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Crucible Class Station

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Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

6. Civilian space stations over 3,000 metres will always require a development thread.
Minimum: 30 posts +10 posts for every additional 1,000 meters over 3,000m (Max 10,000m), 3 writers.


Image Source: Star Wars Republic Station

Affiliation: Major Factions who buy them
Manufacturer: Sasori Research/Phenex Industries/Sakura Welfare/Saotome Foundry

Model: Paraxium Class Station
Modularity: Yes

Modular Interior
Modular Station Able to be in four variations
Residential Colony
Hospital Station
Manufacturing and Drydock
Combination Station (combines all three)
Production: Limited (OnlyMajor Factions) Anything over 4,000m is limited to Semi-Unique production )

Duralium-Lanthanide Plating (Outer hull)
Matrix Plating (Middle hull)
Alusteel Plating (inner hull)
Turadium (Inner Blastdoors)
Tungstoid (Outer doors)
Crystasteel (viewports)
Sasori Synthweave
Classification: Orbital City

Length: 10,000m
Width: 10,000m
Height: 10,000m

Armament: 2

20 Turbolasers
10 Ion Cannons
30 Anti Fighter Flak Cannons

Defenses: 15
Heavy Plating
Standard Shielding

Fifteen large berths for Star Destroyer scale capital ships
Ten pylons for frigate class vessels
Numerous docking bays for smaller craft

Special Features:
Heavy Gravity Rooms
Sasori Gincho Power Reactor
Sasori Dadoria
Back up Hypermatter Reactor
Training Holosuites
Astrometrics Lab
Materials Sensor Lab (7000 geoscanner, mineral spotter, ore sensor)
Ship Wide Neural Net

Wey'lan Ponics Module
Chemical churner.
Diagnostics module
QS100 Welding Arm
Self-Constructing Armament Factory
Self-Regulating Droidmaker
Sasori Joshū
Damorian Solar Collectors
Shinra Spindle
Shinra Press
Sasori Loom
Sato Hardlight Wall
Sasori Synthweave
Living Module
Pathway Module
Warehouse Module
Shatory Sensors
Tractor Beams
Pressor Fields
Tractor beam Projectors
Medical Equipment
Variable Plating

Maneuverability Rating: 20
Speed Rating: 19
Hyperdrive Class: 1


Massive Hospital Station
Self Sustaining
Drydock Construction
Slow Moving
No Squadrons
Civilian weaponry
Non Combative

Description: Designed by Sasori and Phenex as a massive endeavor and a be all end all to their major lines of stations. One large one able to link up and have supplies or support from dozens of the smaller ones as it is needed. The station itself divided into three main layers as the massive size and scope of it few of the engineers have been able to replicate or copy.

The first tier of it is a massive dry dock and construction yard taking three of the ten kilometers within the station. The lower sections of it and the outer hull where it is able to dock vessels to the stations for people and supplies. Construction efforts and cargo haulers can bring in more supplies as it is able to repair and fit ships for services to keep the stations running.

The large central spike coming off the bottom of the station contains more processing and some of the primary docking ports for other ships. Allowing them to link up and avoid the outer ports. Lifts going up it as well as a massive section of residential housing is there for the people who want to get away from the bigger things on the station for something peaceful.

The second tier is a large medical research and hospital that serves the station to protect the residents as well as the people of the outer rim or core worlds. Wherever they are deployed within the governments that purchase them. The self sustaining and manufacturing parts of the station can keep them stocked for what they need when they need it. Allowing them to operate should another darkness come.

The third tier of the station is large housing and training centers, schools and stores for everything. A massive trade hub that anyone can find work on and work to develop themselves into homes and apartments that can be used. Massive pathways across the empty space where people can go to visit massive gardens or lake style modules that grow plants and raise animal for the station.

As they have worked on the expansion and growth of the stations, with Elara and Taiden as well as Kei providing help Matsu was able to really and fully utalie it. Constructing the first of them over New holstice to give Sakura Welfare one of the medical groups in the galaxy a hospital as well as offices to her other divisions so they could preserve and continue to maintain the jedi monument on the planet.

With the first of many stations acting as a temple much like Exis Temple station the rising Phenex class Orbital multipurpose station would serve in a limited role to what they could build. Made as the ultimate civilian station with minimal weapons and decent hull plating but the real purpose is how useful it can be for the major governments who seek to buy them across the galaxy. Construction on a case by case basis instead of just offering a line of them.
Development Thread:

The Wheel of Fortune (SSC Dominion of The Wheel Hex) - Construction
Sakura Station - Construction of interior
Who Can Use This: Major Factions who buy it
Primary Source:

Deep Space Manufacturing Facilities
Golan space colonies
Exis Temple Station
[member="Matsu Ike"]
This is the station I had in mind. Enclosed shipyards along the inside of the ring with it mostly being a shell. Using the tower for offices, control, admin, and living quarters with some rather plush accomodations. Outer part of the ring runs support infrastructure and manufacturing and fabrication.

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