BIG Z1776
Baboon with a MAAWS
Orask Terrano (Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, former General)
Alask Terrano (A Special Forces Tier-1 Team Leader)
This force is what provides security from external threats and unique threats from within for the Crossroads Republic and its citizens. It has been the protectors of its people for two millennium, working alongside the Crossroads Republic Navy. This is the largest branch of the CRAF, and is where most draftees end up for their three-year required term of service. This means that the Crossroads Republic Army is massive for a planetary defense force, numbering over six hundred million personnel, and is able to call upon triple that number from its trained reserve pool in a true emergency. And thanks to its massive arms industry and emergency contingency plans this force can be equipped and organized very quickly thanks to the masses of arms and vehicles and other equipment for the force. Only once was this mass mobilization utilized when the Empire attempted a siege of Crossroads Prime, and the planet became the most fortified world in the Southern Outer Rim. Thankfully, Imperial forces never set foot on the planet but the skyhooks of Crossroads Prime proved to be a vicious battlefield as Crossroads troops battled Stormtroopers for over six months, and held the line. This proud heritage continues to this day, and the paranoid contingency planners continued to fortify the worlds of the Crossroads moon colonies in similar fashion to protect the worlds from larger fleets and armies. Each of these worlds also possesses military industry and stockpiles capable of sustaining a siege defense for years without buckling.
- Intent: To create an armed force which is the bulk fighting force for the Crossroads Republic and the Crossroads Republic Armed Forces faction.
- Image Credit: Average Troops
- Permissions: N/A
- Links: Crossroads Republic Armed Forces
- Army Name: Crossroads Republic Army
- Classification: Planetary Defense Force (With offensive capabilities)
- Affiliation: Crossroads Republic Armed Forces
- Army Symbol: This is painted onto each vehicle and is a patch on the arms of all personnel:
- Description: A highly-professional fighting force with a system of logistics, its own domestic industry producing its weapons, vehicles, and equipment, and a system of officer training academies. It is divided into several sections, an active component and a reserve component. Every citizen of Crossroads Prime and her colonies is required to serve in either the Army of the Navy's active component for a period of four years, and then after their active term of service is over they remain in active reserves, going in every month for regular reserve training and are called up every other month for regular intensive exercises.
- Headquarters: Crossroads Prime
- Goals: Insure the safety and security of Crossroads Prime and its colonies and to enforce its will and safeguard its interests.
- Reputation: This force is known as among the best-trained forces in the galaxy thanks to its forces participating in the longest-running war games in the galaxy, which have been going on uninterrupted for over nine centuries, developing doctrines for all three levels of warfare: Tactical, Operational, and Strategic, plus the logistics techniques and massive stockpiles in simulated long-term wartime conditions. Their troops are known for their equipment, particularly their powerful standard issue powered exoskeletons and their ability to fight in almost any visual conditions. Locally, the Crossroads Republic Army's wargames of Red Force vs Blue Blue vs Green Force have become something akin to sport, with Green Force being the special team, with Special Forces teams being assigned to this force to both conduct raids and train on force multiplying by training high school students who are not yet of draft age going through military science courses or who are volunteering for the fun or experience. Off-duty military personnel can also take part as part of Green Force, as well as any civilians who show their citizens' ID's. While Red and Blue Forces are almost their own separate entities, dedicated to training a rotating force of units in conventional peer combat Green Force is a guerilla force, training Red and Blue Forces on counter-insurgency warfare as well as teaching special forces how to train and utilize such forces. It also provides the Army a chance to vet potential officers from the students who take part in these exercises. This well-established war game is known to everyone who enters the Terminus System if they wish to either test their skills, get a free lesson in combat training, or just have fun. But it is also a way for the Crossroads Republic to flex its might when its war games in bi-annual periods, are kicked into massive overdrive with entire army corps donning red and blue bands on their helmets and arms and massive "wars" are conducted on Crossroads Prime and its surrounding neighboring moons. If a large force of Crossroads Army troops and their accompanying vehicles and especially artillery ever leave their own system it is noticed, because rarely will a CRA unit depart its home system except when on its way to fight someone. And when in combat CRA units are known for their grim lethal methodology of combined arms warfare, and rarely leave anything or anyone standing when they've finished their mission.
- Army Size: Large
- Composition:
- Army (Varies from one or two Corps, to as many twenty)
- Corps (Varies from two divisions to as many as ten divisions with independent support or specialist brigades)
- Division (Usually has two or three brigades)
- Brigade (Usually varies from two to five battalions)
- Battalion (Usually varies from three to five companies)
- Company (Usually has three platoons plus a heavy weapons platoon for infantry companies, armored units have three troops, artillery units have three batteries)
- Platoon (Usually composed of four squads, one of which is a weapons squad with heavier weapons, plus an HQ element with a platoon leader, a platoon sergeant, a platoon medic, and a comms operator)
- Squad (Composed of two fireteams and a squad leader and a medic)
- Fireteam (A four-man team of troopers: a fireteam leader, a grenadier with a Viper under-barrel grenade launcher attached to their blaster rifle, an automatic rifleman, and a rifleman with a rocket launcher)
- Buddy-Team (Two troopers, assigned from the very start of training or assignment)
- Fireteam (A four-man team of troopers: a fireteam leader, a grenadier with a Viper under-barrel grenade launcher attached to their blaster rifle, an automatic rifleman, and a rifleman with a rocket launcher)
- Squad (Composed of two fireteams and a squad leader and a medic)
- Battery (An artillery designation, usually a force of six guns or launchers)
- Section (An artillery designation, usually a force of two guns or launchers)
- Troop (A predominantly vehicle oriented unit-type, usually a force of four armored vehicles)
- Platoon (Usually composed of four squads, one of which is a weapons squad with heavier weapons, plus an HQ element with a platoon leader, a platoon sergeant, a platoon medic, and a comms operator)
- Company (Usually has three platoons plus a heavy weapons platoon for infantry companies, armored units have three troops, artillery units have three batteries)
- Battalion (Usually varies from three to five companies)
- Brigade (Usually varies from two to five battalions)
- Division (Usually has two or three brigades)
- Corps (Varies from two divisions to as many as ten divisions with independent support or specialist brigades)
- Army (Varies from one or two Corps, to as many twenty)
Orask Terrano (Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, former General)
Alask Terrano (A Special Forces Tier-1 Team Leader)
This force is what provides security from external threats and unique threats from within for the Crossroads Republic and its citizens. It has been the protectors of its people for two millennium, working alongside the Crossroads Republic Navy. This is the largest branch of the CRAF, and is where most draftees end up for their three-year required term of service. This means that the Crossroads Republic Army is massive for a planetary defense force, numbering over six hundred million personnel, and is able to call upon triple that number from its trained reserve pool in a true emergency. And thanks to its massive arms industry and emergency contingency plans this force can be equipped and organized very quickly thanks to the masses of arms and vehicles and other equipment for the force. Only once was this mass mobilization utilized when the Empire attempted a siege of Crossroads Prime, and the planet became the most fortified world in the Southern Outer Rim. Thankfully, Imperial forces never set foot on the planet but the skyhooks of Crossroads Prime proved to be a vicious battlefield as Crossroads troops battled Stormtroopers for over six months, and held the line. This proud heritage continues to this day, and the paranoid contingency planners continued to fortify the worlds of the Crossroads moon colonies in similar fashion to protect the worlds from larger fleets and armies. Each of these worlds also possesses military industry and stockpiles capable of sustaining a siege defense for years without buckling.
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