Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Cronos, the Reaver of Time, The tool of Death for a Titan

It was morning in the forge. But dawn nor dusk affected the man inside for the coals of the forge was his sun and he would work til his sun set. Kal Kandossii hammered at a beskar plate, shaping it til it met his measurements. Inch by inch he worked til he was satisfied.

Letting Teroch take his place he backed away and walked up the incline and into he morning breeze. He pulled the tie behind his back and pulled the leather apron over his head to set it on a chair. Squatting he heard the low cheep of his comlink in his pocket. Pulling it out he saw he had a message. A new work order for a beskad, mighty and massive. Nodding he grabbed his apron and went back into the building.

Bypassing the forge he went deeper into the complex until he reached his work station. Sitting on the chair he plugged the comlink into the communications port and pulled up the message to send a response. "Job received and accepted. My coordinates are within. Kandossii out." And just like that another specialized item was chosen for fabrication.

Sitting in the barracks of the Mandalorian complex, the gargantuan soldier received a communication about his special ordered Beskad. It was accepted and he had the address. The titan hopped a transit and made for the smith's shop.

Upon arrival, he walked up to the door, and knocked a large hand against the wall of the shop.

[member="Kal Kandossii"]
At his work station he worked on the holo image being projected from above. Measurements containing length, width, weight were displayed to the right of the image as Kal pinched here and focused there. Getting everything just right was his goal. The mando who would wield this monster would be formidable in size and strength.

A light blinked from his station and he glanced at the holo cam above the door of the complex. Seeing his most recent customer Kal kicked back from his station and turned to head up the sloping hallway. Pressing the touch pad on the side of the the hatch swooshed open and Kal found himself looking up. And up.

A smirk on his face he held out his hand. "Welcome vod. We are getting to work on your beskad so come on down." Turning he walked back down the slope. "Your beskad will take some time to forge. Your welcome to our recreation room. There is food, games, a small bar, and a few bunks in there."

Back in the forge he pulled his shirt off and donned his leather apron. With the apron tied off he went to where Haran was laying out different bars of beskar. Moving around them Kal thought back to the design and mumbled to himself. "Three foot blade. The cross guard ... hmmm ... Instead of adding the guard after the blade is finished let's forge weld a bar of beskar here ..." His fingers traced the bars while his mind continued on. "Double edged ... have to get a hard edge on both sides ..."

Finally he collected three bars of beskar in one hand and six short rods of beskar and two long in his other before walking over to the forge. Laying the beskar on a table he got to work.

First he placed the core of the blade, the soft beskar bar, on his heating table. Calibrating it to only heat an inch of the bar at a time he picked up the hammer in his right and slipped his heavy glove lined with flame and heat retardant material on his left. As one end of the bar heated beginning to glow red he began to hammer.

This wasn't the folding process nor the refining process. These bars had already went through that. Instead this was the lengthening process. Three strokes then flipping the bar and three strokes. Turn, then repeat. Once the inch had been worked he set it back on the table which began heating the next inch of the bar.

And so the hammer rang to the tempo set by Kal as he slowly and methodically worked his way down the bar inch by inch, the bar lengthening with each stroke of the hammer. Sweat ran down his face as his arm swung the hammer and the heat from the table forge licked his body.

Three quarters of the way down he paused and placed a short rod of soft beskar against the bar. Letting it heat Kal began hammering the cross guard into the bar. As the rod merged with the bar Kal flipped the bar and placed another short rod against the opposite side. Again it heated red and again Kal pounded the short rod into the bar.

Moving down he continued to work the bar of beskar lengthening it with each stroke. Finally he ended with the bar and moved to the edge of the hilt piece. Laying another piece of short rod against the end he left two third's of the length on the blade's side and one third below the guard and closer to the hilt. The rod heated and Kal pounded merging the pieces before flipping and laying a second short rod, hammering it in as well. Then Kal moved to the other side of the guard and repeated.

Finally he raised the bar that did bear a resemblance to the beskad Titan had ordered. It was however much thinner and less girth then what the mando had requested.

