Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Crossing Threads

Ayvari Dorian

The air was different on the other side.
Not better, not worse, just different.
The cool, arid landscape they'd been spat out onto felt familiar to her, in the way that a fleeting thought left over from a dream might, but where exactly they had exited through she did not know. The Galaxy was full of many worlds such as this, each system featured something similar. There wasn't much around them aside from red rock and sand.
She had not come through alone.
Ayvari Dorian stalked the mortal plane once more, though she could not recall the exact point wherein she had left it in the first place. There were snippets which had remained over the countless eons spent within that place, fractured memories of the girl she had once been, but the time leading up to her arrival there was gone.
Had she died? Had she been sucked in?
Who knew.
Certainly not Ayvari.
Now she was lost within a Universe she did not recognize, and her only ally was an Iridonian she'd met within the very depths of the Nether. There was nothing truly binding them in this plane, save for a kindred bond. Would it remain here? Or would his return to the Galaxy hold far more ties than her?
She glanced to her side, to Arthos Vynea Arthos Vynea , as she pondered such. Would she care if he walked away? She had spent so much of her life alone, dodging such binds. She had made it alone before, she could do so again she knew. But for once she wouldn't push away.
Not yet at least.
After all, she didn't know who the man was out here in the realm of the living. Just the inner beast they all boiled down to when stripped away from humanity.
It was like a cascade of realness, the stale existence of the unchanging nether for a taste of the real. Looking around with yellowed eyes he recognized where they were at least, Korriban heart of the Sith. Well ever changing heart of the Sith, but always another empire rose up here, there was too much darkness for the light to withstand. The question remained though of what kind of Sith power would they find here now, and would it be of use to him, well them.

Looking away from the distant horizon he glanced Ayvari Dorian way gripping her shoulder for a moment to feel the real of flesh. "Good, let them see if they can cage my spirit again in there. Oblivion first."

Checking through his belongings he found he had everything he died with, and luckily his tonfas were not through his back this time. Little damn minx. Ah, and things had been going so well too, the chances she walked away from that clean were short, but he'd been uncontrollable then. Time in the nether had healed that wound, and healed his mind in many ways. It was one thing to face death, it was quite another to live it.

Pulling a chip out he activated the beacon for his ship, it would come despite the years. Droids were loyal where men failed. Reaching out with the force he could still feel the Sith's presence here. Good, all was as it should be. "My material power will have mostly waned, it was rooted in flesh before I knew how flesh could fail. There will be more opportunities for power here though, and we shall take it."

Even here he could feel her presence tied into his own, they'd fought together and survived together in the hell that was the Nether. When they'd come out they'd come out together, and somehow it had blended them even more. Their essence had mixed, and with a bit of mirth he realized all his senses weren't his own, some came from her search of the horizon. No there would be no true separation for them ever.

Ayvari Dorian

It took her a moment to sense it. To realize the truth as she glanced upon the man and truly felt the binds around them. It was more than just a superficial bond borne of their time together, one which could be bled away with time and distance. They were each other, and then they were one. Not a whole, she did not think two could ever amount to just one, it didn't make logical sense, but they were bound all the same.
The realization that she did not have a choice in the matter was... odd. Preferred in a sense. It simply was, and that meant she couldn't talk herself out of it, she had no say and that was that. Acceptance came easy with such knowledge.
He could feel it too, she knew. She could feel it. Thus nothing needed to be said to confirm it, it hung as a solemn silence between them. Unspoken, unbroken.
Where Arthos turned to words as he planned their next move, Ayvari remained decidedly introspective. This place was familiar to the Iridonian, and so close to his side she could catch snippets, vague impressions, of why that was.
They had been spat out into Korriban.
It made sense. That was why it had felt familiar to her.
She flexed her shoulders, feeling what it was to be alive once more, and was pleased to note the pressure of her vibroblade slung over her back. In the Netherworld she had been without it, but here it was returned anew. That left a dour thought in her mind, of how it was she had come to be within the realm of the dead and undying, but she did not dwell on it for now. She pushed it down and waited for the perfect time to seethe on her apparent death.
"The material is fleeting, immaterial is eternal..."
As though testing her own sentiments she reached out and drew upon the Force which swirled around them. For a moment the woman shimmered out of view, as though she had been snuffed from existence in an instance. For Arthos the trick would not work so well, of course, he could sense her even now, even incorporeal. But it mattered not.
Even connected back with her body, she could draw upon it.
And that made all the rest of it inconsequential.
Ayvari had never really known possessions or wealth, the only power she'd had was her own devising, what she had taken and rend from the Galaxy. She could do so again.
Would do so again.
She was right, flesh was temporary and weak. He'd focused on an empire of flesh and blood slaves in his past. His future would be based on something much more solid, but his own flesh would one day still rot away. No he needed more then simply a stronger base, he needed to find an endless strength. This was all the matter for another time though, first they needed a foundation.

It was odd he noticed how quickly he moved to they, but they weren't really singular entities now, and if she got dragged back in would he too? It was another matter for study in the future he supposed, for now he needed to find those who were currently ruled over the home of the Sith.

