Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Crossed Paths


I Shall Know No Fear
Never, ever send an inquisitor clad in blue to do the work of a spy. Once again, the Inquisition was sending one of its own to do the work of the main forces; this was what happened when Sarge needed something serious done by someone he could trust. It was a little like that, really; Uriel was one of his best and that was the way he kept it.

So, Mark 2 Omega battle armour. Nothing special, really, but it kept him from being identified for the most part. It wasn't stronger or tougher. Actually, Uriel felt strange not being able to move around with powered durasteel armour. And, with a BlasTech battle rifle in his arms, he wasn't going to fire a bolter any time soon without the ability to totally mitigate its recoil. At this point, Uriel just looked like a merc. Perfect for, say, a stealth operation in a big city.

Zolan, homeworld of the Clawdites. A place where people could change shape at will. A place where, in theory, a stealth operation would be perfect, disguising yourself at will. Here, however, he needed intel. The ASA were expanding way too rapidly and there was a problem with that: screw those guys, man. Get intel on a potential border world with them for the Protectorate and come home alive.

Unfortunately, even as Uriel checked around the city's spaceport, there were eyes on him, too. Some people knew this was happening. Some people knew that Omega was coming - intel leaks all the time. And when a certain someone with certain powered armour was coming, then they'd make all effect to capture them. At some point, however, the two paths would cross - and things would get nasty.

[member="Asteria Starcatcher"]

Puppet Kyrios

Zolan, one of the few worlds not visited by the young pair of Camoans, Asteria Starcatcher and her companion, William Leafwalker. Asteria had accepted a job from an anonymous person who had contacted her through her holopad. They asked her to steal some very high-tech armor from the Omega Protectorate's Inquisition, gave her the current location of her target and promised her enough credits for her to take a long vacation from the Red Ravens. The person wanted the armor in tact and the agent or soldier carring it either dead or dying. She now found herself and William on this planet filled with shape shifters.

Asteria walked a few feet behind her target a big burly man who looked exactly like a mercenary. She herself looked like a tourist, wearing a new white dress with a green corset, with upper calf high, slim brown boots, with concealed vibroblades, and gloves that matched the dress. William was following her on the roof tops awaiting her signal to fire his arrows into the target, his armor almost matching hers, yet slightly different. They didn't want to kill anyone, but they had been hired as assassins for this job, and assassins they would have to be, though they might just mangle the man. Asteria closed in and looked up at the roof tops, satisfied with Will's position, reached down for her hidden vibroblades...



I Shall Know No Fear
There was no way Uriel knew he was being stalked. He wasn't in possession of Force danger senses; he also didn't need them to be paranoid as all hell on what was effectively hostile turf. These things took time, took effort; he wasn't going to walk headfirst into enemy territory like a newbie, after all.

That said, he wasn't going to take his chances in a place like this, either. In his boot was a vibrodagger, just in case; he wasn't going to wander into this unarmed and unprepared to fight. Besides, the ACA was probably on their way, mobilizing for a takeover of this planet. He had limited time.

Wandering the streets of Zolan's capital wasn't entirely a wise idea. Sure, he had a blaster rifle carried openly, but he looked like he was heading out of the spaceport on a merc mission. If he could maintain cover for long enough to set up, then everything would be okay. He just had to get to the safehouse first.

While someone, in the distance, targeted him.

[member="Asteria Starcatcher"]

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