || Level V - Master || Level VI - Legendary

An average Jedi Knight is usually Competent or Proficient in many arts, and may be an Expert of a few. Advanced Jedi Knights may have Mastered a few arts in addition to the general abilities of a Jedi Knight. An average Jedi Master can commonly claim Competency or Proficiency in over a dozen arts, and is often an Expert and Master of several. A more experienced Jedi Master could claim more Master level abilities, and even one or two Legendary skills.
To have legendary skill in three or four arts is almost unheard of. To have six or more is the making of myth. Emperor Palpatine is an example of such legend, as is Luke Skywalker and his descendant, Cade Skywalker. Master Yoda's skill in Ataru can be ranked as Level VI, as he pushed to style further than any before or after him. Likewise, Anakin Skywalker was a Level VI master of Djem So, for by Dooku's words, he had surpassed any other Djem So practitioner he'd ever seen.
A Novice, or Level I practitioner, has padawan/beginner level ability.
A Level II practitioner has advanced to a level necessary for Trials and is considered 'adequate', learned enough for independent study.
A Level III practitioner has Jedi Knight level ability.
A Level IV practitioner has ability beyond that of a Jedi Knight.
A Level V practitioner has Jedi Master level ability.
A Level VI practitioner has ability beyond that of a Jedi Master.

Control Pain: Level IV
  • This ability allows Cronos to mitigate otherwise debilitating pain.
Telekinesis: Level IV
  • Through telekinesis, Cronos can move materials and particles of various sizes based on his own perceived limitations. He can energize molecules to make fire, or spread them apart to make ice. He can craft shields of telekinetic energy, lift, pull, push and crush. He can't pull a Star Destroyer out the sky; Banthas and freighters are more manageable.
Telepathy: Level IV
  • This ability allows Cronos to read and interpret the thoughts and memories of unshielded minds, and communicate through mental speak. He is an especially adept telepathic speaker.
Force Speed: Level V
  • With this skill, Cronos can enhance the speed of his movements beyond the realm of human and inhuman ability. At the heights of his speed he is little more than a blur.
Force Strength: Level IV
  • With this skill, Cronos can enhance his strength to levels belying his slim form, and is able to lift many times his body weight.
Force Jump: Level IV
  • With this skill, Cronos can leap across vast chasms and jump up several stories.
Force Sense: Level V
  • Cronos is hyperaware of shifts in the Force. He cannot always discern the nature of the shifts, or what the shifts entail, but he is privy to them. He can spread his awareness to encompass entire worlds and nearby planets, but complete sectoral or galactic awareness is beyond him.
Mind Shield: Level IV
  • The ability allows Cronos to shield his mind from mental intrusion. He isn't a master of the art, but he possesses considerable skill nonetheless.
Precognition: Level V
  • Through Cronos's hypersensitivity to the Force, he can feel and see things before they happen. He doesn't always understand these feelings and notions, and sometimes they are little more than warnings of danger. He has refined this skill to mastery levels, and most often uses it in combat situations, though he is capable of farseeing.
Enhance Senses: Level IV
  • With this ability, Cronos is able to enhance his sense of sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch to inhuman levels. He can, theoretically, see as good as a hawk or eagle, smell or hear as good as a dog or wolf, feel with the ability of a blind person, and taste things beyond the realm of human taste buds.


Force Stealth: Level IV
  • This ability allows Cronos to hide his presence in the Light or Dark side of the force, as well as hide his force signature entirely, though not so completely as a taozin amulet.
Force Healing: Level I
  • Cronos knows little more than the basic principles of healing.
Force Rage: Level IV
  • With this ability, Cronos can channel his hate, fear, and even pain into an intense, powerful rage. The rage can be channeled into his speed, strength, and ferocity. The skill heightens his combat capabilities, but its use leaves him fatigued. By embracing his inner darkness, he can use the ability without falling to the Dark Side.
Battlemind: Level V
  • This ability comes to Cronos as naturally as breathing, wherein his morale and fighting spirit is augmented through sheer focus, giving him the drive to fight though even the hardest of conflicts. Through this extreme internal focus he can push his limits, greatly enhancing his combat capabilities beyond their normal levels.
Force Revitalize: Level III
  • This skill allows Cronos to ease his pains and aches, giving himself stamina when otherwise he would be unable to continue.
Force Persuasion: Level III
  • The standard Jedi mind trick.
Force Sight: Level III
  • The ability to see with and in the Force. This skill heightens spatial awareness and reveals what might otherwise remain unseen. When in use, Cronos's eyes take on a slight, bluish glow. Combining Force Sight with his Shatterpoint perception allows him to see wound within people, and structures, as well as without.

