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Codex Denied Crossroads-32 Shipyard Complex

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BIG Z1776

Baboon with a MAAWS
  • Shipyards Name: Crossroads-32 Shipyard Complex
  • Classification: Moon-Based Slipways and Industrial Infrastructure
  • Location: Crossroads-32
  • Affiliation: Crossroads Republic
  • Population: Heavily Staffed
  • Accessibility: Right next to a trade hub, but the facility possesses more than sixty J-32 Heavy Proton Cannon Turrets, three hundred J-28 Medium Proton Cannon Turrets, and several thousand automated EM-2500 Paired Repeating Laser Cannon Turrets and has a large garrison of several divisions of CRAF Army troops. Most of these defensive weapons are based out of large multi-tiered flak towers which project linked regional shields to protect the facility. All workers and ships are vetted by military intelligence background checks before being allowed entry or hired.
  • Description: The shipyard complex is built to mimic the Crossroads-30 Shipyard Complex a mixture of large walled factory complexes chaotically arranged which protects the facility from low-flying fighter attacks. The facility is self-contained, with a heavily-military styled design meshing with production efficiency, avoiding many of the vulnerabilities of orbital shipyards by having its transportation infrastructure being below the surface with a massive network of hover trains moving material, parts, and personnel to and from work stations. Outside there are large hatches that allow fully-constructed modular sections of hulls and completed weapons systems to be handed off to repulsorlift cranes. The facility encompasses almost all of the equatorial region of the Crossroads-32 moon, with only small interspersed mines and large cities being being present to spread the facilities out and avoid a "all-eggs-in-one-basket" scenario for an enemy strike. The slipways themselves are copied from the design of the Telgorn Shipyard, which is designed to assemble ships, but the Crossroads versions have roofs installed over them and they vary in size but are effectively the same design. These and each has a covered retractable roof with built-in cranes like the original designs and below them they have artificial gravity plating to make the movement and fitting of large heavy parts easier. There are also large warehouses which range in contents from small parts to entire modular sections stored in artificial zero gravity. A lethal triple-layer ray shield fence surrounds the facility and is patrolled by military droids 24/7 and each section of the facility has a battalion assigned to guard it, and each company goes on a rotating 12-hour shift. The majority of heavy industry is pre-programmed and done by large machines and the biological workers are more like facilitators and only those who work on the ship assembly (Which is half of them) are doing much heavy physical labor.
  • Production: Has numerous supporting manufacturing facilities building weapons systems, reactors, sensors, thrusters, etc. plus large numbers of warehouses of several sizes. All ships produced in the various CDI Ground-Side Shipbuilding Slipwayson the ground. Plus, there are large numbers of factories producing starfighters, bombers, dropships, gunships, droid craft.
    • 4) Class-4
    • 35) Class-3
    • 140) Class-2
    • 190) Class-1
  • Specialty: Specializes in Kuat-style modular construction techniques and rapid assembly of modular sections.
  • Output: For a shipyard of its size it can produce a large number of ships in rapid fashion, with a star destroyer-sized vessel able to be assembled from pre-built sections within three weeks from keel-laying to launch. The only major production funnel is with the construction of key sections like reactors, hyperdrives, and heavy guns.
  • Market: These shipyards are the property of the Crossroads Defense Industries, whose first priority is the Crossroads Republic Armed Forces, but can produce ships for third parties when the government gives them clearance.
Defense towers with batteries of EM-2500's, J-28's, and J-32's on them, with "Dart" Surface-to-Air Missile Launchers positioned to counter pin-point strikes.
Slipways and their retractable protective roofs.
Triple-layer ray shield defensive perimeter fence.
Dozen large hangars.

the facility possesses more than sixty J-32 Heavy Proton Cannon Turrets, three hundred J-28 Medium Proton Cannon Turrets, and several thousand automated EM-2500 Paired Repeating Laser Cannon Turrets and has a large garrison of several divisions of CRAF Army troops. All workers have to pass through a military sensor screen in order to enter the facility through several of the facilities. There are pits with six-missile launcher batteries of "Dart" SAM launchers scattered around. A lethal triple-layer ray shield fence surrounds the facility and is patrolled by military droids 24/7 with a deep anti-tank ditch on the exterior. Each section of the facility has a battalion assigned to guard it, and each company goes on a rotating 12-hour shift. Military intelligence vets workers and all ships that arrive go through similar vetting processes and go through massive ship scanners to pass through to the facility. Large shielded towers with multiple tiers are emplacements for anti-aircraft batteries with interlocking fields of fire and even larger turrets possess full six-turret batteries of J-32 Heavy Proton Cannon Turrets and integrated fire control sensors and targeting computers to control their fire. Each square-inch of the facility is covered by holo-cameras operating in visual, thermal, IR, and UV modes with motion-activated alarms in restricted areas, blind spots found out and filled in thanks to several centuries of security checks and contingency planning. The massive ammunition stockpiles and power cells for their defense batteries are not actually accessible from civilian and worker areas without going outside and passing through ray shield gates around the defense towers and entering the towers themselves and then going underground to the sectioned-off magazines. There are a dozen large hangars which hold a half-dozen starfighter wings, a pair of dropship wings, and a pair of bomber wings in each of them, totaling a normal starfighter force of more than two thousand starfighters guarding the massive facility. Raw material is brought through a life-destroying scanner (Like the one seen in the Clone Wars novella "Shipyards of Doom") to remove the chance of saboteurs sneaking in with material shipments in an effort to bypass security.

The facility has been in continuous use for over eight hundred years, and takes much of its technical and architectural style from KDY, who were the original investor and builders in partnership with Crossroads Defense Industries. Since then, the KDY contract has ended, but the shipyard and its Kuati colonists have remained. This has bled into a unique shipyard culture for Crossroads-30 and its people, and the shipyard and its industrial infrastructure have become a sign of pride for the colony. This facility is of utmost importance to the Crossroads Republic and its military, and for those years they have progressively been building it into a more and more defensible facility and by the time of 800 ABY the facility is among the most well-guarded shipyards in the Outer Rim. Defenses is not the only thing this facility is capable of, it is the only facility where super-capital ships can be built in the entire Crossroads Republic. Originally a shipyard that built Imperial-II Star Destroyers and Allegiance-Class Battlecruisers, these shipyards are now the sole builders of the CRAF's most powerful warships. Although in the past thirty years these shipyards have been doing rebuilds, repairs, and production of ship components, having not had a large warship order in quite some time.
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