Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Cruel Intentions


Merasyrr Merasyrr

On the exotic planet of Felucia she began the delicate process of shedding the layers of her Beskar Armor. Each piece clinked and clattered as it fell to the ground, revealing the shimmer of dark scales and purple skin that had not seen daylight in what felt like ages. She could feel an unfamiliar weight settle onto her shoulders. The heavy burden of vulnerability and the fragile promise of self-discovery. She wondered at the irony of it all; her armor was meant to protect, yet it felt like a prison confining more than just her physical form sometimes.

Domina wrestled with an insidious fear, a shadowy menace that whispered to her about the danger of softening. She had honed her instincts to a razor's edge, but now those instincts felt as if they were being dulled by the prolonged presence of her armor. Her thoughts circled like a predator stalking its prey—what if her sharpened senses were growing blunt, her once lightning-quick reflexes reduced to lethargic reactions? She mused over the paradox that armor, meant to shield and protect, might gradually render even the fiercest warrior soft and pliable, a captive within their own defenses.

Still. She held fast to a core belief that ran deeper than the metal that once encased her: A true Mandalorian was far more than the sum of their armor.

Her five alien eyes, each a different hue of fierce determination, scanned the vibrant jungle-world around her. The landscape was a riot of color and life, a stark contrast to the cold, unyielding Beskar she contained and stashed to retrieve once her little vacation was over. Her four muscular arms and formidable tail, adapted perfectly to the rugged terrain, now gripped the bark of a towering tree. Anchored firmly, she felt a rush of primal energy pulse through her veins.

Liberated, Dima embraced a primitive, savage mindset that lay dormant beneath years of disciplined restraint. She tried to portray herself as a 'Noble Lady', a 'Champion of Manda'. But now? She transformed into a Feral xeno, driven by a primal hunger for the hunt. Her alien physiology, once hidden beneath impenetrable armor, now seemed to revel in its exposure to the elements. As she maneuvered through the intertwining branches and foliage of the jungle, her movements were fluid and predatory. Her chittering echoed audibly, an unsettling sound that sent small creatures scurrying for cover in the dark. The jungle seemed to hold its breath, with every frond and vine acknowledging the menacing promise that was Dima's presence.

This retreat into the wild, away from the trappings of civilization and technology, was a calculated act of necessity. It was her ritual, a way of rekindling the ferocious spirit that pulsated at her core. Dima knew that to survive on Felucia, to truly embody the essence of a Mandalorian, she needed to sharpen her metaphorical claws against the challenges that lay hidden in the verdant wilderness. Each prowl, each hunt through the dense foliage, was a step toward reclaiming her untamed nature, an affirmation that beneath all armor, the heart of a natural born huntress still beat strong.

TAG: Domina Prime Domina Prime

Tracking this beast had taken a better part of two days. But Merasyrr and her kin could smell that it was close. Merasyrr looked down at the tracks, touching them with her fingers for a moment. 'Fresh, perhaps only about a day old.' They were gaining on this predator. Merasyrr turned to the rest of the hunting party. "The acklay is close. Prepare yourselves sisters. Today will be a great hunt." Merasyrr only smirked at her sisters as they let out a piercing war scream. Then they dashed off into the thick jungle fooliage, hopping from tree to tree or dashing through the dense vegetation on the floor below. Merasyrr was at the front, leading the hunting the party.

The prey they were hunting was an Acklay. A vicious predator that was brought over to Felucia many years ago from their homeworld. Their species has adapted well to the harsh jungle environments of Felucia. A great animal to hunt. Merasyrr stopped as she laned on a thick tree branch, looking down below. The Acklay was there, along with two others, seemingly feasting on some poor native Felucians. Merasyrr gave hand signal as she then hopped down, brandishing her daggers plunging them into the neck of an Acklay. The huntress has caught her prey.


"I wanna show you something bloody & beautiful~"

While leaping among trees during her jungle expedition. Amusing herself greatly as those azure claws shredded through the trunks of trees and split branches with her weight and the sharpness of her talons. During her fun however, screeches pierced through the atmosphere as a primitive group of hunters revealed themselves in pursuit of their quarry. Intrigued, Dima stealthily shifted through the dark and proceeded to track the hunting party from behind the towering canopy of trees. Remaining shrouded in shadow while appreciating these strangers' relentless ethics as they hunted down their prey.

"Mmnf, new friends for Dima~" She cooed quietly to herself.

She watched as they moved in unison, their bodies agile and adapted to the environment. Their tactics were primal yet effective, as they expertly tracked their prey through the dense undergrowth. Despite their differences in appearance and biology, there was a raw familiarity in their determination and instinctual drive.

It made the Xeno purr in admiration.

As the hunters closed in on their target, Dima felt a surge of adrenaline course through her veins. It was in moments like these that she felt truly alive, connected to the wild and untamed world around her. The thrill of the chase ignited a fire within her, reminding her of her own primal nature.

She moved silently, her footsteps barely making a sound. Her senses were heightened, every rustle and crackle of foliage reaching her ears with crystal clarity. She allowed herself to blend seamlessly into the background, becoming one with the jungle itself as her scales camouflaged naturally to Felucias vegetation.

The chase led them deeper into the heart of the jungle, where the foliage was thick and sunlight barely pierced through the dense canopy above. The air was heavy with a damp and earthy scent, mingling with the musk of sweat and exertion. It was a sensory overload that fueled Dima's senses, sharpening her focus and sharpening her instincts as those alien eyes dilated to fine pins on the huntresses leading the game.

Suddenly, the hunters halted, their eyes shining with anticipation. Dima followed their gaze and saw their quarry, a sleek and elusive creature, its colorful scales blending seamlessly with the vibrant flora. There was an unmistakable beauty and grace in its movements, but it was too slow to escape from another hunter hiding in the trees as well.

Without a word, Merasyrr Merasyrr sprang forward, leaping from her position above and landing directly on one of the two beast who by now feasted upon prey on their own. A blade plunged into the beasts neck, felling it in a swift blow.

And then, in that moment the trees above the hunting party would radiate with the sounds of her chittering which joined the chorus of the hunters, harmoniously blending with the symphony of the jungle.

"Yeeeees, YES! Such a delicious death! Sweet sisters of the hunt~" Domina complimented them, lifting her four arms and clapping them together as she lounged in the trees above, grinning devilishly in delight. "Try to save some prey for your Prime yes?" She teased with a flick of her barbed tail. Not incredibly interested in stealing their hard earned kill from these huntresses, but delighted to watch them either way. At least...for now~


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