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Codex Denied Crossroads Republic Army

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BIG Z1776

Baboon with a MAAWS

  • Army Name: Crossroads Republic Army
  • Classification: Planetary Defense Force (With offensive capabilities)
  • Affiliation: Crossroads Republic Armed Forces
  • Army Symbol: This is painted onto each vehicle and is a patch on the arms of all personnel: (Made it myself on MS Powerpoint and uploaded to Imgur)
  • Description: A highly-professional fighting force with a system of logistics, its own domestic industry producing its weapons, vehicles, and equipment, and a system of officer training academies. It is divided into several sections, an active component and a reserve component. Every citizen of Crossroads Prime and her colonies is required to serve in either the Army of the Navy's active component for a period of four years, and then after their active term of service is over they remain in active reserves, going in every month for regular reserve training and are called up every other month for regular intensive exercises.
  • Doctrine: The Crossroads Army bases its tactical combat on superior firepower facilitating superior fire and maneuver through cohesive combined arms warfare with superior electronic and sensor support to blind, gag, and deafen enemy commanders and troops while providing friendly forces the real-time battlefield information to best utilize all combat arms to secure absolute battle space dominance.
  • Commissioned Officer Ranks:
    • O-1 2nd Lieutenant (2LT): A junior rank, first officer rank to be achieved after commissioning, in the field they are allowed to command, at maximum, a platoon, in normal circumstances.
    • O-2 1st Lieutenant (1LT): A junior rank, in the field allowed to be the executive officer of, at maximum, a company in normal circumstances.
    • O-3 Captain (CPT): A junior rank, in the field allowed to be the commanding officer of, at maximum, a company in normal circumstances.
    • O-4 Major (MAJ): First senior rank, in the field, allowed to be the executive officer of a battalion in normal circumstances.
    • O-5 Lieutenant Colonel (LTC): A senior rank, in the field usually this rank is a brigade executive officer, or battalion commander.
    • O-6 Colonel (COL): A senior rank, in the field usually the commander of a brigade.
    • O-7 Brigadier General (BG): First rank known as "Brass", a divisional commander.
    • O-8 Major General (MG): A "Brass" rank, a corps commander.
    • O-9 Lieutenant General (LTG): A "Brass" rank, an army commander.
    • O-10 General (GEN): A "Brass" rank, an army group commander.
    • O-11 Field Marshal (FM): A "Brass" rank, a theater commander.
  • Warrant Officer Ranks:
    • WO1 Warrant Officer (WO1): The first specialty rank, usually in specialty duties such as Army pilots or maintenance or missileers. Usually these are specialists in different military specialties where a simple enlisted rank doesn't work in their chain of command.
    • WO2 Chief Warrant Officer (CW1): A specialty rank, usually in specialty duties, a senior rank for pilots, usually oversees other junior Warrant Officers.
    • WO3 Chief Warrant Officer 2 (CW2): A command specialty rank, usually the first command role and assignments given at this rank.
    • WO4 Chief Warrant Officer 3 (CW3): A more senior command specialty rank, usually oversees sections of both warrant officers and enlisted working with them.
    • WO5 Chief Warrant Officer 4 (CW4): The senior command specialty rank, always a content or specialty expert with operational authority over his area of expertise, with only officers being ranked above him/her.
  • Enlisted Ranks:
    • E-1 Private (PV1): The rank at which a soldier is inducted into the Army during boot camp.
    • E-2 Private (PV2): The rank which a soldier achieves after graduating boot camp.
    • E-3 Private 1st Class (PFC): A pay rank at which a soldier gains higher pay due to time in service.
    • E-4 Specialist (SPC): A pay rank for soldiers who have reached the maximum rank for non-command billets.
    • E-5 Corporal (CPL): A rank for the first level of command, usually they are in charge of the second half of a four-man fireteam or is the junior gunner in a weapons element.
    • E-6 Sergeant (SGT): A rank for command of a four-man fireteam or the senior gunner in a weapons element, sometimes senior platoon medics have this rank.
    • E-7 Staff Sergeant (SSG): A rank for squad command, sometimes senior company medics have this rank.
    • E-8 Sergeant First Class (SFC): A rank for platoon sergeants, oversee the enlisted ranks of a platoon.
    • E-9 Master Sergeant (MSG): A rank for company sergeants in charge of certain aspects, they are also a staff position at a battalion level.
    • E-10 First Sergeant (1SG): A rank for the Company 1st Sergeant, the senior non-commissioned officer of a company.
    • E-11 Sergeant Major (SGM): A rank for a senior non-commissioned officer in a high staff position, always oversees other enlisted in certain areas.
    • E-12 Command Sergeant Major (CSM): A rank for the Battalion Sergeant Major, oversees all matters regarding enlisted men in a whole battalion.
    • E-13 Sergeant Major of the Army (SMA): A ceremonial rank for excellent service, can only be one serving at a time, can also be awarded post-mortem for loyal and exemplary service by retired CSM's.
  • Equipment:
  • Pre-Military Training:
    • All high school students in their junior and senior (Third and Fourth) years must take at least one semester-long military science course a year (Out of two semesters) introducing them to the basic military sciences.
    • All high school students (With some medical or cultural exceptions made) are also required to log a certain number of hours volunteering to take part in military exercises as part of Green Force in order to graduate. This is to vet potential officers and potential special forces candidates, and to insure that all citizens know the basics of how to fight even before their required military service.