Having shook the hand of the blade smith, Deimos made his way, crouched, into the main workshop to watch for a while. He'd never seen a sword forged before. It was all very interesting. After a bit, he went to the recreation room and grab a bottle of water. He then thundered through the warehouse, looking at the wears the smith had forged. Impressive weapons and armor hung up on display and awaiting purchase.

He was excited for his Beskad to be finished, but time was now his companion as Kal worked away, swinging his hammer, heating then cooling the metal and hammering some more. The skeleton of the sword was ready soon enough, now to put some meat on its bones.

[member="Kal Kandossii"]
"Woooo. Now that was fun. Let's do it again." Moving back over to the table with the beskar bars and rods he collected arms of them and went back to his table. Repeating the procedure from earlier he began heating and hammering. But as this was a 'harder' beskar he swung the hammer with more force and yet still controlled. The skeleton took form again but this one was even thinner. Setting it aside he went to work repeating his motions again.

Teroch came over and folded his arms watching silently. The man was usually always quiet and let his actions do the talking. As Kal sweated, salt staining the apron, he laughed. "What's up Ter'ika?" The silent man just watched for a few minutes more before speaking up. "Normally we form the blade together from the beginning. Why different this time?" Kal smiled while swinging the hammer. Rapid blinks kept the sweat from his eyes.

"Have you seen the size of that vod? Big man. And he wants a big beskad. So we keep the soft core that can bend and spring. Place these two medium strength plates on either side, then the hard over that. Forge weld them together the do some love taps." Teroch nodded silently as Kal went back over to collect the hard material.

Pausing for a few moments he took a few cleansing breaths and focused his mind on the size compatibles and measurements. Then he began swinging the hammer. Anger, frustration, sadness, loss all used this as an outlet. And as the two hard frames shaped to his desire he finally set the hammer down. Looking over at Teroch Kal smiled. "Forge weld in the pressure forge. Make sure the fields are up. No oxygen vod."

Kal went to get a drink while Teroch placed one hard frame, then medium, then the soft core, then medium, then hard frame. then into the forge.

Kal worked tirelessly on the sword, he was a skilled craftsmen. Deimos had to admire that level of talent put into a weapon that was sure to be soon coated in the blood of the enemy of the Mando'a.

"You are very talented Kal."

What was it that made forging weapons so satisfying to watch. Was it the fact of accomplishing something out of simple materials? Or that what you made was so highly valued by others?

[member="Kal Kandossii"]
Drinking deeply of the water bottle he grinned, a line of water dripping to his chest. "Thanks vod. Took many years and a lot of ruined steel. And an uncle riding my shebs." Capping the bottle he went back to the work. Apron on he slid on the gloves and went to the forge to pull out the sword. The hammering rang out as he pounded the blade, shaping and lengthening the blade.

Inch by inch the width and length grew as the rough shape changed under the finesse and skill gained by trial and error of years under watchful eye. The hilt took more finesse but no less of a steady hand as he worked it with a lighter hammer. Finally he worked the tang. As he looked at the unfinished sword with a practiced eye he also checked the computer as it measured the specifics. It looked good.

Sticking it to the table he grabbed the mixtures in two bowls. Painting the center with a brush he coated ran t thick up and down the length. Next taking the lighter mixture he painted the edges of the blade. Then into the forge to heat. Watching both the color and the temperature of the blade he waited patiently.

Once it was ready he removed it from the forge and slid it into another dampener field that cooled it. The edges cooled fast hardening into the unbreakable beskar while the core cooled slower retaining the springy shock resistant aspect of a good blade. Powerful edge with a core that would give just enough to not shatter, but strong enough to endure. It was to be a beskad and not an ordinary sword. And for a vod, only the best.

Taking off the gloves and apron he looked at the beskad wearily. It was a beauty but it's brilliance was still to come. When it was finished. But not quite yet.

The Titan walked closer to Kal as he inspected the blade. It was almost finished and he was eager to test the strength of the weapon. Kal proved the expert craftsman, and there was sure to be no equal to his work. The behemoth would ensure that it was well used when the time came.

"Seems like you are almost done Vod. Even now, unfinished, it appears to be the best blade I've seen."