With a sudden pang he felt something he hadn't for years, hunger. His body required fuel to continue, and he suppose he should have suspected that, how much energy was left in a reformed body after all? Feeling around he broke the neck of some before hunting them down in the sand. They'd have some time before his ship arrived and traveling overland might be foolish depending on how far away they were from any settled lands.

Of course looking back at the constantly air of the portal he didn't want to stay this close either to the source of so much misery. Throwing one of the lizards to his companion he realized something. Not everyone who made it in had made it out. "There will be bikes or at least resources nearby somewhere from the Sith who died inside the Nether. Ashin was too focused on his task to care about the cast offs that would be left behind. Perhaps we can even get lucky enough to avoid these damn lizards even."

Ayvari Dorian

Ayvari Dorian

Ayva snatched the offered lizard from the air with one hand, and glanced at their immediate surroundings when Arthos called to question the presence of supplies, likely hidden by those who had been inside the Netherworld.
Chosen to be inside it.
Why they'd ever do that, she did not know. But if he was correct, if there were supplies, then they might well help themselves. Still, she was not opposed to eating reptiles. It would do if needed, though she couldn't stomach them raw. Supplies first, then a little pyro-action if necessary. Did she still have that in her? Her free hand rose up as she shimmered back into existence, and from her fingertips sprung a spark of life.
It came to her now as it had all those years ago.
"Let's see..." she mused, feeling outward through the Force while also looking for the most logical location one might have stashed such things. There was an overcrop not too far, there perhaps? She felt out, eyes squinting as she did so.
"Come on," she said, taking the lead as she moved away from the portal before she could tumble back into it and start that nightmare all over again. Worst that happened was they reached it and found naught but cover. Cover, at least, could mask their presence until the ship arrived.
The supplies weren't even really hidden as they walked over the next ridge away from the portal. It wasn't really even a bad decision, who else would come out here? As for the dead Sith they hadn't cared when they fell inside the Netherworld, and more then likely Ashin had called a ship down on this very spot not willing to wait for another moment away from her wife.

Tossing the lizard onto a small crate he began to quickly search through one pulling out water and some dried rations. Taking a long swig he handed it over to Ayvari Dorian as his parched throat demanded more. It was interesting to find these physical needs and desires again he'd forgotten for so long. In a way he was hungry for them, but he'd forced himself to take control by handing over the water. He was no slave to this meat, this meat was his to control. It hadn't always been the case, but death has a way of changing one's viewpoint.

Biting into some salted meat he handed a hunk to his companion as she finished drinking his eyes drawn to her in ways he hadn't felt in the Nether. It was a different type of hunger, but like the other he took control of it. Perhaps another time, when he willed it he'd consider it again but this wasn't it. His failing in his last life had been his own lack of control, and an empire built on flesh. Flesh always failed him though, even his own in the end.

Walking over to a speeder he considered the waste, but quickly let the idea fall. Ashin had more then enough resources, this was nothing to her. Of course it could be someone local too who'd thought to gain on the foray into the Netherworld. Turning on the power he was pleased to note it had plenty, perhaps they wouldn't even have to wait for his ship.

"I never realized in my last life how much more enduring and reliable metal was over my empire of flesh. Well enterprise of flesh I suppose is the more honest term." He'd once thought his budding enterprise the start of true power, or something grand. It wasn't though, and it never had been. It was simply what she'd told him to do so he'd continued doing it. He'd bound himself in chains like a fool and thought himself free.

"This time will be different, Ayvari. No chains shall bind me." Stopping he looked back at her and then looked at the air in-between them considering silently what bound them to each other. Perhaps he would allow one chain, but he would be the one holding it this time. We have much to discuss in the future you and I. Perhaps not now, but soon.

Ayvari Dorian

And there they were.
Right there for the taking.
It was good to know that she had not lost her edge, that her mind had not been reduced to mush after so long within that void. Her instincts were as sharp as they ever had been, and her ability to judge and predict the actions of others had not waned. It was a satisfying revelation.
She followed Arthos down into the dip beyond the ridge and glanced over the various supplies. How many men had entered on that woman's behest? So few had made it out the other side... No doubt they'd find their eternal wandering as riveting as she had.
Ayvari reached for the bottle at the same moment Arthos passed it over, instinct and intuition fueling the action. They were as one now, they both knew it but moments like that continued to solidify it within her mind. She drank deeply from it, realizing only then how long it had been since her lips had been whetted and water had entered her system. She closed her eyes, and let out a satisfied sigh. Then she passed it back his way.
He was still thirsty.
Next came the meat. The same thing happened. This time she opened her eyes and observed him, listened as he spoke. She didn't pass back the food though, there was plenty of that and her stomach ached with an unending hunger. She could feel his eyes on her for a brief time, thoughts flashing through his mind until he forced them back out. It was strange. This whole thing was strange.
"We are Sith," she stated at the mention of chains, tearing her gaze from him to cast it instead across the horizon. "They are ours to conquer."
With nothing left of her old life, what binds did Ayvari even have? Beholden to none, save the man at her side. And in truth that was no chain. It affected them both, it was simply a duality.
She could see the way he looked at the speeders, how he pondered on whether they ought to simply proceed as was. The night would come soon, and if they thought that it was cold now then they would be in for quite the surprise.
"I would rather we not linger so close to the void," she admitted, though there was no fear in her tone just vehemence. She was not ready to lose her mortal form once more so quickly.
Come so close to the eternal void who could blame her for not wanting to stay close, and she hadn't even had the luxury of dying first. Still it was an interesting tale to hear, one moment she was in her real then she was in their damnation. Grabbing the force like a braying animal he bent it to his will as he moved supplies through the air into the back of the speeder. There was no point in not taking some prudence after all.