Shatterpoint Perception: Level III
  • Shatterpoints are a phenomena of the Force akin to fault lines in time and space. They are present in objects, people, and events. In relation to events, a single "strike," or action, could cause events to transpire completely differently than they might otherwise have. Often, shatterpoints exist for only a brief moment, as they can be affected by even the smallest actions. Cronos can perceive and influence these faults.
Tutaminis (Force Absorption): Level I
  • Cronos knows little more than the basic principles of absorbing and redirecting energy.
Force Cloak (Light Bending): Level I
  • Cronos knows little more than the basic principles of bending light.
Force Lightning: Level I
  • Cronos knows little more than the basic principles of generating lightning.
Force Illusion: Level I
  • Cronos knows little more than the basic principles of creating illusions.
Art of the Small: Level IV
  • Not only a skill, but a philosophy, Art of the Small involves narrowing your focus to an infinitesimal point, enabling you to observe processes on a molecular level. This can be applied to minimizing your Force presence to the smallest grain, or, in the hands of the most skilled, manipulating biological processes through cellular influence. Cronos applies this ideal to Telekinesis, and is able to pull and push molecules together to form tangible telekinetic constructs.

Shii Cho - Way of the Sarlacc - Form I: Level II
  • Cronos's use of Shii-Cho is instinctual, based on the trainings of the man he is cloned from. He knows a great deal of the style's stances, katas, and sequences, but isn't overly skilled in usage of the form, and rarely makes use of it.
Makashi - Way of the Ysalamiri - Form II: Level II
  • Cronos use of Makashi is instinctual, based on the trainings of the man he is cloned from. He knows a great deal of the style's stances, katas, and sequences, but isn't overly skilled in usage of the form, and sparingly makes use of some of the form's elegant footwork and parries.
Soresu - Way of the Mynock - Form III: Level II
  • Cronos's use of Soresu is instinctual, based on the trainings of the man he is cloned from. He knows a great deal of the style's stances, katas, and sequences, but isn't overly skilled in usage of the form, only occasionally employing the blocks, and rarely against a lightsaber wielding foe.
Ataru - Way of the Hawk Bat - Form IV: Level V
  • Cronos's use of Ataru is instinctual and intuitive, based on the trainings of the man he is cloned from. The ancient Jedi Knight Cronos Aegir was a master of the form, and it shows in Cronos's usage of the style. He knows all of the style's stances, katas and sequences, and is highly skilled in their usage and application. He often makes use of the form's extreme speed, acrobatics, and aggression.
Djem So/Shien - Way of the Krayt - Form V: Level IV
  • Cronos's use of Djem So and Shien is instinctual and intuitive, based on the trainings of the man he is cloned from. The ancient Jedi Knight Cronos Aegir was very skilled in both variations of Form V, and it shows in Cronos's usage of the style. He knows nearly all of the style's stances, katas and sequences, and is very skilled in their usage and application. He commonly employs the Djem So two-handed grip, as well as its powerful, unrelenting attacks and counters.
Niman - Way of the Rancor Form VI: Level II
  • Cronos's use of Niman is instinctual, based on the trainings of the man he is cloned from. He knows a great deal of the style's stances, katas, and sequences, but isn't overly skilled in usage of the form. He sometimes employs use of the force during lightsaber combat, however, though he doesn't agree with the form's philosophy of 'moderation'.
Juyo/Vaapaad - Way of the Vornskr - Form VII: Level I
  • Cronos knows almost nothing of Vaapad's stances, katas, and sequences beyond the basics.
Jar'Kai - Way of the Dual Sabers: Level III
  • Cronos is skilled in the use of two sabers, though he prefers to use one. Most often, he practices Jar'Kai merely to understand how to defend against a dual-wielding foe.
Personal Hybridization: Level V
  • Cronos adapts his fighting style to match the situation. Most often, this involves a blending of Ataru and Djem So. He combines the fluidity and speed of Ataru with the directness and power of Djem So, creating a mix that embodies elegant, powerful, flowing kinetic force, each strike linked to the last, each strike building upon the one before. Against multiple opponents, he incorporates the wide swings of Shii-Cho; against sloppy bladework, he employs simple parries from Makashi; against overwhelming offense, he employs the blocks of Soresu; against a staunch defense, he employs principles of Niman, incorporating the Force into his form; against great speed, he applies equal speed and greater force; against great force, he applies equal force and greater speed.

Teräs Käsi - Way of the Steel Fists: Level III
  • Cronos is adept in this martial art, having learned the Nine Edicts to supplement his lightsaber combat.
Wrruushi - Way of the Wookiee: Level II
  • Cronos does a few of the maneuvers inherent in this style, but usage of the grapples and throws requires extensive use of the force to imitate the strength of a Wookiee.
Tae-Jitsu - Way of the Body: Level I
  • Cronos knows little more than the basic principles of this style, gleaned from the holonet.
Echani - Way of Expression: Level I
  • Cronos knows little more than the basic principles of this style, gleaned from the holonet.
K'tara - Way of Domination: Level IV
  • Cronos is highly skilled in the use of this martial art, and adheres to its concepts of quick and quiet disarmament. His personal form of combat reflects the tenets adherent to this style.
Rek'Du - Way of the Jensaarai: Level I
  • Cronos knows little more than the basic principles of this style, gleaned from the holonet.