  • Officer Training:
    • To become a cadet the candidate has to pass a set of written and multiple choice tests, aptitude tests, pass a background check, and physical fitness tests. Candidates are always culled from the enlisted ranks from individuals who have shown exceptional skills and leadership, and they submit themselves to examination in order to be referred by their commanders.
    • Once selected a candidate is assigned to an academy, and goes through four years of advanced classroom courses regarding mathematics, languages, chemistry, physics, engineering, tactics, and doctrine. Included among the advanced courses are computer science courses, intelligence analysis, politics, diplomacy, economics, biology, and psychology. Like enlisted training there is a high degree of physical fitness training involved alongside practical leadership training for all cadets. The higher a cadet progresses the more responsibility they are assigned and expected to handle. After graduation cadets are commissioned as Second Lieutenants, and returned to the main Army with a ring showing which class they graduated in and from which academy.
  • Enlisted Training:
    • One Station Unit Training (OSUT, Also known as "Boot Camp"):
      • Phase I: Known as "Hell Weeks", usually followed by the number of the week involved. This is three weeks of complete control over each and every movement and activity of the recruits. Physical exercise is the constant over each of these three weeks, recruits are fed with rations spiked with steroids to increase recovery rates and build muscle mass far faster. The basic point of the three "Hell Weeks" is to break down the recruits and break them of their civilian mindset and indoctrinate them into the military. During this first phase they are also put into hand-to-hand combat drills to instill a "Killer Instinct" into them. The recruits are also subjected to constant close-order drill and teamwork obstacle courses, instilling the need of military cohesiveness necessary in combat situations. Recruits march everywhere and sleep very little. Recruits are also introduced to the basic small arms of the Crossroads Army, and are required to be able to field strip, clean, and reassemble their weapons within certain parameters. During the whole process drill sergeants make a point of being vicious and adversarial, while at the same time being instructional.
      • Phase II: The bulk of their instructional training, a four week period where recruits are put into their first live-fire exercises, including with anti-armor weapons with the added classroom instruction, where they go through marksmanship training and basic tactics. Also during this time are the first field training exercises of the training, where recruits have to survive and continue to operate in the field. They are put through their first physical fitness tests to be sure they have progressed enough to graduate. If they fail any of these tests they are recycled to a new class back to the beginning of training. During this period physical fitness training continues at a similar but more focused pace with problem-solving under duress being the focus of their challenging obstacle course training. Often these courses are conducted wearing full combat gear. During the latter part of this phase the recruits are introduced to their exoskeleton rigs, with lots of classroom sessions on field maintenance, capabilities, and then their first runs with these exoskeletons. Drill sergeants during this period work to sabotage recruits and force them to solve problems on the fly as a team. At this point potential NCO's are picked out and monitored.
      • Phase III: The testing phase, recruits are put through the hardest part of their training. There is the first week of work-up training, preparing for the week-long testing week where the recruits are put into the field and put through the hardest part of their training including survival training in combat-like conditions, the potential leaders are given responsibilities on the spot without warning to lead their fellow recruits through exercises. Among these exercises are long-distance ruck marches with little to no sleep carrying heavier-than-normal gear interspersed with live-fire exercises, hand-to-hand drills against droids where recruits must "kill" their opponents. These exercises are meant to put the recruits through their harshest and most demanding drills of basic training. And failure results in recycling to the next class from the beginning of training. Following this second week is the last week of training. The routine relaxes as drill sergeants prepare the recruits for graduation with lots of classroom sessions learning about droid identification and basic maintenance, vehicle identification and basic maintenance, while interspersed by more physical fitness training. At the end of this period they graduate as Privates.
    • Advanced Individual Training (AIT):
      • Privates recently graduated from OSUT go through AIT after a three-day leave after graduating from "Boot Camp". AIT varies depending upon a private's Military Occupational Specialty (MOS), for which the Crossroads Republic Army has dozens of different MOS's. For infantry the bulk of the training is advanced tactics, movement, and communications and the maintenance of more advanced systems that they are likely to use or encounter in the field. Included in this are basic medical training and then advanced medical training for prospective medics. They also learn how to drive vehicles and go through additional classroom sessions on biological, nuclear, and chemical situations and receive their first security clearances. Armor-assigned troops usually learn the ins and outs of their vehicles, including how to maintain and repair them in the field and learn specific tactics regarding their uses. Usually this period happens at specific schools. After graduating this training the troops are now considered combat-capable.