It felt good to truly hold the force again, but different then it had before. His old obsessional rage was gone as it should have been a long, long time ago. It had been a sweet seduction of power and misery but the afterlife had cleansed him of that. He'd had no purpose holding on to the orders of a long dead master and his destiny would have been to simply vanish. Not even forgotten, for who remembered a small time slaver who lived only in his tiny universe.

Taking a few last swigs of water he glanced back over the hilltop towards the portal and simply walked away storing that anger for a time it was more useful. Emotions were a powerful fuel, but how easily they turned the lease on a man. Setting the water into the back of the speeder he paused for a moment to consider which way to go. He flicked the thought away though annoyed as he pulled up the speeders computer and set their path to return back to towards the nearest space port.

"How I've missed the simple technologies of life. That and a reality that doesn't shift every time a thought crosses my mind too fast." Looking over Ayvari Dorian he considered her for a moment before tapping a finger on the speeder. "So which is it, driver or passenger?"

Ayvari Dorian

Ayvari stood idly by as Arthos took what he wanted from among the supplies and dumped them onto the back of the speeder. Between the two he was more often than not the instigator, the one who called the shots, and for the most part she was okay with that. Made things easier in a place like the Netherworld. But here she couldn't afford to seem leacherous or weak, some mewling welp at the heel of a greater Sith. She was Ayvari Dorian, Knight in her own right, Thyrsian no less.
Something to ponder on, if nothing else.
Thus when the question came of who would drive she shrugged her shoulders and got into the speeder on the driver's side. It wasn't as though she really had to think about where they'd be going, there was really only a handful of options on a world like this, but it was high time she pulled her weight. So she did.
"Come on, before reality does start to shift again," she said, eyes shifting once toward the portal before settling ahead. Once he was inside she'd start the thing up, and soon enough that void wouldn't even be a speck in their rearview.
A shiver of fear ran through him, a shiver that he pleasantly sipped up taking the power of it within himself. He had no shame in fear and caution, he was no young fool thinking it without it's purpose. Fear was strength, and wisdom all in one for a Sith Lord. That shiver though was based on something much too real as for a moment Arthos couldn't help but wonder if this was all just a trick of the Nether, and reality was simply about to shift again back into that hellscape.

As they sped away he pushed it from his mind as the home of the unknown to them Worm Emperor was a blink on the navigation map still hours away. For the moment they were just a speck on forsaken planet, and he was pleased to just let that moment exist. They'd gotten out thanks to Ashin, and it was second chance he wouldn't waste. Leaning back into his seat he closed his eyes as he felt the world fly around them embracing the moment as he let the fear that had just existed inside of him turn to rage and the passion fueled the force as he tasted on the power of the dark side once more.

There was much to do and little did he know how quickly they raced towards change, but for the moment he was content to exist for the firs time in a long time.

Ayvari Dorian Aspect of Passion Aspect of Passion

Ayvari Dorian

The rest of the journey was made in relative quiet.
Her companion was lost in his thoughts, and though the speeder had its destination pre-programmed thanks to the Iridonian she still needed to focus on the path ahead to ensure they didn't hit anything that might be in the way. As barren as Korriban might have been, there were lifeforms abound. Not only that but shifting sands, rocky outcrops, and potentially other vehicles.
Their destination came into view long before the speeder began to slow, and she regarded it with curiosity as they approached. A temple of sorts, the structure jutted up. Well defendable given its position, it almost had her nervous to approach unannounced. Still the speeder continued on, no doubt it belonged to those that inhabited the building. This was where it had come from, after all. She hoped that would mean they wouldn't simply be shot on arrival.
"End of the road," she remarked, with an all together apathetic tone, "How do you want to do this..?"

As the speeder slowed, they would slowly see a black shadow form before them - in the shape of an average sized adrogyneous individual with no features. They seemed like walking shadow, eyeless and devoid of an amount of emotion - but it was an obvious illusion of the Dark Side; or perhaps a projection. Still, it seemed to rise from the ground before reaching its full height - then taking steps towards them. Soundless, and each step seemed to teleport it forward before it stood only a few meters from them.

"Lords.", it spoke in a male and female voice at once.

"You arrive to the seat of the Worm Emperor; risen by his command. You and a thousand more.", the voices overlapped - almost becoming one more than a few times before separating once more.

"You must be exhausted, parched, fiending for the delicate touch of a slave. We offer all and more - simply ask, and you shall be given what is owed to one of your position. Do you have any questions?", they offered, a hand moving to the side as though to offer them to place the questions there.

Arthos Vynea Arthos VyneaAyvari Dorian


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