[member="Kal Kandossii"]
Walking outside he enjoyed the cold light of the moon as it stared down upon him. Visible were craters littering it’s surface. Signs of the excavating of the precious ore beskar that the mandalorain culture used so fervently and whose secrets they guarded with their lives.

Sweat dripped from his nose, cooling his face. One hand reached into a pocket and removed a soot stained rag to wipe the perspiration away. The smith looked into the heavens noting the cloudless sky and acknowledged as he did only in the quiet that followed smithing that it was here at the forge he found peace. The ability to create something perfect and beautiful was a gift, one that he treasured.

With a sigh he turned back and entered the building heading past the forge and to his work station to look at the unfinished product of his labor. Raising a three dimensional schematic over the blade resting before him he took note of the slight variations of width and thickness that yet must conform to the required dimensions as of yet set forth and unrealized. A small smirk crossed his face as he took the first of the coarse Waterstones and envisioned the final product.

With each swipe he both shaped the blade and drew out the patterns within. Careful strokes born of great patience and experience of years of crafting he drew out the finished shape.

Pausing he laid down the stone and raised the blade by the unfinished and untouched tang. The sword was magnificent, truly worthy of being a beskad of a mando’ad. Laying it down once more he chose other polishing stones and carefully worked the mandalorain iron, causing the beskad to become a thing of deadly beauty.

Finally he laid it down of a soft cloth and stepped back surveying the beauty.
Sitting at his work station he lovingly crafted the hilt. The bone was one placed in a high density field press which compacted the molecules of the bone creating a high density composition, one that would resist the wear and tear of a well used beskad handle.

Shaping and shaving he trimmed it until finally he slid it onto the tang. Next he pinned the hilt into place through the tang with heated pins. As they cooled and expanded they locked the hilt into place. Taking his file he shaped the hilt into a bastard grip, one that could be wielded with one hand or two.

An inlay was placed on the hilt as the pommel was too. Taking the virgin beskad he raised it and examined it, the finished result of much labor. Turning to where Titan waited he flipped the beskad up onto his forearms and held it out for closer inspection by the mando giant. “You look upon your Kronos while I retrieve it’s sheath from Teroch.”

Turning away he walked to his brother in arms and looked down as his companion finished the second sheath. The first lay on the table, wooden and oiled, the finish a glossy brown. This sheath was for storage and, one that for true mando’ade, was rarely used in the prime of the owner’s life. The second which had just been finished was iron with bands of beskar circling the scabbard. It allowed the owner to use the scabbard when necessary, in battle, as it was reinforce with beskar for longevity.

Taking the two sheaths he brought them to where Titan stood. Pointing at the blade where a gold colored metal inlay rested Kal pointed over his shoulder at Aayla. “She has a magic touch, able to draw out a desired color from beskar and able to work it intricately and beautifully. These lines and breaks are not just design, look closely and recognize our language. It reads, “Kronos the reaver of Titan.”

Folding muscled arms he looked upon his vod Titan. “Is all acceptable?”

The blade was long, heavy, but balanced. The detail was that of a master craftsman/woman. The team Kal employed had to be in then aging years but he looked to see youth in all of them. He twirled the blade in his outstretched hand, the weight gave enough force itself to slice bone. Holding it Templar style in front of him, his muscled learned it's weight and length.

Deimos looked down to Kal, nodded, "This blade will more than suffice. It is finely crafted and I can see the Soul of each of you imprinted into its body. You have my gratitude and credits."

The Titan, as it were, read the inscription on the blade, a good phrase. He turned the hilt of the blade to Kal to hand it to him for sheathing, Titan retrieved his credit chip to pay for his new weapon, every thing he had would be going into this Beskad.

[member="Kal Kandossii"]
Taking the mighty beskad back from the mighty mando he sheathed it and held out both sheaths to the warrior. "Remember to sheath her in the bodies of you enemies, let her quench her thirst in the blood of your foes, and to wield her in service of haat, ijaa, tor, gra'tua ner vod. Your words of praise are heart warming, your credits almost more so."

He smirked showing he was joking about the credits part. "If you ever need anything, whether in the forge, the field of battle, or in a bar remember you have a friend in those of the Kandossii clan, and in I personally." Clapping the giant warmly on the shoulder he smiled a genuine smile of warmth.


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