  • Headquarters: Crossroads Prime
  • Goals: Insure the safety and security of Crossroads Prime and its colonies and to enforce its will and safeguard its interests.
  • Reputation:
    • This force is known as among the best-trained forces in the galaxy thanks to its forces participating in the longest-running war games in the galaxy, which have been going on uninterrupted for over nine centuries, developing doctrines for all three levels of warfare: Tactical, Operational, and Strategic, plus the logistics techniques and massive stockpiles in simulated long-term wartime conditions. Their troops are known for their equipment, particularly their powerful standard issue powered exoskeletons and their ability to fight in almost any visual conditions. Locally, the Crossroads Republic Army's wargames of Red Force vs Blue Blue vs Green Force have become something akin to sport, with Green Force being the special team, with Special Forces teams being assigned to this force to both conduct raids and train on force multiplying by training high school students who are not yet of draft age going through military science courses or who are volunteering for the fun or experience.
    • Off-duty military personnel can also take part as part of Green Force, as well as any civilians who show their citizens' ID's. While Red and Blue Forces are almost their own separate entities, dedicated to training a rotating force of units in conventional peer combat Green Force is a guerilla force, training Red and Blue Forces on counter-insurgency warfare as well as teaching special forces how to train and utilize such forces. It also provides the Army a chance to vet potential officers from the students who take part in these exercises. This well-established war game is known to everyone who enters the Terminus System if they wish to either test their skills, get a free lesson in combat training, or just have fun. But it is also a way for the Crossroads Republic to flex its might when its war games in bi-annual periods, are kicked into massive overdrive with entire army corps donning red and blue bands on their helmets and arms and massive "wars" are conducted on Crossroads Prime and its surrounding neighboring moons. If a large force of Crossroads Army troops and their accompanying vehicles and especially artillery ever leave their own system it is noticed, because rarely will a CRA unit depart its home system except when on its way to fight someone. And when in combat CRA units are known for their grim lethal methodology of combined arms warfare, and rarely leave anything or anyone standing when they've finished their mission.
    • In combat against Core Worlds-sourced enemies, and terrorists in particular, CRA units tend not to take prisoners, not even bothering to report a surrendering opponent and shooting them on sight. CRA troops are also conditioned to never surrender due to how they conduct wargames, with soldier who surrender receiving corporal punishment from superior officers who are heavily penalized in their command scores for troops being taken prisoner. CRA units are therefore known to never allow one another to be left behind, often placing entire companies in harm's way to retrieve one single comrade's body.
    • Crossroads Republic Army personnel are known to be unique, especially amongst others of their species, including humans. Due to being raised in 2.8G for the most part (Some colonies which exist on full-sized moons with sustainable gravity have lower gravity) Crossroads Republic Army troops tend to have higher red blood cell counts, denser muscles, stronger skeletal structure, and in general being heavier and stronger and in better shape than normal Humans. This is a product of generations adapting to live on the exceptionally-high gravity of Crossroads Prime and the requirement of Crossroads Republic colonies with artificial gravity to set their gravity to 2.8G, the same as Crossroads Prime itself. The troops themselves are also highly-drilled and given steroid-infused rations to further press this biological advantage and then combat troops are augmented with powered exoskeletons. They are therefore recognizable by their exoskeletons, their strength and physical fitness places them at a massive advantages in close quarters combat against normal Humans and even most humanoids.
  • Army Size: Huge
  • Composition:
    • Army (Varies from one or two Corps, to as many twenty)
      • Corps (Varies from two divisions to as many as ten divisions with independent support or specialist brigades)
        • Division (Usually has two or three brigades)
          • Brigade (Usually varies from two to five battalions)
            • Battalion (Usually varies from three to five companies)
              • Company (Usually has three platoons plus a heavy weapons platoon for infantry companies, armored units have three troops, artillery units have three batteries)
                • Platoon (Usually composed of four squads, one of which is a weapons squad with heavier weapons, plus an HQ element with a platoon leader, a platoon sergeant, a platoon medic, and a comms operator)
                  • Squad (Composed of two fireteams and a squad leader and a medic)
                    • Fireteam (A four-man team of troopers: a fireteam leader, a grenadier with a Viper under-barrel grenade launcher attached to their blaster rifle, an automatic rifleman, and a rifleman with a rocket launcher)
                      • Buddy-Team (Two troopers, assigned from the very start of training or assignment)
                • Battery (An artillery designation, usually a force of six guns or launchers)
                  • Section (An artillery designation, usually a force of two guns or launchers)
                • Troop (A predominantly vehicle oriented unit-type, usually a force of four armored vehicles)
Orask Terrano (Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, former General)

Formed in the opening days of the Crossroads Revolution in 124 BBY-135 BBY, the war in which Crossroads Prime won its independence from Hosnian Prime and the corporations which controlled the colony itself. Fighting for well over a decade the Crossroads Republic Army grew from a simple rebel army into a professional military of proud stock, fighting and winning battles through uniquely-tight martial discipline and utilizing their homeworld's uniquely heavy gravity.

The first big war that Crossroads fought after its independence came in 35 BBY, when they battled the Tarkin-controlled Eriaduan Outlands Security Force. In each and every engagement Eriaduan colonists of Crossroads-19 provided a new chapter of the Crossroads Republic Army, an unwillingness to spare invaders. In this engagement Crossroads troops took no prisoners in their war with Eriadu, which itself nearly brought in the full force of several Core Worlds militaries who saw the brutal Crossroads tactics and policies as barbaric and needing to be stopped. Thankfully for all involved the Jedi Order stepped in and mediated a peace, which saw Crossroads retain full uncontested sovereignty over all thirty-two the Crossroads moons.

During the Galactic Civil War the Crossroads Republic Army faced its greatest test of blood and fire, battling Palpatine's Empire in 4 ABY. While the Fleet was unable to stop the vast Imperial fleet from laying siege Imperial forces never set foot on the planet but the skyhooks of Crossroads Prime proved to be a vicious battlefield as Crossroads troops battled Stormtroopers viciously for over six months, and held the line. Meeting discipline with discipline, blow-for-blow in every single one of the several hundred Skyhooks of Crossroads Prime the war proved too costly for the Empire as the Moff in command realized that his losses were completely out of all proportion to the potential gains of conquering the stubborn Republic. Crossroads troops proved to be a unique peer opponent that Imperial commanders had never before fought and proved that Imperial firepower could be faced head on and beaten through discipline, training, and a willingness to stand their ground even when it became a hand-to-hand fight for survival. Even on the other Crossroads lunar colonies the Empire found itself bloodied horribly, with Crossroads troops going toe-to-toe fighting for every dome, every building, and every room of the nearly three-dozen colonized moons of Crossroads. The Empire's losses finally forced them to break off their siege, and withdrew to fight other more pressing battles.

This proud heritage continues to this day, and the paranoid contingency planners continued to fortify the worlds of the Crossroads moon colonies in similar fashion to protect the worlds from larger fleets and armies. Each of these worlds also possesses military industry and stockpiles capable of sustaining a siege defense for years without buckling, and their troops' wargames have prepared them for fighting against peer adversaries, superior adversaries as guerillas, and against guerillas. This wholistic training style and doctrine has served Crossroads well as it seeks to break out of its isolationist shell and enter to diplomatic arena of the larger galaxy.
BIG Z1776 BIG Z1776

Before I dive into this submission I want to be clear that I am reading your intent correctly. Are you using this submission to create an entire army as opposed to a specific combat unit?

The reason I as is because this template and section is for specific units. If your intent is to create the entire Army, then you would need to submit this under the lore section using the Army Template. I did notice you have an armed forces submission in lore currently. If this submission is redundant I can archive it.
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