For all my skill and strength, my mind is weak, susceptible to phantasms of a long forgotten past. Passion is both my greatest strength and my greatest weakness. The passion of battle... the passion of women; I am a slave to both. I feel more keenly than I should. I know more than I should. This means death for an Inquisitor such as myself.

But what the Empire doesn't know won't hurt it...


Standard Naginata Class Starfighter, Designation: Black Star


"Blasters are for the inept."

Jedi Blade given to Anwen Talith in Act II; Chapter 1

I was 'born' in a bunker on Atrisia, ten miles beneath the planet's surface; born a full grown man, with dominion over the world around me in the form of an acute sensitivity to the Force. 42,288 clones came before me, but I am the only one to survive gestation. Only I can touch the Force.

[member='Madeline Kahoshi'], for lack of a better word, is my mother. My creator. It was her face that welcomed me to this existence. It was she who told me what I was, who I was, and what my purpose was to be. She was my only human contact for several months, while I was tested, poked, and prodded. I could feel the outside world, feel the majesty beyond the drab gray durasteel walls that served as my home, but for the longest time, I was unable to experience it, save through her. Neither she nor her superiors where aware just how much of my original's skills I possessed, how much of his talents were inherent. Her joys, her frustrations, her delights... I was privy to them all, when her mind wasn't closed off. I lived through her, in those months.

I am an agent of the Empire, created to serve its interests, but it is with her that my first loyalty lies. It is to her that I owe my sanity.

I have vague memories a life on Naboo, centuries ago, before the Plague. They are sparse, flighty things, more dream than reality, but I remember them. Flashes of training with Jedi, of countless battles against Sith, of loosing myself to the dark... only to find myself again, walking a tight rope above an inferno of super-heated plasma. I remember love. I remember hate.

I was balance. I was a Knight. I was the Knight, a warrior to surpass all warriors, forged in the glorious fires of battle. To fight was to live. To live was to love.

And then I died, only to be born anew, centuries later. I am not Cronos Aegir, ancient Jedi Knight of the Republic...

I am the Inquisitor.
I will do what I must for the glory of the Atrisian Empire... and for the pride of my creator.

Long live the Inquisition.





Prologue - Memories of a Time Long Past

Pre-Plague AU Era Chapter 19
Pre-Plague AU Era Chapter 36

Pre-Plague AU Era Chapter 45

Act I - The Rise of Inquisitor Cronos
Chapter 1 - Rogue Beauty on Tatooine, Lexa Kimene
Chapter 2 - Dominion of Rakata Prime: The Klaxxi Menace
Chapter 3 - Tirdarius and his Apprentice, Jyn Sol
Chapter 4 - The Young Inquisitor, Krae Varo
Chapter 5 - Rogue Beauty on Naboo, Lexa Kimene
Chapter 6 - Padawan Jericho and the Duel on Lujo
Chapter 7 - Samara Galloway and the Caverns of Ilum
Chapter 8 - Morna Imura and the Mines of Gromas 16
Chapter 9 - Dominion of Csilla: Return of the Klaxxi
Chapter 10 - Death on Black Wings, Saega '001'
Chapter 11 - Subject 13, the Unorthodox Enigma
Chapter 12 - Mysteries on Nar Shadaa: Haven the Hunter
Chapter 13 - Dr. 'Maddie' and the Golden Saber
Chapter 14 - The Shadowlands of Kashyyk: the Dark Jedi
Chapter 15 - Dominion of Korbin: The Dark Acolytes

Act II - Mysteries of the Living Force

Chapter 1 - The Blind Jal Shey, Xeni Kraylu
Chapter 2 - The Red Priestess and the Four Crystals
Chapter 3 - Training the Inquisition in the Force
Chapter 4 - Wreckage Outside the Citadel
Chapter 5 - Ripples in Water: The Young Anwen
*Chapter 6 - Raiding for Stygium on Aeten II
*Chapter 7 - The Holocron of Jedi Master Cronos Aegir
  • Chapter XXI - Shatterpoint: Realizing Limits
  • Chapter XXII - Shatterpoint: Surpassing Limits
  • Chapter XXIII - Shatterpoint: Limitless
*Chapter 8 - The Secret Apprentice; Dark Jedi
*Chapter 9 - Dark Holocron and the Shade of Sidious

Qhorin Solas

Lexa Kimene said:
Who's the rogue beauty? And again, Love the bio. :)
@[member="Cronos Aegir"]
Why, you're the 'Rogue Beauty', of course. And thanks @[member="Lexa Kimene"]!

Morna Imura said:
I like the way that your character is set up. I hope that we will RP in the future.
Thanks @[member="Morna Imura"]! We can definitely RP in the future.

Qhorin Solas

We had an encounter on Tatooine - trust me, I know. I'm probably going to add it to my bio, since the thread is empty.

Qhorin Solas

I've rp'd on and off with Cronos since 2002, so yeah, I know a lot, @[member="Tirdarius"]. Dueling was - is - my specialty.

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