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Approved Tech Cruciatus Blades

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Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy

Cruciatus Blades

OOC Info
Image Source: Warner Brothers Studios, 300.
Intent: To create a set of dark sided force imbued blades
Development Thread: 100% Pain

General Info
Manufacturer: Miss Blonde & [member="James Justice"]
Model: NA
Affiliation: Closed Market
Modularity: None
Production: Semi Unique
Material: Force imbued durasteel
Classification: Force imbued sword
Size: One handed/Two handed
Length: 100cm
Weight: 3.2kg
Special Features:
•Lightsaber resistant
•Reflects blaster fire
•Inflict pain imbuement
•Darkside aura

Strengths & Weaknesses
•Force imbued
•Sharp and deadly
•Inflict pain working
•Heavy weapons
•Force light



Force imbue can take a every day item and make it extraordinary. They can turn a simple charm into a force reservoir or average armor into a near indestructible defense. However in this case it's taking a sword and using the darkness to twist it into something of pain and anger. The Cruciatus blades are force imbued swords that have all the average perks of a force imbued blade with one special perk, a very damaging working of inflict pain.

Strengths. The first thing to talk about is of course the inflict pain working and how it functions. With the power locked into the blade whenever it strikes a person and makes contact with flesh you still have the average wound that a blade of its size can inflict, however with the power active it causes that wound to have the pain amplified to excruciating mind numbing amounts of pain that can even override the high of adrenaline in battle for a solid minute or two before wearing off. Say you were nicked by the blade in the arm, where a normal wound would sting and make a genuinely manageable amount of pain, when this blade strikes you it feels like someone with lemon juice and salt coated fingers wrapped in razor wire are digging into your flesh to create tremendous amounts of pain. This is on top of all the normal functions of a force imbued blade. Lightsaber resistance, reflect blaster fire, the normal stuff along with its aura of the dark side.

Weaknesses. Force Light is a real pain for any dark sider, and the case isn't any different for these blades. If hit by force light the weapon can become damaged or even destroyed (depending on the writer wielding the weapon) but either or the blade can be damaged by it and weakened by strong light side presences. But other weaknesses it has is while it's more of a short sword pole arm weapons can keep it a bay, heavy weapons such as hammers and axes can deny and break it, and most importantly is that it's near impossible to deflect slug thrower rounds with it so try not to bring a knife to a gun fight. Obviously though it needs to be said that this will not work on droids.

Summary. All and all its your standard force imbued blade with just a wicked twist of inflict pain. Use it responsibly and keep it handy in a fight or if you just want some good old fashion enhanced interrogation techniques.

Primary sources: Inflict Pain Force Imbued Blades
Star Wars Canon:
Pending initial review
Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review
Pending initial review
Pending Initial review
Pending Inital review
[member="Miss Blonde"]

90% vanilla, and the other 10% is something you could get (and arguably worse) from a Devaronian edge. I don't see anything unusually broken here. Nice little sub. For production, I think what you want is semi-unique, since you've subbed this in the plural and put affiliation as 'closed market.' Also, make sure to list the pain thing in Strengths.

Also, good dev thread. The two of you should apply for Master one of these days. Between you two, you've got almost six thousand posts.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Jorus Merrill"]

Thank you for the catch! Recycled an old sub and forgot to change it! Thanks for the advice and it's on the horizon!
*steeples fingers* soon... yes soon...

Anyways edited!
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