Cronos Aegir - Clone #042289

NAME: Cronos Aegir
FACTION:Atrisian Empire
RANK: Knight Inquisitor
SPECIES: Human Clone
AGE: Mid-thirties; appears "twenty-something"
HEIGHT: 6'2 (188 cm)
WEIGHT: 184 (83.5 kg)
EYES: Dark Blue
HAIR: Blonde
SKIN: Pale/Light Tan
For all my skill and strength, my mind is weak, susceptible to phantasms of a long forgotten past. Passion is both my greatest strength and my greatest weakness. The passion of battle... the passion of women; I am a slave to both. I feel more keenly than I should. I know more than I should. This means death for an Inquisitor such as myself.
But what the Empire doesn't know won't hurt it...
Standard Naginata Class Starfighter, Designation: Black Star

Jedi Blade given to Anwen Talith in Act II; Chapter 4
I was 'born' in a bunker on Atrisia, ten miles beneath the planet's surface; born a full grown man, with dominion over the world around me in the form of an acute sensitivity to the Force. 42,288 clones came before me, but I am the only one to survive gestation. Only I can touch the Force.
[member='Madeline Kahoshi'], for lack of a better word, is my mother. My creator. It was her face that welcomed me to this existence. It was she who told me what I was, who I was, and what my purpose was to be. She was my only human contact for several months, while I was tested, poked, and prodded. I could feel the outside world, feel the majesty beyond the drab gray durasteel walls that served as my home, but for the longest time, I was unable to experience it, save through her. Neither she nor her superiors where aware just how much of my original's skills I possessed, how much of his talents were inherent. Her joys, her frustrations, her delights... I was privy to them all, when her mind wasn't closed off. I lived through her, in those months.
I am an agent of the Empire, created to serve its interests, but it is with her that my first loyalty lies. It is to her that I owe my sanity.
I have vague memories a life on Naboo, centuries ago, before the Plague. They are sparse, flighty things, more dream than reality, but I remember them. Flashes of training with Jedi, of countless battles against Sith, of loosing myself to the dark... only to find myself again, walking a tight rope above an inferno of super-heated plasma. I remember love. I remember hate.
I was balance. I was a Knight. I was the Knight, a warrior to surpass all warriors, forged in the glorious fires of battle. To fight was to live. To live was to love.
And then I died, only to be born anew, centuries later. I am not Cronos Aegir, ancient Jedi Knight of the Republic...
I am the Inquisitor.
I will do what I must for the glory of the Atrisian Empire... and for the pride of my creator.KILLS: