
Yellow Serpent Casino
Red Light District
Nar Shaddaa
Retired senators, ex-mercenaries and corporate billionaires. The variety of people in the Yellow Serpent Casino was crystal clear tonight, as The Golden Dragon moved through the crowds with a watchful eye. Very few of those gathered paid him any attention, too busy gambling their life savings away to care. Yet the few who had heard of the man gave odd glances, followed by whispers to their friends."Is that him?"
"You'd think he'd stayed more protected than that."
"The Golden Dragon?"
Despite their mixed reactions, none of them dared to look at him when he could see it. Breaking from the main crowd and into the long walkway that spanned the whole of the casino floor, Killian couldn't help but stop and gaze upon the size of the place. At least fifty rows of slot machines spanning the large hall, their luminescent lights giving the place a euphoric look. However, it was only when one looked up could they see the real beauty of the place. A ceiling decorated with golden serpents and dragons, their tails curling to meet corners and mouths wide open, as if ready to unleash hell upon the customers below.
The Syndicate Crime Lord returned his gaze to in front of him, continuing down the path in between the many games with his several most trusted guards. Everyone wore suits, yet Killian's was a slight tint of purple with darker colored patterns that upon closer inspection were flying dragons, a design he thought was subtle yet beautiful. Reaching a set of doors at the end of the grand room, he turned to his guards and signaled for two guards to stay. They turned, positing themselves to watch over the door whilst their boss continued into the back with the remaining guard. A smirk found it's way on his face as he looked upon tables full of long metal cases. He knew what was inside them, and as he looked up to the man who had already been present in the room he released a small laugh of pleasure. "How long until we can ship them?"
"Oh, erm... A few weeks. There have been some... complications... But they will be ready." The man replied, clearly hesitant to be giving such news.
Killian maintained his smirk, approaching the man slowly before placing his right hand gently on his face. He caressed it slowly as if he were a lover, but his tone did not match the gesture. "If they are not ready in two weeks, then we will have a problem. Won't we?" His lizard-like tongue slithered and hissed, something he liked to do when instilling fear in his workers. With a gulp and a nod of fear, the other man backed away towards a door behind him, eager to make his exit. A dismissing hand allowed him to leave, and as Killian turned he gestured towards his lone guard. "A drink. Something strong..." He sighed.
Today felt like a long day...
[member="Jen"] [member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Xalus"] [member="Patricia Susan Garter"]